2018 DevOps Learning Path Translated 100%

oschina Posted at 15:05 on December 20, 2018 (17 paragraphs in total, translation completed on January 8)
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DevOps is very popular at present. Most of my friends, colleagues and senior developers are working hard to become DevOps engineers and regard themselves as DevOps advocates in the organization.

Although I admit DevOps It is directly related to improved software development and deployment, but from my limited experience, I can say It's not easy It is very difficult to choose the right path in so many tools and practices.

 Psychotria fluviatilis
Translated at 16:21, December 20, 2018

As a Java blogger My readers often ask some questions, such as: How to become a DevOps engineer What should I learn? What kind of training should I do? Must learning Maven and Jenkins be to become DevOps engineers? How about Dcoker and Kubernetes How does DevOps build basic automated processes? Should I learn Chef Puppet Or Ansible Readers keep asking me all kinds of questions, and these are just some of them.  

I search for answers in my limited experience and try my best to answer those questions. I can't use a simple, effective and reusable way to record the answers, but it doesn't matter.

 Border Town
Translated at 10:50 on December 23, 2018

Today I will share with you a great resource that will help you become the DevOps engineer you have always wanted to be, DevOps Roadmap 2018

Yesterday when I was wandering on the Internet, I came across Kamranahmedse's GitHub page, which has some useful roadmap that can help me become a front-end developer, a back-end developer, a full stack web developer, and last but not least, DevOps Engineer.

This roadmap is great in any sense, because it not only emphasizes the role of DevOps engineers, but also tells you what tools and technologies you need to learn to cover this field.

Translated at 11:58 on December 25, 2018

Most importantly, it is visually appealing (do you like the yellow and cream blue lines?), so you can print it out and stick it on the table for easy reference.

Although the roadmap is good, it tells you what to learn, but it does not tell you how to learn and where to learn. In order to complete the roadmap, I shared some useful online courses, including free and paid courses, so that you can learn and improve the tools or fields you want.  

 Psychotria fluviatilis
Translated at 09:40 on December 24, 2018

DevOps Roadmap for Developers in 2018

When I talked about the 2018 DevOps roadmap, it was this:

Drawing by Kamran Ahmed (kamranahmedse)( https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap )

Now, we will gradually understand how to master the basic skills of DevOps in 2018 according to the roadmap:

 Border Town
Translated at 15:11, December 28, 2018

1. Learn a programming language

Java Python And JavaScript There are three main programming languages, and I believe you know at least one.

If you don't know any of them, it doesn't matter. You can choose a language through the following tutorial. But I still strongly recommend that you learn at least one of the above three common mainstream programming languages.


If you want to learn Java, Java Master Cultivation It's a good tutorial. Recently, it was updated for Java 10.


If you want to learn Python, I recommend one of your favorite courses: Full Python Training Camp It can teach you Python 3, the most popular version of Python.


If you want to learn JavaScript, don't miss Mosh Hamdani's Basic Introduction to JavaScript

If you need more choices and are willing to learn through free resources, you can find free ones in the list I have listed Java Python And JavaScript Tutorial.

 Border Town
Translated at 10:37 on December 23, 2018

2. Understand different operating system concepts

This is the beginning of the Ops part. Earlier, it was only supported by system administrators who knew the operating system and hardware. But for DevOps, developers now need to know about them.

At a minimum, you need to understand the process management, threading and concurrency, sockets, I/O management, virtualization, memory storage, and file systems recommended in the roadmap.

Since most of us work in Linux, I suggest you use the Linux Administration BootCamp Courses to better learn and understand the Linux operating system.

If you need more options and don't mind learning from available resources, you can also view this Free Linux courses

 Psychotria fluviatilis
Translated at 10:38 on December 28, 2018

3. Master the terminal survival method

As a DevOps person, it is necessary to master how to use commands skillfully in the command line terminal, especially in the Linux environment. You must understand the Linux shell, such as Bash or Ksh; Some gadgets such as find grep、awk、sed、lsof; There are also network commands like nslookup and netstat.

If you feel that you are still unfamiliar with these commands and tools, you should learn the lessons from Pluralsight《 Linux Command Interface(CLI) Fundamentals 》。

Novice can master new knowledge, while veteran can learn from the past. To learn this course, you need to spend $29/month or $299/year to buy a member of Pluralsight, but it is definitely worth the money.

Translated on December 24, 2018 23:38

Pluralsight is the developer's Netflix, with more than 6000 high-quality courses for the latest technology, which means you can learn anything from anywhere. A further explanation is that you are traveling or commuting.

By the way, if you want to be a master of shell scripts, you can take a look at my list: The best lesson for learning shell scripts

Translated on December 24, 2018 23:42

4. Network and security

Today's world is no longer isolated from the world. Everything is related to each other, which highlights the importance of network and security.

To become an excellent DevOps engineer, you need to understand basic network and security concepts, such as DNS, OSI model HTTP , HTTPS, FTP, SSL, TLS, etc.

In order to get the latest information on these concepts, you should check Ed Liberman on Pluralsight TCP/IP and network foundation recommended to IT staff course.

If you need more options, you can also go to Udemy's tutorials, such as the network Complete network foundation Excellent, safety Complete Information Security Course: Network Security!

 Border Town
Translated at 15:28, December 28, 2018
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