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Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Office

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 Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Office

Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Office

Type: Life service Version: v8.3.1 Size: 289.5M Updated: 2022/12/28 03:07 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: China Mobile Group Zhejiang Co., Ltd

jurisdiction: see
The following important permissions need to be called

-Allow programs to get current or recently running apps Allowable vibration Mount and unmount external file systems Allow programs to write to external storage, such as files on SD card Read SMS content Access phone status Allow app to access contact address book information Send SMS Show system window Read the underlying system log Get the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information Change WiFi status Get the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid Allow the program to start and run automatically Allow access to the camera for taking pictures Receive SMS Allow reading and writing system settings Write * *, but cannot read Receive satellite positioning information through GPS chip, and the positioning accuracy is within 10 meters Get simulation location information, which is generally used to help developers debug applications Allow programs to enter phone numbers from non system dialers Modify sound setting information Allow access to flash Allow programs to connect paired Bluetooth devices Allow programs to discover and pair new Bluetooth devices Get battery power statistics Write network GPRS access point settings Allow the current application to change the configuration, such as positioning Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off A microphone that records sound through a mobile phone or headset Change the network status, such as whether the network can be connected Allow the program to call killBackgroundProcesses (String). method to end the background process Allow programs to disable keyboard locks Obtain the user's wrong longitude and latitude information through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m Access to network connection may generate GPRS traffic Allow a program to access account management ACCOUNT_MANAGER related information through account verification Access GMail account list Allow the program to manage the account list in the AccountManager Read sync settings, read Google online sync settings Allow SMS writing Receive MMS Allow a program to quickly receive the next broadcast after receiving the broadcast Allow access to underlying power management

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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

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Zhejiang Mobile Business hall It is a comprehensive service software for mobile phone business. You can use the mobile phone business office of Zhejiang Mobile to find your own Telephone charges The detailed list, usage of traffic, regular return service, as well as the discount of various activities such as recharging, let you experience the convenience and reality brought by mobile Internet, and enjoy the most convenient and intimate services.

Function introduction

Zhejiang Mobile's mobile phone business hall is a client software that provides Zhejiang Mobile customers with quick information query, phone charge recharge, flow refueling, business handling and other self-service services. In 2016, a new and revised mobile phone business hall was unveiled, with comprehensive upgrading of functions, accurate traffic management, intuitive business area, clear and simple navigation, and more wonderful promotional activities for you to participate. One stop operation experience creates your own mobile phone business hall, so that you can enjoy the intimate services of Zhejiang Mobile anytime, anywhere and at your fingertips!

Using Tutorials

   Zhejiang Mobile Mobile Business Hall How to sign in and collect traffic

First of all, on the homepage of Zhejiang Mobile Business Office software, we click the button of "Gift for Check in".


 Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Office

After entering the "Gift for Sign in" page, we can click the "Sign in" function key to sign in.


 Download from Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Hall

After we have successfully signed in three times in a month, we can get a free 10MB flow voucher. Then we can click the "I want to redeem" function key on the "Check in gift" page to redeem the flow.


 Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Office

After clicking the "I want to redeem" button, we can see the current number of flow coupons in the new page, and we click the "flow coupons" icon.


 Download from Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Hall

Then the pop-up page will display the number of flow coupons and the validity period of each flow coupon. We can click one of the flow coupons to exchange the flow.


 Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Office

After clicking a flow coupon, on the page of the flow coupon, we click the "Exchange" button at the bottom left corner.


 Download from Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Hall

After the data is successfully exchanged, the page will show that the 10MB data has been successfully exchanged into your mobile phone.

 Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Office

Update log

This update:

1. Daily message experience optimization

2. APP startup optimization

  3、 Privacy Agreement update and authority application optimization

Zhejiang Mobile Phone Business Hall gives you a better experience!

Update log

[Updated Content]
Fix known problems and improve user experience.
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