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Create a clear network environment and assist the public security organs in dealing with online rumors

Create a clear network environment and assist the public security organs in dealing with online rumors

Edit: pcsoft information Source: PC download network Time: April 28, 2024 08:10:30

Create a clear network environment and assist the public security organs in dealing with online rumors

——Jiangsu Ningrui Law Firm Public Interest Litigation in Action

The infringement of online rumors on citizens' reputation and legitimate rights and interests has occurred from time to time, which has the characteristics of great harm to individuals, strong insult, difficult protection of citizens' rights, low illegal costs for rumor makers and disseminators, and online rumors have become a chronic disease in cyberspace. Recently, Jiangbei New Area Branch of Nanjing Public Security Bureau launched a heavy attack on online rumors in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. In April 2024, Mr. Ding published false information on the Internet, resulting in secondary injuries to the family members of the deceased. After being summoned by the Taishan New Village Police Station, Mr. Ding still did not correct the false statement and eliminate the impact. Ningrui Law Firm took the right protection action at the first time, accepted the authorization of the deceased's family members, fixed relevant video evidence according to law, and filed a public interest lawsuit for rights protection to the People's Court of Liuhe District, Nanjing City.

By studying the relevant laws and regulations of online rumors, Ningrui Law Firm actively carries out rights protection activities for citizens who are infringed by rumors, so that justice can be spread in cyberspace, and the illegal infringement of rumorers can be stopped in a timely manner. It makes contributions to the construction of the rule of law, Nanjing, peace and security, and creates a clear cyberspace where a wide range of netizens do not believe rumors and do not spread them.

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