Prometheus Hosting for Monitoring

Do not need cloud Prometheus hosting? Try VPS hosting or dedicated server.

Monitoring as a Service based on Prometheus Technology

Cloud Clusters is a great choice for your Prometheus monitoring solution in the Kubernetes cloud.
Out-of-the-Box Prometheus Agent

Using its Prometheus agent, you can integrate your existing Prometheus setup and start shipping metrics to their Prometheus Cortex backend within 5 minutes.

Fully Managed Prometheus hosting

Our expert team takes on the management work of cloud Prometheus hosting, including system administration, maintenance, upgrade and security, leaving you time and energy to concentrate on your business value.


The managed Prometheus hosting makes the Prometheus backend resilient enough to handle fluctuations of volume of data. Clients can upgrade or downgrade their plans with one click in the control panel.

24/7/365 Tech Support

Be it sales questions, technical issues, or any other problems with our managed Prometheus hosting, our support team is available 24/7 by live chats and tickets to ensure any issue is addressed with a high level of efficiency.

Native Support for PromQL

All of the queries created for Prometheus will also run on your MaaS platform. This functionality is unique in the Monitoring as a Service market.

Monitoring Made Easy

Monitoring a large project needs to scrape all the metrics, which can be a complex task. Our Prometheus hosting service saves you the effort of scaling open-source Prometheus for monitoring hundreds or even thousands of endpoints.

Benefits of Using the Prometheus in Kubernetes

Make the managed Prometheus cloud hosting experience enjoyable with high security, reliability, and uptime.
 Prometheus Hosting with Improved Uptime
Improved Uptime
The Prometheus cloud hosting platform is a cluster of powerful servers that tolerates a single point of hardware failures and increases loads, ensuring a high uptime.
 Prometheus Hosting with Superior Reliability
Superior Reliability
Distributed storage system along with cloud technologies help provide high availability Prometheus hosting.
 Prometheus Hosting with Enhanced Security
Enhanced Security
Our Prometheus hosting platform secures your data and applications through proper data isolation, storage segregation, encrypted solutions, and firewalls & backup recoveries.
 Prometheus Hosting with Increased Scalability
Increased Scalability
Our Prometheus hosting allows you to freely scale resources to meet your business’s changing priorities and ongoing growth.

Cloud Hosting Platform Managed and Powered by Kubernetes

Allowing your Prometheus to operate in a protected, highly organized environment, while managing its interactions with the external world.
Kubernetes is a container orchestrator developed by Google, which has been donated to CNCF and is now open source. Its advantage lies in the use of Google's years of expertise in container management. It is a comprehensive system for automatic deployment, scheduling, and expansion of containerized applications, and supports many containerized tools, such as Docker. Currently, Kubernetes is the market leader and a standardized means for orchestrating containers and deploying distributed applications. Kubernetes can be run on public cloud services or locally, is highly modular, open-source, and has a vibrant community.
 Prometheus Hosting on Kubernetes Cloud

FAQs of Managed Prometheus Hosting

The most commonly asked questions about hosted Prometheus in Kubernetes.

What is the difference between Prometheus and Grafana?

Prometheus collects rich metrics and provides a powerful querying language while Grafana transforms prometheus metrics into meaningful visualizations. Both are compatible with many data source types. It is very common for DevOps teams to run Grafana on top of Prometheus.

What is hosted Prometheus in Kubernetes?

What is Prometheus?

What is Prometheus used for?