Python (pronounced: ['pai θ (ə n; (US)'pai θ ɔ n] n. python, giant snake) is an object-oriented interpretive computer programming language, as well as a powerful and perfect general-purpose language, which has been developed for more than ten years
In the field of data science, should you choose Python or R?

As required, I have released this guide article for those who want to know whether to choose Python or R programming language in data science. You may be a novice in data science, or you need to choose a language in a project. This article may help

Published at 14:12, July 9, 2018
Why should I switch from Python to Crystal language

Since 2011, I have been a heavy user and fan of Python. At that time, when a good friend suggested that I abandon Perl (eeek) and try to use Python, a new world opened to me. This world is more readable than any other language

Published at 16:01, June 12, 2018
5 ways to easily realize data visualization using Python code

Data visualization is an important part of data scientists' work. In the early stage of a project, you usually conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) to gain some understanding of the data. Creating visual methods really helps make things change

Published at 15:24 on March 13, 2018
How do Ruby and Python analyzers work?

Hello! As a pioneer in writing Ruby profiler, I want to investigate how existing Ruby and Python profilers work. This also helps answer many people's questions: "How do you write a profiler?" In this article, we only focus on

Published on 2017/12/19 17:25
Let Python use Sqlite 3 more fully

I have recently used sqlite3 frequently in projects involving a large amount of data processing. My initial attempt did not involve any database at all. All data will be stored in memory, including dictionary lookup, iteration, condition and other queries. This is good, but only so many can be put into memory

Published on 2017/10/23 18:50
Four Python libraries for building excellent command lines

In the second part of the series on terminal applications, we will explore Prompt Toolkit, Click, Pygment, and Fuzzy Finder using the great command line interface. Photo source: Mennonite Church USA Archives Opensource

Published on 2017/05/11 16:25
Seven reasons why you should learn Python now

Python is a language that pays more attention to readability and efficiency, especially compared with Java, PHP and C++. Its two advantages make it popular among developers. Admittedly, it is a bit old, but it is still the post-80s generation - at least not Cobol or

Published on 2017/04/30 11:39
Python vs Ruby: Who is the best web development language?

Python and Ruby are both popular programming languages for developing websites, web based apps and web services. The two languages are similar in many ways. They are advanced object-oriented programming languages, and interactive scripting languages

Published at 15:14, April 12, 2017
Five reasons to switch from Python to Go

"Python is very powerful, especially Python 3 has the asynchronous function, but GO will completely replace its presence in large enterprises..." If you really understand the quotation marks, you may try Go programming language. I think Go is a very simple programming language

Published on 2017/04/10 10:31
Why did I switch from Python to Erlang

In this article, I will describe how I changed from using python to using Erlang. If you are not a developer using python (probably have a deep understanding of python based web services), or you do not need to scale up some things, then you will

Published on 2016/07/07 15:42
R language and Python -- a wrong split

Recently, some articles have raised age-related questions: "Are budding young data scientists better at learning R or Python?" The answer seems to be "depending on the situation". In reality, there is no need to make a choice between R and Python, because you can use both

Published at 17:05 on February 29, 2016
Import a Docker container with Python

Why do you do this? Docker containers are excellent at separating different applications from each other, but how can these applications interact with each other? For example, if you want to develop an application in Python, this application needs to interact with other applications, and

Published on 2016/02/24 15:02
Introduction to Python Framework

Today, there are many Python frameworks to help you create web applications more easily. These frameworks organize the corresponding modules, so that the construction of applications can be faster without paying attention to some details (such as sockets and protocols), so what is needed is in the box

Published at 22:46, February 9, 2016
Comparison of 7 Python data graph tools

Python's scientific stack is quite mature, and various application scenarios have related modules, including machine learning and data analysis. Data visualization is an important part of discovering data and presenting results, but in the past, compared with tools like R, it has lagged behind. Fortunately

Published on 2015/11/17 15:48
Play await/async in Python 3.5

The recently passed PEP-0492 adds some special syntax to Python 3.5 when processing coroutines. Most of the new features have been available in versions before 3.5, but the previous syntax is not the best, because the concepts of generator and coroutine are a bit easy to mix

Published at 09:26 on November 4, 2015
The father of Python talks about Python

On the propaganda poster, the speech of Guido van Rossum, the father of Python, at the EuroPython 2015 conference was divided into speech script and on-site Q&A, but he changed the whole process to on-site Q&A. Before answering the questions of the audience, he first used his own

Published at 22:05, August 7, 2015
10 ways for Python developers to save time

Python is a beautiful language that can inspire users to love it. So if you try to join the ranks of programmers, or you are a little tired of C++, Perl, Java and other languages, I recommend you try Python Python has many functions that attract programmers. It is easy to learn

Published on 2015/08/03 10:58
Python is not C

I have been using Python to deal with various data science projects. Python is known for its ease of use. People with coding experience can learn (or use it effectively) within a few days. Sounds good, but if you use Python and other languages at the same time, for example

Published on July 3, 2015 07:40
Use Python's Socket module to build a UDP scanning tool

When it comes to reconnaissance of some target networks, the starting point is undoubtedly to find the host computer first. This task may also include the ability to sniff and parse packets in the network. A few weeks ago, I talked about how to use Wireshark to sniff packets, but if you don't

Published on 2015/06/22 07:01
Run Python code directly without operating system

Josh Triplett started his speech on PyCon 2015 with a "joke": transplanting Python so that it does not need the operating system to run: he and his Intel colleagues let the interpreter run on the GRUB boot program, BIOS or EFI system. Not even the break time for the speech

Published on 2015/04/29 07:36

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