Go is a compiled and concurrent programming language developed by Google with garbage collection function. Go is highly expressive, concise, clean and efficient. Its concurrency mechanism makes it easy to write programs, so as to maximize the use of
WebAssembly and Go: a wait-and-see view of the future

It is no secret that I oppose learning JavaScript and front-end development. In fact, I learned HTML before the advent of CSS, but JavaScript is something that I have been doing for a long time since Web development. When I see the development of modern Web, I feel chilly. This

Published on July 25, 2018 17:55
Good or ugly Go

This is an additional article in the "Go is not good" series. Go does have some good features, that is, the "good" part of this article. But when we do not use APIs or web servers (which are designed for it) and use it for business domain logic, in general, I

Published on April 13, 2018 16:55
Debug a Go runtime error

Foreword I am a loyal fan of Prometheus and Grafana. As a former SRE of Google, I learned to pay attention to quality monitoring. This combination has kept me invincible in the past year. I have been using them to monitor my personal server (including black box and white box

Published on 2017/12/05 15:50
Implement the defer keyword of Go in C++

Go has a concise keyword, called defer, which is used to ensure that the function is called later during program execution, and is usually used for cleaning up. Suppose we want to create a file, write data, and then close it when finished: package main import "...

Published on 2017/10/23 18:39
Go is good, why don't we use it?

Anyone in Zapier or who has heard my quick speech on Friday can prove that I think Go is a great programming language. In this article, I will share why I think it is great, some disadvantages of using it, and why it is not Zapier

Published on 2017/05/26 14:59
Use Go to write PostgreSQL triggers

How to use PostgreSQL functions and triggers in Golang? Triggers in PostgreSQL are a simple but powerful mechanism that can reflect the changes taking place in tables. The following describes how to write PostgreSQL triggers in Go

Published at 22:10, April 20, 2017
Five reasons to switch from Python to Go

"Python is very powerful, especially Python 3 has the asynchronous function, but GO will completely replace its presence in large enterprises..." If you really understand the quotation marks, you may try Go programming language. I think Go is a very simple programming language

Published on 2017/04/10 10:31
Cgo and Go are different things

Cgo is not a sentence that Go borrows from JWZ. Some people think "I know, I will use cgo" when they face a problem. Now, they have two problems. Recently, someone used cgo on Gopher's Slack Channel. I feel ten

Published at 11:16, 2016/01/20
Elixir's design ideas from the perspective of Go developers

From the perspective of Go developers, Elixir's design philosophy disclaimer: This article is not intended to introduce you. I just play with this programming language, and I'm not an expert. Let's take what I wrote as an appetizer. I just summarized my research results for a few hours

Published on 2016/01/07 17:02
Use Go for iOS and Android programming

Although Go is not a new language, it has added many interesting features in the past two years, and the number of well-known projects using this language is also growing rapidly. I wrote an article introducing the programming language used by SitePoint, which mentioned

Published on December 9, 2015 11:37
Go will rule for the next decade

The title is rather exaggerated, isn't it? I intended to use the word "rule", but I really think the description of "rule" is more accurate. The only point is that the point of Ru Ti is true. Every day I talk about Go with many people. Except like Google or Github

Published on October 23, 2015 at 18:22
When DNS parser encounters Go fuzzy

In CloudFlare, we have many users of github.com/miekg/dns Go DNS library, and we ensure to promote its development as much as possible. Therefore, when dmitry vyukov released go buzz and began to find thousands of bugs in the Go standard library

Published on 2015/08/07 11:03
Use gdb tool to debug Go

Troubleshooting applications is complex, especially for high concurrency languages like Go. It is easier to use print statements in specific locations to determine the program status, but this method is difficult to dynamically respond to your code according to the development of conditions. The debugger provides

Published on 2015/08/07 10:56
Use Go to build Resilient Services - technical meeting

This is a technical talk at GopherCon 2015. Blake Caldwell, the keynote speaker, was a software engineer of the Kiln team in Fog Creek. He will talk about how to use Go to rewrite our SSH reverse proxy, the KilnProxy, to improve the performance

Published on 2015/08/07 10:45
Go GC: Solve the delay problem in Go 1.5

Richard L. Hudson (Rick) is an expert in memory management, who invented Train and Sapphire( http://people.cs.umass.edu/ ~Moss/papers/jgrande-2001sapphire. pdf), and Mississippi Delta, among which GC

Published on 2015/07/09 17:50
Qihoo 360 and go

In China, Qihoo 360 is a major supplier of Internet and mobile security products and services. As of June 2014, Qihoo had 500 million active PC users and more than 640 million mobile users. Qihoo also operates China's most popular web browser and PC

Published at 18:33, July 8, 2015
Why are Go and Rust not competitors

This short article explains why I think Go and Rust are not competitors. Why do people think Go and Rust are competitors? Before explaining why I think Go and Rust are not competitors, I want to explain why this problem is raised

Published at 07:39, July 3, 2015
Go Starter PPT for Java Programmers

This is the PPT shared by Sameer Ajmani, the technical director of Google's Go team, for Java programmers to get a quick start on Go. The video PPT was used in NYJavaSIG on April 23, 2015. Go to YouTube to watch videos mainly

Published on 2015/05/28 11:43
Manual memory management of Go language

Introduction Note: If you have different views on this article, please correct me - I am not an expert in this field. We collected performance statistics about using defer and panic from a large number of go users. Unlike other APM/error record companies, our focus is

Published on 2015/05/18 06:51
Distributed read write mutual exclusion of Go language

Go language default sync The RWMutex implementation does not perform well in a multi-core environment because all readers will preempt the same memory address when performing atomic incremental operations. This paper discusses an n-way RWMutex, which can also be called a "big reader" lock

Published on 2015/05/03 07:31

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