Android is a free and open source operating system based on the Linux kernel, mainly used in mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, led and developed by Google and the Open Mobile Alliance. Android Actions
Who will steal Android from Google

Statement: These are just my personal opinions. Many of the content may be wrong. I am not speaking for my employer (Grab). I have reservations about everything. In fact, I didn't even look back on it. Once again, I wrote on the plane to Jakarta

Published at 11:31, March 16, 2018
Private variables of JavaScript

Updated on February 23, 2018 - Chrome Canary now supports private domains and test identity JavaScript. Recently, many improvements have been made, and new syntax and features have been added. But some things will not change. All things are still the same object. Almost all things can be transported

Published at 19:52, February 15, 2018
2017 Review: Android

2017 is a great year for Android. During the year, Android released many important announcements, including support for Kotlin, a new exciting language, and building intelligent interactive applications using the Neural network API and ARCore

Published at 14:30 on January 15, 2018
[Official Document] New features of Kotlin 1.2

Directory multi platform project Other language features Standard library JVM backend JavaScript backend multi platform project (experimental) Multi platform project is a new experimental function in Kotlin 1.2, which allows you to use Kotlin – JVM, JavaScript and (future)

Published on 2017/11/29 12:48
Gradle Getting Started Guide for Android Developers

The purpose of this article is to provide you with a high-level overview of Gradle and how to adapt to the entire build system when developing Android applications. I will use the basic knowledge of Gradle and Gradle's Android plug-in, as well as the default

Published on 2017/11/22 15:27
Ten things you may do wrong when using SafetyNet Attestation API

The SafetyNet Attestation API can help you evaluate the security and compatibility of the Android environment your app runs in. Since its release in March 2015, many developers have successfully integrated the SafetyNet Attention API into their Android apps

Published at 19:15 on November 14, 2017
Flutter, a mobile development framework for Android developers

I am Adel Boussaken, senior software engineer of TrueFace. Today I want to introduce Flutter development to you. Welcome to the Dart camp. I will skip all the parts related to installing and running Flutter applications and proceed directly. If you are not sure

Published on 2017/09/28 18:34
How to simplify Android network calls: introduce the volley library

Living in an Internet driven world, mobile applications need to share and receive information from their product backend (for example, from databases) and third-party resources such as Facebook and Twitter. These interactions are often conducted through RESTful APIs

Published on 2017/04/01 16:24
Getting Started with Writing Android Applications in Swift Language

The Swift standard library can compile the Android armv7 kernel, which makes it possible to execute Swift statement code on Android mobile devices. This article explains how to run a simple "hello, world" program on your Android phone. If you encounter any problems, please refer to the following

Published on 2016/04/19 06:46
The best open source Android applications: chat, images, audio, etc

These top open-source Android applications have been approved by F-Droid, which is a volunteer project for selecting the best Android applications. Most people don't realize that they are not limited to looking for Android apps in the Google Play store

Published on December 22, 2015 11:50
Use Go for iOS and Android programming

Although Go is not a new language, it has added many interesting features in the past two years, and the number of well-known projects using this language is also growing rapidly. I wrote an article introducing the programming language used by SitePoint, which mentioned

Published on December 9, 2015 11:37
The best 5 open source Android/iOS automation tools

Nowadays automated testing plays an important role in product testing. The realization of test automation has many positive meanings, such as shortening the test execution time as far as possible, ensuring greater test coverage in the key release phase in a shorter time, and ensuring reliable and repeated operation in the product development phase without citation

Published on October 27, 2015 at 14:34
Run ClojureScript on Android

In the past few days, I have had one of the most meaningful experiences in my development career, and I would like to share it with you here. Now we have enabled ClojureScript to run on Android. It is not in a WebView, nor is it using Cordova

Published on 2015/09/30 16:06
AngularJS application accesses the photo library of Android phone

Download - 4.5 KB This article describes how to use AngularJs to call REST APIS exposed by Android Apps to access image libraries Background Android and IOS have many remote access apps, but developers lack remote access phones

Published at 07:03, March 12, 2015
Add local search function to your Android application

Introduce that search is a basic functional requirement of various applications In our case, we have a restaurant application that allows users to easily and quickly search the list of dishes and find what they want In this article, I will describe my attitude towards

Published at 06:35, February 13, 2015
Introducing Visual Studio's Android Simulator

Microsoft released a preview version of Visual Studio 2015 this week, which contains Android development tools When installing, if you choose Android development, Visual Studio will also install the Visual Studio simulator for debugging Android applications

Published on 2014/11/13 07:17
Appcompat v21: Enable devices before Android 5.0 to support Material Design

Today, the Android 5.0 SDK is officially launched, followed by many upgrades, including new UI controls and card theme design. In order to enable you to use the upgraded design pattern on the old platform, we also upgraded the support library

Published on October 21, 2014 12:14
Implement self signed SSL certificate for your Android application

The introduction of network security has become the most concerned issue If you use the server to store client data, you should consider using SSL to encrypt the communication between the client and the server With the rapid rise of mobile phone applications in recent years Hackers are also moving to mobile applications for the following reasons

Published on 2014/10/06 07:01
Remote execution of code on Android devices

"You walk into a coffee shop and sit down. When you wait for coffee, you take out your smart phone and start playing a game you downloaded the other day. Then, you continue to work and receive emails in the elevator. Without your knowledge, an attacker gets the address of the company network and constantly feels

Published at 21:11, August 9, 2014
OpenGL 4.4 and Android

The update of mobile phone hardware is so rapid that we begin to enter an era in which mobile phones have the same functions as high-end PCs. The only difference between them will be the power consumption of the chip. I don't want to sound like we are promoting our own chip, but I believe Tegra K1 is the future

Published on 2014/06/30 10:17

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