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 Korean Won List Price

Korean Won List Price KRW


Region: the republic of korea

Korean Won to RMB Exchange Rate

Bank name foreign currency foreign cash Middle price Conversion price Update time
Buying price Selling price Middle price Buying price Selling price Middle price
zero point zero zero five two four one zero point zero zero five two eight three - zero point zero zero five one three eight zero point zero zero five four seven five - - zero point zero zero five two zero six 2024-06-18 06:40
zero point zero zero five two three six zero point zero zero five two nine two - zero point zero zero five one one four zero point zero zero five two nine two - - - 2024-06-18 06:49
zero point zero zero five two three nine zero point zero zero five four two eight - zero point zero zero five zero nine two zero point zero zero five four two eight - - - 2024-06-18 06:29
zero point zero zero five zero seven zero point zero zero five four five - zero point zero zero five zero seven - - - - 2024-06-18 06:50
- zero point zero zero five two eight five eight - zero point zero zero five zero six zero two zero point zero zero five two eight five eight - - - 2024-06-17 22:55
zero point zero zero five three zero point zero zero five three - zero point zero zero five one zero point zero zero five three - - - 2024-06-17 22:29
zero point zero zero five two zero point zero zero five four - zero point zero zero five one zero point zero zero five four - zero point zero zero five three - 2024-06-18 06:49
zero point zero zero five two two eight zero point zero zero five two seven - zero point zero zero five zero six zero point zero zero five two seven - - - 2024-06-17 23:35
zero point zero zero five two five two one one zero point zero zero five two six eight one seven - zero point zero zero five two five two one one - zero point zero zero five two six zero one two - - 2024-06-18 06:49
Issues related to the exchange rate of Korean won

Q: What symbol is the Korean won?

Answer: According to ISO 4217 (ISO 4217 is an international standard formulated by the International Organization for Standardization, which indicates the name of currency or fund), the letter code is KRW and the number code is 410.

Q: Which countries and regions use Korean won?

A: The Korean won is also called the Korean won. The countries and regions that use the Korean won are: South Korea.

Q: What is the unit of Korean won?

A: The unit of Korean won is Korean won, and the auxiliary unit is money.

Q: What is the symbol of the Korean won?

A: The currency symbol of the Korean won is: ₩.

Q: How many domestic banks support the exchange of RMB for Korean won?

A: Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Industrial Bank, Ping An Bank, China Everbright Bank and Evergreen Bank are the domestic banks that support the exchange of Korean won.

Introduction to price list

The buying rate of spot exchange in the foreign exchange quotation table refers to the exchange rate at which banks buy foreign exchange, the buying rate of cash refers to the exchange rate at which banks buy foreign currency cash, the selling rate of spot exchange refers to the exchange rate at which banks sell foreign exchange, and the selling rate of cash refers to the exchange rate at which banks sell foreign currency cash. Today's exchange rate table comprehensively calculates and queries the average price of the central parity rate of the eight major banks and the benchmark price data of the People's Bank of China