Java is the general name of the Java programming language and Java platform launched by Sun Microsystems in May 1995. When it was first launched, it put forward the ideal vision of "Write Once, Run Anywhere". Java is an object-oriented
Learn about Chrome's ten years of "acceleration"

Since the Chrome browser was first launched ten years ago, speed has become one of the four core principles of Chrome. We always want web developers to provide users with a fast and excellent online experience. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Chrome's birth, we think that in retrospect

Published at 15:08 on September 13, 2018
From Java to Kotlin, and then back to Java from Kotlin

Since this blog post has attracted great attention and controversy, we think it is worth adding some background on how we work and make decisions on Allegro. Allegro has more than 50 development teams who can freely choose the technologies supported by our PaaS. We mainly use Jav

Published at 15:41, May 31, 2018
Comparison between OpenJ9 and HotSpot Part 2

Introduction Yesterday I compared different JDK versions and OpenJ9 vs HotSpot from the two dimensions of memory and speed. If you ask me, the memory part tested by a Spring Boot application that actually works and serves REST objects is real. Speed/

Published on 2018/05/28 11:23
Comparison between OpenJ9 and HotSpot Part 1

OpenJ9 and IBM J9 are different JVM implementations from the default Oracle HotSpot JVM. Using the modern adoptopenjdk to preset Docker images, you can easily switch and test different combinations, and you can choose the appropriate JVM for you. This rumor

Published at 11:17, May 28, 2018
Five things you don't know about Java 10

Local variable type inference is a controversial hotspot, but Java 10 has brought welcome changes in garbage collection and container recognition in the JVM. About this series, do you think you know Java programming? The fact is that most developers just float on the surface of the Java platform, only

Published at 22:11, April 23, 2018
What is Java 10 local variable type inference?

Java 10 introduces a new shiny feature called local variable type inference. Sounds tall, doesn't it? What is it? The following two scenarios are where we, as Java developers, find Java difficult to use. Context: platitudes and code readability

Published on 2018/03/27 18:08
Introduction to Java bytecode

Even for experienced Java developers, reading compiled Java bytecode is tedious. Why do we need to know the underlying things first? This is a simple story that happened to me last week: a long time ago, I made some code changes on the machine

Published at 10:46 on March 27, 2018
Java Kotlin feature wish list

There is no doubt that when it comes to programming languages, Java has the upper hand and is considered one of the most important development languages. However, some languages have been developed based on JVM, such as Kotlin. Kotlin is a static class for modern multi platform applications

Published at 14:59, March 21, 2018
Analysis of Java heap memory overflow

Any software developer who has used Java based enterprise back-end applications will encounter such poor and strange errors. These errors come from users or test engineers: java. lang. OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. In order to clarify the problem

Published at 15:39, March 19, 2018
109 new features of JDK 10

Although it feels that JDK9 is only a few weeks old, with the release rhythm of the new OpenJDK, JDK10 has reached the release candidate milestone stage. I have read various blogs about the new features of JDK10, but they tend to focus on the ones defined by JEPS

Published at 10:54 on March 8, 2018
Running Spring Boot with Java 9

If you want to use Java 9 to run the Spring Boot application, this article will help you. Note: The Issue Tracker contains all outstanding known issues about Java 9, so please check the list before reporting new issues. Require Sp

Published on February 28, 2018 15:55
[Official Document] New features of Kotlin 1.2

Directory multi platform project Other language features Standard library JVM backend JavaScript backend multi platform project (experimental) Multi platform project is a new experimental function in Kotlin 1.2, which allows you to use Kotlin – JVM, JavaScript and (future)

Published on 2017/11/29 12:48
11 concise Java performance tuning tips

Want to keep your project running at high performance? Here are some tips you can use to eliminate cache bottlenecks, as well as some other performance tuning suggestions. Most developers think that performance optimization is a complex topic, which requires a lot of work experience and relevant knowledge

Published on 2017/11/22 16:59
Migrate Spring Boot application to Java 9 - module

Last week, I tried to make a Spring Boot application - an app of the famous Pet Clinic, which is compatible with Java 9. It's not easy. I have to give up many functions. In summary, the only benefit is improved String memory

Published on October 30, 2017 16:17
New features in Spring Framework 5. x

New features and enhancements in Spring Framework 5.0 JDK 8+and Java EE 7+benchmark versions are based on the complete framework code at the Java 8 source code level, which improves readability by introducing generics, lambdas, etc. Conditional support for Java 8 functions through direct code

Published at 19:38, September 29, 2017
Debugging Java Applications Using Visual Studio Code

For Java developers using Visual Studio Code, the Language Support for Java (TM) by Red Hat extension provides excellent language feature support, such as IntelliSense and project support. However, we also heard some user feedback that

Published on 2017/09/28 11:23
Stack vs. Heap: understand the memory allocation mechanism of Java

Do you know the difference between stack and heap? When to use which one, and what functions do they provide? This is a guide to memory allocation. Stack and heap are two important concepts related to Java memory allocation. Let's take a look at these two concepts. Why are they important

Published on 2017/08/14 12:50
9 new features in Java 9

More than three years after the release of Java 8, the next version will be released in July 2017. You may have heard of the Java 9 module system, but this new version has many other updates. Here are nine exciting new features that will come with Java 9

Published on 2017/05/02 11:09
Use Java 8 to learn MongoDB (Part 1)

Java 8 provides many tools that allow you to connect to MongoDB, query data, and even convert results. Welcome to the new series of tutorials: learning MongoDB using Java 8. Through this tutorial, I hope you have a basic overview of the big data and new features provided by Java 8

Published on 2017/04/19 10:05
URL encoding and decoding technology implemented by Java

When writing "web crawlers" or downloaders, it is a common requirement to implement URL encoding and decoding in Java. The focus of this article is to create a module for encoding and decoding the passed URL. You can check the source code on GitHub. Main

Published on 2017/03/28 18:04

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