Expert Q&A

In each question and answer session, we will invite a developer who is good at a certain field to discuss and share with you the latest popular technologies or frameworks. The time cycle is one week.
Expert Q&A Issue 313 - How to use Excelize to efficiently process Excel office documents

The spreadsheet application represented by Excel has been widely used in all walks of life. With the acceleration of enterprise digital intelligence process, developers have more and more scenarios for automated processing of office documents through programming. OSCHIN...

Expert Q&A 315 - How do programmers get started with AI application development?

In recent years, with the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI, there has been an AI wave. Many companies in China have begun to participate in the development of large models. As programmers or ordinary developers, we are in this wave of AI waves

04/09 19:32
Expert Q&A Issue 314 - Talking about Unity and Native Bridging

Unity technology, as a cross platform development engine, has performed well in the field of games, but also shines across mixed reality, virtual social networking and other fields. Its technical position has become increasingly prominent, becoming a hot skill pursued by developers

Expert Q&A Issue 309 - Starting from the kkFileView project, talk about how to do open source projects

Open source project is a word that every developer cannot bypass. No matter whether you take the initiative to contact open source projects or not, they are around you and closely related to your work. This issue's guest KL blogger had a chance to contact open source 6 years ago

Expert Q&A Issue 312 - Talk about optimizing slow SQL

At the initial stage of business development, the company has low requirements for system architecture design in order to quickly put products into the market to verify the business model or adapt to market needs for rapid business iteration. With the continuous development of business, the system and data volume are also gradually huge

Expert Q&A Issue 311 - Talk about the evolution of NGINX to cloud native

According to Gartner's prediction, by 2025, cloud native architecture will become the foundation of more than 95% of new digital plans, up from less than 40% in 2021, and the market share of cloud native architecture will continue to increase. Today, half of the world

Expert Q&A Issue 310 - Taking history as a mirror, the future development trend of the software industry

Today's world runs on software. Great software is not invented overnight, but the result of long-term accumulation of human civilization. It can be said that software civilization is the continuation of human civilization in the era of electrification. So the history of software development

2023/11/28 14:26
Expert Q&A Issue 308 - How do programmers get started with big data?

Many companies in the market are doing user portrait related work, whether in e-commerce industry, financial industry, video industry, etc., all have such products. How to define user profiles? OSCHINA's current Q&A session

2023/10/31 12:14
Expert Q&A Issue 307 - New Paradigm of Machine Learning in the Age of Big Data

In the era of big data, the number and complexity of data are growing exponentially. However, these data are often scattered among different organizations and individuals, which limits the use and mining of data. At this time, federal learning came into being. It is a new

Expert Q&A Issue 304 - Talk about privacy computing technology

Data flow can create greater value. With the continuous and rapid growth of the digital economy, the demand for data connectivity is becoming more and more strong, ranging from public data of government agencies, core business data of companies to personal information. In the last two years

Expert Q&A 295 - Software R&D Efficiency Improvement: Completely Free from the "Inner Volume"

R&D efficiency is one of the core competitiveness of enterprises and plays a decisive role in the survival and development of technology companies. However, how to comprehensively, effectively and continuously improve efficiency can not only support the rapid iteration of business, but also improve the

2022/12/06 18:44
Expert Q&A Issue 305 - How to use lambda expressions to improve development efficiency?

A big highlight of Java 8 is the introduction of lambda expressions, which will make the code designed more concise. When developers write lambda expressions, they will be compiled into a functional interface. OSCH...

2023/08/22 15:54
Expert Q&A Issue 306 - Talk about the relationship between LLM and knowledge maps, map databases

Since the birth of ChatGPT at the beginning of this year and its popularity around the world, we have also ushered in a term that is not unfamiliar: LLM, that is, the big language model. Subsequently, many projects related to LLM were in full swing

Expert Q&A Issue 303 - How to Write High Quality SQL?

When many DBAs and developers write SQL statements, they only want to find them, but ignore the query performance. However, in a massive data environment, an SQL query may bring huge performance pressure to the database

Expert Q&A Issue 302 - How to quickly write high-quality Go applications?

Go language (Golang) is a static type programming language developed by Google, which aims to provide efficient concurrent programming capability and concise syntax. At the same time, Go language is one of the main programming languages of cloud native software stack

Expert Q&A Issue 301 - Talk about PostgreSQL High Availability Solution Design and Practice

The improvement of system service capability (SLA) is a systematic project. The database is a core component of the entire IT system. In different application scenarios, users have different concerns about various capabilities of the database, such as read/write delay

2023/05/31 17:46
Expert Q&A Issue 300 - How do TOB enterprises use cloud native for software delivery?

The CD we often refer to is continuous integration and continuous deployment. It is usually applicable to enterprises of ToC, where one environment or multiple environments are continuously integrated. And the software delivery mentioned in the title refers to the toB software delivery, which will

Expert Q&A Issue 299 - Zero code modification for observability

Under the cloud native architecture, due to the large number of applications, complex access relationships, and long access paths, observability becomes more and more important. However, traditional observability implementation methods mostly rely on active service exposure indicators, active output tracking

2023/03/20 18:32
Expert Q&A Issue 298 - How to achieve secure, efficient and low-cost migration to the cloud or cross cloud migration?

In the current large-scale industrial digital transformation, it is the best choice for enterprises to carry digital intelligence technology with cloud computing. Whether it is a migration from a traditional physical machine to a cloud virtual machine to the cloud, or a cross cloud migration from a cloud platform to another cloud platform, it needs

2023/02/27 16:13

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