PostgreSQL (also known as Postgres) is a free object relational database server (database management system), which is distributed under a flexible BSD style license. Compared with other open source database systems (such as MySQ
Some functions of PostgreSQL that you may not know but should try

PostgreSQL contains many important functions. Many of them are very famous. Others can be very useful, but not widely appreciated. The following are our preferred PostgreSQL functions. You may not have seen them carefully, but you should actually do so because they can

Published on June 27, 2018 17:23
"King vs. King" MySQL 8 vs PostgreSQL 10

Now that MySQL 8 and PostgreSQL 10 have been released, it is time to review how these two open source relational databases compete with each other. Before these versions, it was generally believed that Postgres performed better in the feature set because of its "academic" style

Published at 12:57, May 28, 2018
10 PostgreSQL functions you don't know: create statistics

If you have used Postgres for some performance optimization, you may have used EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN shows you the execution plan generated by PostgreSQL planner for the statements provided. It indicates that the table involved in the statement will use sequential scanning, indexing

Published at 09:46, March 7, 2018
How can a single PostgreSQL configuration improve the slow query performance by 50 times

At Amplitude, our goal is to provide easy-to-use interactive product analysis services, so that everyone can find their answers to product questions. In order to provide a good user experience, Amplitude needs to quickly provide these answers. So, when one of us

Published on 2017/11/27 15:57
Increase the speed of Count in PostgreSQL

Analyze the optimization techniques that can be used in different situations in PostgreSQL, and learn how to count in parallel in a distributed database. Everyone counts optimizations - but not always fast. This article will carefully study how PostgreSQL optimizes counting. If you know this

Published on 2017/08/14 15:20
Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the seven open source databases, which one is most suitable for you?

I like pizza. I'm kidding. I like pizza. Especially if it is free. I even like things that look like free pizza. One day, a package came to my mailbox, which was wrapped in a pizza box. I will give Etsy shopkeeper five stars

Published on 2017/06/04 00:28
Use Go to write PostgreSQL triggers

How to use PostgreSQL functions and triggers in Golang? Triggers in PostgreSQL are a simple but powerful mechanism that can reflect the changes taking place in tables. The following describes how to write PostgreSQL triggers in Go

Published at 22:10, April 20, 2017
PostgreSQL lock decryption

The locking mechanism is very important in PostgreSQL (also for other modern RDBMSs). For database application developers (especially those involved in high concurrency code), they need to be very familiar with locks. For some problems, locks need to be focused on

Published on 2015/11/09 15:41
Why is Lua script transaction implemented in Redis?

In the past few months, I have been thinking about and trying to implement the transaction function of lua script in Redis. Not many people understand my idea, so I will explain it to you through some history. MySQL and Postgres in 1998-2003, if you

Published on 2015/07/30 15:42
Goodbye MongoDB, hello PostgreSQL

Olery was founded almost five years ago. The single product (Olery Reputation) started from Ruby agent development. Over time, we began to focus on a series of different products and applications. Today, our products include not only (Olery) Reputation, but also O

Published on 2015/03/11 08:27
Use local indexes to improve the performance of PostgreSQL

You may not know that PostgreSQL supports local indexing of table data, do you? Its advantage is that it can speed up the reading of the indexed data without adding additional overhead For the data read out repeatedly according to the given WHERE clause, the best

Published on December 11, 2014 08:37
A powerful new union type of PostgreSQL - LATERAL

PostgreSQL 9.3 uses a new union type! The introduction of the Lateral Union is relatively low-key, but it implements powerful new queries that previously needed to be written In this article, I will introduce a channel that cannot be implemented in PostgreSQL 9.2

Published on December 3, 2014 at 10:34
PostgreSQL hardware performance adjustment

POSTGRESQL is an object relational database developed by a group of network developers from around the world. It is an open source version that can replace commercial databases such as Oracle and Informix. POSTGRESQL was originally developed by the University of California, Berkeley. In 1996, a group

Published on 2014/11/27 07:12
Postgres 9.4 Important feature: jsonb data type

PostgreSQL 9.4 is loading a new function called jsonb, which is a new type of data that can store JSON data that supports GIN indexing. In other words, the most important thing about this function in the upcoming update is that if it is not even important, then put Postgres in

Published on 2014/11/17 15:12
PostgreSQL vs. MS SQL Server

Compare two relational databases from the perspective of a data analyst. 0. What is this article about? I work as a data analyst in a global professional service company (you must have heard of it). I worked for about 10 years. I deal with data, database software, database hardware

Published on 2014/11/17 14:44
Postgres full text search is good enough

When developing a Web application, you often need to add a search function. Even without knowing what to search for, I drew a magnifying glass on the sketch. Search is a very important function, so Lucene based tools like elastic search and SOLR have become very popular. They are very

Published on 2014/09/29 15:03
Test data of PostgreSQL running on FreeBSD and Linux

This afternoon I wanted to test DragonFly dports. Suddenly, I thought why not compare the performance of PostgreSQL under BSD and Linux. For this reason, I set some standards to compare the performance differences on different operating systems. I use the same hardware and software to

Published on 2014/07/10 21:54
Vagrant and Docker: How to install and set Postgres, Elasticsearch and Redis on OS X

When I heard many people say how great Docker is and how many trendy children are using it, I decided to try it in my development environment. In the following article, I will explain how to establish Postgres, Elasticsearch and Redis in Mac OS X

Published on 2014/07/08 07:08
Bucardo 5 implements asynchronous replication of PostgreSQL multiple masters

The next generation of asynchronous multiple master database replication system Bucardo 5 was released. This version removes the restriction of two database sources in the old version, allowing more source databases (i.e. primary databases) and more target databases (i.e. backup databases). Bucardo can also copy

Published on 2014/06/24 06:56
Clone a MongoDB in Postgres: Part II

In the first part, we discussed the depth detection when creating collections and inserting JSON objects. In this section, we will overwrite the saved data and build a WHERE clause from the MongDB query to retrieve the data we have written. Saving data to a collection is simple. First of all, I

Published on 2014/04/21 23:08

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