Security you can rely on.

Whether you use PayPal to buy or sell, we help keep you and your payments safe. With data encryption, real-time transaction monitoring and buyer and seller protection policies, PayPal’s a safe way to pay and get paid.

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How PayPal helps keeps you safe.

Buyer Protection

Buyer Protection

Seller Protection

For more information, see our User Agreement .

Data Encryption

PCI Compliance

Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention

Confirming your purchases.

We monitor transactions 24/7 so, if we notice something out of the ordinary, we’ll ask you to confirm it’s you logging in or making the purchase. We also follow up every purchase and sale with an email.

Receive mobile notifications.

Download the PayPal app to receive push notifications to your smartphone in real time when you make a purchase or get paid.

Discover the PayPal app

Seen something suspicious?

1. Report it

2. Check for further issues

3. Change your password

Safeguarding your sales.

If we suspect a problem with a sale you’ve made, we’ll let you know right away and ask you to delay shipping. This gives us time to investigate and ensure your business avoids unnecessary losses.

PayPal helps you stay safe online.

Account security

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System security

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Identify fakes

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Avoid scams

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Dispute a purchase

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Resolve a dispute

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Handle chargebacks

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At PayPal, your security is our priority.

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