Asm.js and WebGL for Unity and illusion engine

This article is part of a series of web development articles from Microsoft. Thank you for your support to the members who have implemented SitePoint. Unity and Epic's illusory engine are middleware tools frequently used by game developers, and are not limited to creating and compiling

Published on 2015/08/05 11:32
How to track performance problems when developing Android games with Unity

Preface Two weeks ago, I started to develop an Android game called SkyBlocks with Unity. The game has been launched in Google Play. If you have time, you can download it to play. The biggest problem encountered in the development process is the performance problem. I started slow

Published at 18:16, July 28, 2015
Physical rendering and lighting model of Unity3D

Why is the earth cold at the poles and hot at the equator? This problem seems to have nothing to do with shaders, but it is the basis for understanding how the lighting model works. As explained earlier in this tutorial, surface shaders use mathematical models to predict how light will shine on triangles

Published on 2015/07/03 15:26
Introduction to Unity3D shaders

We can definitely say that Unity3D has made game development easier for many people. There are some places that really have a long way to go. There is no doubt that this refers to the coding of shaders. The shader is specially created to run on the GPU

Published on 2015/07/03 14:49
Build multiplatform games with Cocos2d-x 3.0 or later

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Cocos2d-x 3.0 or higher in the Windows development environment to create a simple game, and how to run it on Windows and Android platforms. What is Cocos2d-x? Cocos2d-x is a cross

Published on 2015/04/08 10:24
25 excellent HTML5&JavaScript game engine development libraries

Just like in a car, the engine does the main work and makes the car look incredible. In the same way as the game engine, the game developer completes the detailed work to make the game look real and eye-catching. The game engine is responsible for the rest. In the early days, game developers usually made sketches

Published on 2015/02/26 07:57
Using the Functional Programming Language ELM to Develop Games

This is the first time that I plan to write a series of articles on game development with elm It can be compiled into html and javascript, so that you can directly deploy it to the web server, or package it into nw.js to create an independent application

Published on February 12, 2015 17:50
Use AngularJS to develop 2048 games

One of the questions I am frequently asked is when using the Angular framework is a bad choice. My default answer is that when writing a game, although Angular has its own event loop processing ($digest loop), and the game usually needs a lot of

Published on 2014/07/29 16:06
Java multiplayer libgdx tutorial

How do we do it? Modify the libgdx sample "superjumper" on libgdx's homepage. Use AppWarp Cloud to convert it into a real-time game of two players. This game will match the players and users need to reach the castle to win the game. Users will get other users

Published on 2014/05/28 14:50
How to install Minecraft server on Linux

Minecraft is a popular sandbox independent game, first created by Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persion, and later developed and released by Mojang. This is a game about breaking and placing bricks. First, people build buildings to fight against monsters at night

Published on 2014/03/23 07:59
C++is very interesting: write a tic tac toe game

This interesting C++series intends to show that using C++to write code can be as efficient and interesting as other mainstream languages. In the second part, I will show you how to create a tic tac toe game from scratch using C++. This article and the whole series are aimed at those who want to learn C

Published on 2013/11/05 08:53
Use PhysicsJS to build a 2D browser game

As a web developer colleague and a physics geek, whenever I try to use JavaScript to do 2D physics, I always feel something is missing. I want an extensible framework to follow in the footsteps of other modern JavaScript APIs. I don't want it to interfere with assumptions. I want to

Published on December 4, 2013 07:22
How can games enable countless people to accomplish great things together

Excerpt from Play at Work: How Games Inspire Breakthrough Thinking and Play at Work: How Games Inspire Creative Thinking Look around you, games are everywhere. Starting from the boxed orange juice in your refrigerator, what is the value of advertising

Published on 2013/10/06 08:03
(How to) solve any Sudoku puzzle

In this article, I will solve any Sudoku puzzle. Using two ideas: constraint propagation and search, the solution will be easy (about one page of code completes the main idea, and two pages of code completes other auxiliary functions). Sudoku...

Published on March 31, 2013 19:29
Introduction to OpenGL

OpenGL is an underlying graphics library specification. It provides programmers with a small library of geometric primitives (points, lines, polygons, pictures and bitmaps) and a library of drawing commands that support 2D/3D geometric objects, and controls the presentation (drawing) of objects through the primitives and commands provided

Issued on 2013/05/02 20:16
How teenagers start game development with Python

This is an article published by Julian Meyer, a member of the tutorial team, a 12-year-old python developer. You can find him on Google+and Twitter. Have you ever thought about how to create video games? It's not as complicated as you think! In this tutorial, you will

Issued on 2013/08/07 12:06
Developing tic tac toe games with Python

In this tutorial, we will show how to create a tic tac toe game in python. We will use functions, arrays, if conditional statements, while loop statements, error trapping, etc. First, we need to create two functions. The first function is used to display the game board: def pri

Issued on 2013/07/31 08:06
Understanding and guiding behavior: tracking

Guided behavior is intended to help robots achieve real behavior. It generates realistic and real-time guidance around people by using simple forces. In this tutorial, I will explain the basic theory of tracing behavior and its implementation. The idea of these behaviors was proposed by Craig W. Reynolds

Issued on 2013/07/13 18:12
Understanding guidance behavior: collision avoidance

An excellent NPC navigation requires the ability to avoid obstacles. This tutorial describes the guidance behavior to avoid collisions, so that tasks in the game can avoid any obstacles gracefully. Note: Although this tutorial is based on AS3 and Flash, you will be able to apply the same technology and concepts to any

Issued on 2013/07/13 18:13
Ten things to pay attention to before starting 3D programming

Starting 3D programming is not an easy task. There are many new things that can play a role here, from the choice of language to the choice of appropriate 3d modeling software. When these 10 things are completed, no matter what language you choose or what modeling software you use, you can think of yourself as this

Issued on 2013/06/23 10:43

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