Open source interview

Open source interviews are a series of interviews with outstanding domestic open source software authors launched by Open Source China, recorded and disseminated in written form.
Curve exclusive interview of Netease distributed storage project: why is it 84% higher than Ceph?

In the age of big data, distributed storage has gradually replaced traditional network storage and become more and more Internet with its low cost of ownership, flexible expansion ability, linear growth performance, unified resource pool management and many other inherent advantages

2020/07/31 09:45
Open source software developers of "science fiction fans" - reveal the origin of "fairy children" and "verb operators"

If you often pay attention to the information section of Open Source China, I believe that you should not be unfamiliar with the content released by the following open source software developer: you may also be like the following water friend, wondering what these words mean that you have never seen before

2023/05/30 16:48
Generative AI should be applied in the field of "error insensitive" first

After ChatGPT proved the subversive role of the big model, many AI manufacturers, as well as manufacturers in various application fields, are seeking solutions to use AI technology in the actual production of various industries to improve efficiency. But life

Why does UniTrust Deepin want to get rid of Ubuntu and Debian?

Deepin leaves Debian. Recently, UniTrust Software announced that its Linux community distribution, Deepin, will break away from the upstream Debian, from the Linux Kernel

2022/05/26 18:08
Wordfinch document editor will be open source: starting from but not limited to Markdown

Whether it's writing API documents or outputting technology blogs, technical writing has become the most common job for programmers to write code. The document editor in hand may be the second best thing after IDE. In fact, the earliest

2022/04/17 21:53
She is an open source entrepreneur in Shanghai who cannot be defeated by the epidemic

"At the beginning, we prepared food for seven days, but unexpectedly, it was sealed for a month." Being in Shanghai, the center of the epidemic, Landy in the video is still calm and confident in the face of the dual pressures of living materials and spiritual aspects

2022/04/25 00:10
Tsinghua Doctor's Way to Entrepreneurship: From Quantification of Programmer's Work to Value Distribution of Open Source

In the open source community, the topic of interest distribution among individual contributors never stops. These developers from outside the founding team of open source projects contribute code to the community out of personal enthusiasm, so should they enjoy certain rights

2022/02/25 14:49
When Apache SeaTunnel is incubated in ASF, how can many data sources be integrated into one platform?

Open source in China is rising, and all the five projects that will enter the Apache incubator in 2021 will come from China. I firmly believe that open source will look at China in the next ten years! It also calls for partners who are willing to base themselves on China and contribute to the world to join

2022/01/23 17:43
"WebAssembly will replace Docker", but there is a second half sentence

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruction format language jointly developed by Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, Apple and other companies. It was originally designed for browsers, with memory security, portability, etc

2021/09/14 19:17
Exclusive interview with Netease Sufan: What can the open source cloud native road bring to the business?

According to the 2020 cloud native survey report released by CNCF, 68% of the respondents use containers in production, up 39% from last year and 240% from two years ago; Kuber...

2021/09/14 13:39
Interview with Zhang Jintao: From Web developer to the first K8s ingress nginx reviewer in China

Recently, Zhang Jintao, an engineer from Tributary Technology, was added as the reviewer of the Kubernetes ingress nginx project, which is also the first Kuberne from China

2021/07/06 18:37
ThoughtWorks Liu Shangqi: Architecture coupling is toxic, not to mention measurement is hooliganism

Is software coupling necessarily a bad thing? Most people answered "yes" to this question. Any software will involve different degrees of coupling. Chaotic or wrong coupling will bring about a lot of understanding, maintenance, and modification of software

2021/06/01 16:26
Inspur open source ZNBase: traditional enterprises need more easy-to-use NewSQL

From 2012 to 2013, Google successively published papers on Spanner and F1 systems, making the industry see for the first time that the scalability of relational models and NoSQL is on a large scale

2021/05/06 11:24
Tencent cloud big data team: serious open-source people, with bright eyes

Some time ago, Oracle officially released JDK 15, and also released the OpenJDK global contributors list as a convention, expressing gratitude to these enterprises and individual developers. Among them, Oracle

2020/11/27 08:59
Netease's Service Mesh Road: Will Istio be the next K8s?

Recently, Netease opened its Service Mesh component Slime, reflecting the company's vision for Istio's future. Service Grid is considered by many people to be

2021/03/11 23:21
[Open source interview] Interview with Zhan Bo, the author of JFinal

Open source interviews Open source interviews are a series of interviews launched by Open Source China for outstanding domestic open source software authors, which are recorded and disseminated in written form. We hope that the open source interview can comprehensively show the domestic open source software, open source software authors

2013/07/11 17:36
WeChat crowd open source event: entering the new "grid" incubated by ASF

In February this year, the open source project EventMesh (Event Grid) of WeBank officially passed the vote of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF for short), and became A

2021/04/01 18:15
The emerging field of Rust's great efforts: confidential computing

In the cloud native era, the Go language, with its native support for high concurrency and other features, has become the preferred language for cloud native infrastructure construction, the top ranking of major programming languages, and one of the fastest growing emerging programming languages for users. And phase

2021/03/30 17:53
From Netflix to Alibaba, is Spring Cloud better?

Since its launch in March 2015, Spring Cloud has quickly become the preferred technology stack for developers in the Java microservice ecosystem. Spring Cloud in Sp

2021/03/31 17:04
Dubbo has been restarted and maintained for more than a year. Is he still alive?

Dubbo announced to restart maintenance last year. It has been more than a year now. The news of the original restart has aroused strong repercussions among developers. Many people are optimistic, while others are skeptical. Even today, many people still believe that

2019/01/10 15:07

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