Microservices vs. SOA

Microservices and software oriented architecture (SOA) are two componentized architectures for software development. With the development of the cloud computing era, the higher granularity micro service architecture (MSA) has evolved from the early SOA. However, these two methods are still widely used. SOA is enterprise centric

Published at 15:13, January 30, 2019
How to write the resume of a killer engineer

This résumé got me interviews at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple. 2017 Senior Year Résumé I obtained these interviews by sending my résumé to the résumé ...

Published at 16:23, January 8, 2019
Bash Technique

Bash is not the best programmer friendly tool. It needs to be careful, low-level knowledge and not allow any mistakes (you know you can't enter foo=42, right?). On the other hand, bash is ubiquitous (even on Windows 10), it is very easy to

Issued at 11:00 on January 3, 2019
What happens when you enter "google. com" in your browser and enter "Enter"?

My favorite interview question I have met is "What will happen after you type 'google. com' into the address bar of a browser and click<Enter>?" Someone can talk for days, trying to answer this question back and forth in some form of completeness. How much they will walk

Published at 11:04, January 2, 2019
How Vim interacts with Git

Vim and Git are highly complex and configurable developer tools. Developers using Vim tools may also need to use Git tools frequently. This article attempts to explore how these two tools interact in a variety of ways. At first, I don't intend to constrain any specific workflow

Published at 11:40 on December 6, 2018
Post REST era

Nowadays, more or less APIs are based on RESTful style. em, You can think about what this "REST" means a little like me, but the definition of "REST" in a broad sense is correct. Will "REST" always mean this

Published at 11:08, November 20, 2018
Open source without maintainer

Why is maintenance a big barrier in many open source projects? Maintainer burnout is the main reason. I recently realized that if the community has the right culture, many open source projects have the opportunity to be independent of the original author. However, not all projects can achieve this

Published at 10:26 on November 27, 2018
HTTP/3 Essentials

HTTP/3 protocol will be standardized soon. As an old protocol user, I think I should write some opinions. Google (pbuh) has the most popular web browser (Chrome) and two most popular websites (# 1 Google. com # 2 Youtube. com). So Google can

Published at 10:33 on November 20, 2018
What is event driven?

At the end of last year, my colleagues in ThoughtWorks and I attended a symposium to discuss the nature of event driven applications. In the past few years, we have built a large number of systems using events, some of which are praised, while others are condemned. Our North America office

Published on 2017/02/10 17:19
Programming Language Server Protocol

Last month, Apple announced on the Swift.org forum that it is beginning to adopt the language server protocol (LSP) of Swift and C. At Apple, we give priority to providing all Swift developers with high-quality tools, including those on or off the Apple platform

Published at 12:12, 2018/11/08
Ten Cloudy Trends

The cloudy environment a year or two ago is very different from today's cloudy environment. Similarly, today's environment may have less in common with the environment to be implemented in the future. With the increasing experience of enterprises in using cloud computing, their concerns, strategies, and even the

Published on November 8, 2018 11:50
Brief history of high availability

I once visited a website that has "a few hours of operation time". Only when its physical website lights up, it will "open". I was puzzled: the computer can run every day, why can't the website be open every day? I'm used to the Internet

Published at 08:02, November 10, 2018
Uber's distributed tracking

Distributed tracing is rapidly becoming an essential component in the tools used by many organizations to monitor complex microservice based architectures. In Uber engineering team, our open source distributed tracking system Jaeger has achieved large-scale internal adoption and integration throughout 2016

Published at 15:05, October 9, 2018
Rm - rf survivor

Just for entertainment, I decided to log in to a new Linux server and use the root user to execute the command "rm - rf/" to see what was left. Because I found that rm has been executing for a long time and there is no response, so you must specify -- no pres

Published on 2015/05/28 17:28
Respond to "Asynchronous Python and Database"

A few weeks ago, Mike Bayer, the author of SQLAlchemy, published an excellent article "Asynchronous Python and Database". In this article, he wrote that asynchronous programming is only a potential method in architecture, except for writing HTTP or chat server or other special needs

Published on 2015/04/03 01:50
Master programming

Through years of observation of excellent programmers, I have observed some common patterns in their workflow. After several years of working with skilled programmers in the vocational education, I observed that they lacked these models. I have seen the difference in introducing these modes. The following are efficient procedures

Published at 22:36, July 7, 2017
A Brief History of Linux

Introduction In popular usage, "Linux" usually refers to a group of operating system distributions around the Linux kernel. But strictly speaking, Linux only refers to the existence of the kernel itself. In order to build a complete operating system, Linux distributions usually include from the GNU project and its

Published on 2017/11/26 20:55
What do DevOps engineers actually do?

We have discussed many of the latest trends in DevOps and the DevOps world before. But what exactly do DevOps engineers do? DevOps engineers bridge the gap between software development and operation and maintenance teams in the purest way to improve the software delivery rate. De...

Published at 2017/09/28 15:18
Why RESTful Web service design can help you think about the right things

You may manage an API. Maybe you are preparing to do one and are looking forward to starting it. But be careful, because good API design may be difficult. There are many things to consider when designing a good API. Unlike designing a web user interface, you may not understand the

Published at 15:53, September 10, 2018
Micro service is not a silver bullet

Let's look at a typical conversation between a company/customer and the front-end framework technical team. This is what you heard from the company/customer, and the technical team is crazy about it. When the whole world benefits from microservices, why should we not adopt microservices? The technical team is hard to convince

Published at 15:54 on September 10, 2018

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