How to write the resume of a killer engineer Translated 100%

oschina Posted at 16:23 on January 8, 2019 (26 paragraphs in total, translation completed on January 25)
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This resume gave me the opportunity to interview at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple.

Resume of 2017 Graduation Season

I got these interview opportunities by using the resume of Overseas Investment, which is known as online application.

Online application is the most common way for people to apply for jobs, so it is also the most inefficient way of interview due to competition. However, this is the way I get all the interviews.

How did I do it?

In this article, I will analyze my resume line by line for the following purposes:

  • Explain the choices I made when creating my resume

  • Why do I believe that this resume can help me obtain these interview opportunities, and

  • How can you create a better resume!

I decided to write this article because when I first looked for a job, I encountered many difficulties in obtaining interview opportunities. For me, it is very helpful to have a living resume to refer to.

This article is divided into the following parts:

  1. All familiar ways when interview opportunity is unavailable -A brief anecdote of disappointment when I first started applying for a job

  2. Weigh options and move forward -Reflection on different strategies for improving access to interview opportunities

  3. Learn how to write a killer resume -Analyze my resume step by step, and each subsequent section corresponds to a part of my resume:

All familiar ways when interview opportunity is unavailable

Online application

You may know the links each company provides for online applicants. This is a classic career website that shows you a series of positions that you think are completely suitable for until you open the job description and read its minimum requirements.

Google Career web page

You may have never heard of it, you may have heard of it, or hope you have heard of a bunch of words in the job description. It has a seemingly ordinary "Apply" button.

Google Job Description

Although you may feel uncertain about your qualifications, you should apply anyway because you want a job.

So you filled out the application form, press Submit - Wait and hope to get a positive response.

Your results will vary from person to person:

  1. Telephone interview (yeah, there's a chance to join!!!)

  2. Reject immediately (really annoying, start from scratch)

  3. No reply (God, at least give me some polite words to end)

Translated at 18:49 on January 11, 2019

Keep trying until you succeed Am I right?

Unfortunately, this routine is the way most people use when looking for jobs or internships

Send applications to some companies, some of which are rejected or have no news, and then continue to send more applications, get more rejections or do nothing, and then continue to repeat.

Why do we do this? We spent time doing the same thing repeatedly, but got disappointed results.

It's because everyone gets interviews like this, right? Is it because we are doing so, although the hope is dim, at least the direction is right? Do you want to get the interview in another way?

Translated at 07:26, January 9, 2019

Trade off: moving forward

"Frustration and failure are the two most reliable stepping stones to success"

  • Dale Carnegie, (Author of "How to Win Friends and Influence People")

There are two ways we can solve the problem of not being interviewed:

  1. Put your application/resume under the microscope

  2. Challenge your process of obtaining interview opportunities

This article focuses on the former, because no matter what way you finally get the interview, Basically, every company will use your resume as the basis for evaluation Therefore, we will analyze my resume under the microscope and focus on learning how to write an extraordinary resume.

Obtaining an interview through online application is extremely challenging, because your resume must go through several stages before it can enter the hiring manager's hands.

It must be bypassed Online keyword filter For the recruiters who review it, they can excel at around 6 and meet the expectations of the hiring manager who can determine whether you are worth interviewing.

However, despite all these obstacles, I obtained all these interviews through online application. How to do it Trial and error. Since my sophomore year, I have applied for hundreds of different software engineering positions.

When I first started to apply, I encountered numerous rejections, but over time, I learned how to adapt. When I was a senior student, I almost successfully obtained interviews with all the companies I applied for.

Translated at 09:22, January 16, 2019

Let me get the resume of these interviews and the resume in this article agreement

I used it Four years Iteration and reality testing to achieve this. Based on this experience, I proposed a Resume writing principle List to help you write a better software development resume. These principles have helped me get the job I've always wanted, and they can help you and your job search journey.

Although I spent Four years Time will tell, but you don't need to experience all these leaps, because you can learn all these knowledge here now.

My goal is to become a one-stop service center for all about how to obtain software engineering interviews. This way, you don't have to waste countless hours cross referencing Google search results to find the best answer to how to write a software engineering resume that won an interview.

Your valuable time can be better spent on writing your killer resume.

So start here. Benefiting from my past experience, let's begin to analyze my resume step by step!

Translated at 18:45 on January 16, 2019

Learn how to write a killer resume - practical

"As for strategies, it may be more than one million, but there are few principles. Those who master the principles can successfully choose their own strategies. Those who try methods but ignore strategies will certainly encounter trouble“

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let's take a look at this resume:

Resume: highlight key points

One essential point

One page resume

Recruiters don't spend a whole day reading your resume. On average, they spend no more than 6 seconds watching resumes. Therefore, it is necessary to keep Concise and clear

Section (title, educational background, work background, software project, skills)

Press importance Place each section from high to low. Personal Items "Part is essential for people looking for software engineering positions.

Translated at 18:56 on January 17, 2019

Consistent layout of each part+font

Ensure that each part has a uniform appearance. A consistent style is important because it enhances readability. Readability Is critical.

So why is this resume useful? Let's study the numbered points.

Who are you (1)

Target audience: resume writer

Resume: Name

It's easy to start. Your Name. Use your name Easy to read large font Write it at the top of your resume.

There is no need to decorate it with exaggerated colors or fancy fonts. Just be simple and clear. You want recruiters to see this easily from a mile away because you want them to know who you are. A recruiter who must do the least work will be a happy recruiter. A happy recruiter is more likely to interview you.

Summary: Let recruiters easily read and find your name.

Translated at 10:45 on January 11, 2019

Contact information (2)

Target audience: resume writer

Resume: contact information

Your contact information should be as simple as identifying your name. This is important. In all things in the world, Please don't mess this up Otherwise, how can recruiters contact you?

summary : Fill in the correct contact information, otherwise you will never be contacted.

Translated at 10:53 on January 11, 2019

Education Experience (3)

Target audience: anyone with a degree's resume

Resume: Education Part: Title Segmentation

If you are going to college, this should be the first part of your resume, because going to college is a great achievement. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only "66.7% of 2017 high school graduates aged 16 to 24 entered colleges and universities". So be proud of it and include it!

From the beginning, this will tell recruiters that you have invested in education and learning, which is crucial because technology is constantly changing. In addition, this information is a sign of your success, so be sure to write it down.

Translated at 11:04 on January 11, 2019

Review: Record your education

Resume: education part: course assignment sub item

Please be sure to provide the corresponding relevant Courses. Although courses like "History of Italian Food" are particularly appetizing, they have no effect on your resume. If you are looking for a computer science job.

This will significantly improve the possibility for recruiters and hiring managers to judge whether you are suitable for the position when reviewing your resume. As mentioned above, a happy recruiter is more likely to give you an interview.

Translated at 17:50 on January 18, 2019

Review: Only relevant courses are mentioned.

Resume: Education: GPA sub project

ok GPA。 Before we discuss this, let's reflect on the main purpose of the resume.

The main purpose of your resume is to briefly highlight your knowledge, skills and achievements. You want to include something you are proud of and impressive in your resume. You want to paint your self portrait in the best way possible so that recruiters and hiring managers want to interview you.

Now back to the topic of GPA. It should be quite obvious whether your GPA is impressive. If your GPA is lower than 3.0, please do not put it on your resume. If it only reduces opportunities and excludes GPA from your resume, that's right.

Translated at 18:03, January 18, 2019
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Comments( two )

Ha ha ha
 Sea Blade
Sea Blade
However, this does not affect my use of BOSS direct employment
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