SQLite schema

Introduction This article describes the architecture of the SQLite library. The information in this article is very useful for those who want to understand or modify the internal work of SQLite. The figure shows the main components of SQLite and how they interoperate. The text below explains the role of each component

Published at 15:15, January 25, 2019
How to build a cost based SQL optimizer?

In the Cockroach Lab, we have been continuously focusing on performance improvement and scalability. To achieve this goal, our 2.1 release includes a new, zero start, cost based SQL optimizer. This optimizer provides an

Published at 11:14, November 12, 2018
Data Model of TimescaleDB Time Series Database

As a relational database supporting complete SQL, TimescaleDB supports flexible data types and can be optimized according to the actual situation of different users. Therefore, Timescale is different from most other time series databases that use the "narrow table" model. In a word

Published at 21:50, October 9, 2018
10 issues to consider when selecting NoSQL database

So why should I write this article? Is it because I think the NoSQL solution is inferior to the RDBMS solution? Of course not! Is it because I focus on the way of doing things in SQL, and do not want to fall into the uncertainty of a relatively new technology? No, neither! In fact, I must

Published at 14:21, September 12, 2018
RethinkDB: NoSQL database for real-time applications

RethinkDB works faster and in real time than traditional databases. It is an open source, distributed, document oriented database, designed to store JSON documents in an operable format, and can be partitioned and copied. The traditional database management system has a similar structure and shares insert, delete

Published at 16:21, August 27, 2018
Some functions of PostgreSQL that you may not know but should try

PostgreSQL contains many important functions. Many of them are very famous. Others can be very useful, but not widely appreciated. The following are our preferred PostgreSQL functions. You may not have seen them carefully, but you should actually do so because they can

Published on June 27, 2018 17:23
GitHub MySQL High Availability Practice Sharing

GitHub uses MySQL as the main storage for all non git warehouse data, and its availability is critical to the access operation of GitHub. The GitHub site itself, GitHub APIs, authentication, and so on all need database access. We run multiple My

Published on June 26, 2018 11:08
SQLite Tutorial for Node.js

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to use SQLite in Node.js environment in combination with the sqlite3 Node.js driver. For those who are not familiar with SQLite, it is a simple single file relational database. In intelligent devices, embedded systems and even small Web applications

Published at 16:02, May 31, 2018
"King vs. King" MySQL 8 vs PostgreSQL 10

Now that MySQL 8 and PostgreSQL 10 have been released, it is time to review how these two open source relational databases compete with each other. Before these versions, it was generally believed that Postgres performed better in the feature set because of its "academic" style

Published at 12:57, May 28, 2018
Why does SQLite not use Git for version management?

1. Introduction SQLite does not use the Git version control system. SQLite uses Fossil as an alternative. It is a version control system designed and written specifically to support SQLite. People sometimes ask why SQLite does not use the Git version control system as other people do

Published at 11:20, April 23, 2018
10 PostgreSQL functions you don't know: create statistics

If you have used Postgres for some performance optimization, you may have used EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN shows you the execution plan generated by PostgreSQL planner for the statements provided. It indicates that the table involved in the statement will use sequential scanning, indexing

Published at 09:46, March 7, 2018
How to tune the performance of TiDB, a distributed NewSQL database

Tuning in distributed systems is no joke. The tuning in a distributed system is much more complex than that in a single node server. Its bottleneck may appear anywhere, such as system resources, subcomponents on a single node, or collaboration between nodes, or even network bandwidth

Published at 15:49, March 19, 2018
Select the best index for MySQL query optimization

Many of our users, developers and database administrators constantly consult our team about the index recommendation algorithm of EverSQL. So we decided to write something about it. This tutorial will not introduce all the internal features of the algorithm in detail, but will simply explain

Published at 20:13, February 5, 2018
If you want to innovate, please don't be driven by data

No data has intrinsic value, because all information itself has no meaning. Why? Because information won't tell you what to do. Beau Lotto When I wrote this article, I sat in a small conference room on the second floor of the office building. The scenery outside the window is

Published at 15:57 on January 10, 2018
Review 10 new database systems released in 2017

As the editor of Database Weekly (Database Weekly is a weekly news report on new content in the database and data storage world), I like to wander in the new database system to see what ideas may affect daily life in the coming decades

Published at 16:10, 2018/01/08
SQL Query Optimization Skills for Improving Website Access Speed

You must know that a fast visiting website can make users like it, help the website improve its ranking from Google, and help the website increase its conversion rate. If you have read articles on website performance optimization, such as setting the best implementation of the server, killing slow code

Published on 2017/11/29 15:32
How can a single PostgreSQL configuration improve the slow query performance by 50 times

At Amplitude, our goal is to provide easy-to-use interactive product analysis services, so that everyone can find their answers to product questions. In order to provide a good user experience, Amplitude needs to quickly provide these answers. So, when one of us

Published on 2017/11/27 15:57
NoSQL options for Java developers

Because I know and like the Java community, although few people associate NoSQL with a certain language, I also want to write this article for Java developers around the world. In this article, I will show you several NoSQL databases. After that, I will go to Github

Published on 2017/10/09 11:29
Use ProxySQL to improve the connection performance of MySQL SSL

In this blog, we are going to see how ProxySQL can improve the SSL connection performance of MySQL. When deploying MySQL using SSL, the main problem is that if the connection pool is not used (for example, mysqlnd mux in PHP, mysq in Python

Published at 19:45, September 28, 2017
How to use a simple SQL query to calculate the median in MySQL

What is the median? The median of a numeric array is the value in the middle of the array after data sorting. If the array has an even number of elements, the median is the average of the two values in the middle. The median is useful for understanding "Is my value in the middle?". For example

Published on 2017/09/28 11:46

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