MySQL is an open source small relational database management system developed by Sweden MySQL AB Company. At present, MySQL is widely used in small and medium-sized websites on the Internet. Because of its small size, fast speed, low total cost of ownership
GitHub MySQL High Availability Practice Sharing

GitHub uses MySQL as the main storage for all non git warehouse data, and its availability is critical to the access operation of GitHub. The GitHub site itself, GitHub APIs, authentication, and so on all need database access. We run multiple My

Published on June 26, 2018 11:08
"King vs. King" MySQL 8 vs PostgreSQL 10

Now that MySQL 8 and PostgreSQL 10 have been released, it is time to review how these two open source relational databases compete with each other. Before these versions, it was generally believed that Postgres performed better in the feature set because of its "academic" style

Published at 12:57, May 28, 2018
Select the best index for MySQL query optimization

Many of our users, developers and database administrators constantly consult our team about the index recommendation algorithm of EverSQL. So we decided to write something about it. This tutorial will not introduce all the internal features of the algorithm in detail, but will simply explain

Published at 20:13, February 5, 2018
12 MySQL/MariaDB security best practices for Linux

MySQL is the most popular open source database system in the world, and MariaDB (a branch of MySQL) is the fastest growing open source database system in the world. After the MySQL server is installed, it is insecure in the default configuration. To ensure database security, it is usually a general database management system

Published on 2017/12/24 14:50
SQL Query Optimization Skills for Improving Website Access Speed

You must know that a fast visiting website can make users like it, help the website improve its ranking from Google, and help the website increase its conversion rate. If you have read articles on website performance optimization, such as setting the best implementation of the server, killing slow code

Published on 2017/11/29 15:32
Use ProxySQL to improve the connection performance of MySQL SSL

In this blog, we are going to see how ProxySQL can improve the SSL connection performance of MySQL. When deploying MySQL using SSL, the main problem is that if the connection pool is not used (for example, mysqlnd mux in PHP, mysq in Python

Published at 19:45, September 28, 2017
How to use a simple SQL query to calculate the median in MySQL

What is the median? The median of a numeric array is the value in the middle of the array after data sorting. If the array has an even number of elements, the median is the average of the two values in the middle. The median is useful for understanding "Is my value in the middle?". For example

Published on 2017/09/28 11:46
Optimization of performance and scalability for MySQL large-scale databases

In the era of the need to support mobile/tablet applications and ordinary desktop browser access, the popularity and effectiveness of websites largely depend on their availability and performance. A website with slow access will cause the loss of visitors or potential customers, and lead to business failure. One

Published on 2017/07/24 11:28
Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the seven open source databases, which one is most suitable for you?

I like pizza. I'm kidding. I like pizza. Especially if it is free. I even like things that look like free pizza. One day, a package came to my mailbox, which was wrapped in a pizza box. I will give Etsy shopkeeper five stars

Published on 2017/06/04 00:28
How to increase your MySQL query speed by 300 times

Before performing performance analysis, you need to locate time-consuming queries. MySQL provides a built-in time-consuming query log. Before use, open the my.cnf file and set slow_query_log to "On". At the same time, set long_query_time to be a slow time for a query

Issued on 2017/05/07 20:08
Why is LINQ better than SQL

If you have not indulged in LINQ, you will think that there is nothing to make a fuss about. SQL is not broken, why fix it? Why do we need another query language? The popular saying is that LINQ is integrated with C # (or VB), so

Published on 2017/02/22 17:55
Official Node MySQL document

Install $npm install MySQL. For information about the previous 0.9. x version, please visit the v0.9 branch. Sometimes I also ask you to install the latest version from Github to check whether the bug has been fixed. In this case, enter: $npm install mysqljs/m

Published on 2016/08/16 11:59
MySQL 5.7 Primary Key Search Results - Really Fast?

This blog tests the primary key query results of MySQL 5.7 and determines whether MySQL 5.7 is really faster than previous versions. MySQL 5.7 was just released some time ago. Now that the dust has settled, it is time to test its performance improvement. I'm not just trying to

Published on 2016/04/06 08:03
How to configure the world's smallest MySQL server

Configure the world's smallest MySQL server - how to install a MySQL server on an Intel Edison control board. In my recent blog post, the Internet of Things, news and MySQL, I showed that if the board of Particle Photo

Published on December 3, 2015 at 14:23
New features of MySQL 5.7

We are proud to announce that MySQL 5.7 stable version is available for download. MySQL 5.7.9 is an exciting new version of the most popular open source database in the world, which is three times faster than MySQL 5.6, and also improves the availability, manageability and security. Some important

Published on October 22, 2015 at 09:45
Why is Lua script transaction implemented in Redis?

In the past few months, I have been thinking about and trying to implement the transaction function of lua script in Redis. Not many people understand my idea, so I will explain it to you through some history. MySQL and Postgres in 1998-2003, if you

Published on 2015/07/30 15:42
How does FriendFeed use MySQL to store modeless data

Background We use MySQL to store all data of FriendFeed. The database has grown a lot with the growth of the user base. Now it has stored more than 250 million records and a pile of other data covering from comments and "likes" to friend lists. As data grows

Published on 2015/06/01 14:54
Impact of InnoDB isolation mode on MySQL performance

In the past few months, I have written two articles, one about the dangerous debts related to InnoDB transaction history, and the other about the truth that MVCC may cause serious performance problems of MySQL. In this article, I will discuss a related topic - InnoDB transaction isolation mode, and

Published on 2015/02/04 15:24
Five Year Review: Oracle's 10 Commitments to MySQL?

Last week, the fifth anniversary of Oracle's acquisition of MySQL passed. This also means that Oracle's notorious "10 Commitments for Five Year Term" on MySQL users in the European Commission has expired. Since I worked for another database technology, I seldom wrote blogs about MySQL related issues

Published on 2015/02/03 07:29
MySQL bidirectional replication

Introduction I know that there are many articles and guides about master slave replication on the Internet. In master-slave replication, the host affects the slave. However, any changes in the slave database will not affect the master database. This article will help you achieve two-way replication. (That is, whether it is the master or the slave

Published on 2015/01/29 10:29

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