10. Org is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
10. Org in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
10. Org won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement unknown
development language C/C++
operating system Linux
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer sweet potato
intended for unknown
Recording time 2009-10-28

Software Introduction

X.Org It is an open source implementation version of X Window System, which supports Linux, Solaris, and BSD platforms.

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Published information
05/06 15:01

NetBSD talks about the current situation and future of X.Org/X11

On Linux, desktop environment, graphics stack and other applications are steadily adopting Wayland support, instead of focusing on X11/X.Org support. However, in BSD, the overall status of Wayland support and open source graphics driver stack is not so robust. The NetBSD project released a status report that describes their continuous dependence on and improvement of the X. Org stack. Nia Alarie of NetBSD project released a status report on X.Org graphics support. NetBSD maintains its X.Org stack as a branch of the X.Org code base, including using its own BSD makefile to build

Published information
2023/05/06 08:02

10. Org Fund left SPI and transferred to SFC Free Software Protection Association

After the vote of community members, X. Org Foundation will leave the SPI of the Public Welfare Software Association and transfer to the SFC of the Software Freedom Protection Association, with SFC as its financial sponsor and manager. The full name of SPI is Software in the Public Interest. It was originally created to donate Debian projects openly and transparently. Now it has become a financial sponsor of more than 40 free and open source projects, including Arch Linux, Debian, Ffmpeg, PostgreSQL, which we are familiar with. 10. Org Foundation joined SPI in 2016, but in recent years, members of the Foundation always feel that SP

Published information
2018/06/11 08:15

It has nothing to do with Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub. X. Org is migrating to GitLab

Adam Jackson of Red Riding Hood announced on his website that X. Org began to migrate to GitLab. At the beginning of May, FreeDesktop.org announced that the repo of its projects would gradually migrate to GitLab. At that time, Daniel Stone, the administrator, sent an email saying that Wayland and Weston had started to migrate to GitLab; Subsequently, Mesa began to migrate to GitLab at the end of May as part of the FreeDesktop.org project; Now the latest FreeDesktop.org main project X.Org is also being transferred to GitLab for deployment. For FreeDesktop.org

Published information
2016/01/10 00:00

10. Org may lose its domain name x.org

10. The Org Foundation is facing the loss of one of its important assets: the single letter domain name x.org. In the past six months, the board of directors of X.Org Foundation tried to solve the ownership problem of the x.org domain name privately, but failed to do so. The domain name will expire on January 19, leaving less than two weeks. The owner of the registered domain name is Leon Shiman, who is X He is a founding member of the Org Foundation, but has no longer participated in the organization in the past few years. He is not the owner of the domain name. The owner of the domain name is X Org Foundation LLC. X. Org Foundation lost 501 (c) (3) status because of its failure to submit tax reports in time

Published information
2014/12/11 00:00

New X.Org security vulnerability affects code dating back to 1987

10. The Org project released a security announcement that Ilja van Sprundel, a security researcher at IOActive, found a series of security vulnerabilities, and he worked with the security team to analyze, verify and repair these vulnerabilities. 10. Org released 12 CVEs (general vulnerability disclosure) at one time, and the codes involved can be traced back to 1987. According to the security bulletin, these vulnerabilities may be exploited to cause the X server to access uninitialized memory or overwrite any memory of the X server process, resulting in a denial of service such as an error in the memory segment of the X server, or be used to implement arbitrary code execution. For the recent open source

Published information
2013/08/27 00:00

10. Org Foundation lost 501 (c) (3) non-profit status

The IRS revoked X Org Foundation's 501 (c) (3) non-profit status because it failed to submit the bonded report in time. 10. The Org Foundation is a deputy non-profit organization responsible for open source projects such as X. Org Server, Mesa and Wayland. After a non-profit organization has 501 (c) (3) status, the donor's donation will be entitled to the corresponding amount of income tax relief. After losing 501 (c) (3) status, the X. Org Foundation is looking for new options. It is considering joining an alliance organization such as the Apache Foundation or other free software organizations with 501 (c) (3) tax exemption. Before that, Wired

Published information
2012/06/07 00:00

10. Org 7.7 Release

X.Org, the open source implementation of X Window System, released version 7.7 today. According to the X.Org 7.7 release note, this version mainly includes the following new features: the touchpad and touchscreen now support Multi touch events. The Xinput extension adds some additional features, such as allowing the client to track the original events from the input device, rolling events allows the client to perform smooth scrolling, etc. X.Org documents have been converted into DocBook XML format, Cross linking between documents is supported. The Fence object X Fixes extension is introduced in Synchronization ("Sync") extension 3.1

Published information
2010/12/23 00:00

10. Org 7.6 Release

X Window System has released version 7.6. Version 7.7 is expected to be released in 2011. The main features of the new version include: the InputClass section in the Xorg configuration file can be used to configure any input device matching specific rules; Linux X server uses udev to discover input devices and hot plug notifications; Katamari now contains the X protocol C language binding; wait.

Published information
2009/10/28 00:00

X11R 7.5 Release

10. The developers of the. org community have released X11R 7.5, the 7.5 version of X Window System Version 11. X11R 7.5 supports Linux BSD、Solaris、Mac OS X、M$ Windows、 And GNU Hurd system. This version not only adds some new features, but also includes stability enhancement and defect correction. According to the X11R 7.5 announcement, this version mainly adds the following new features: Multi Pointer X (MPX) enhances the input device support X Input Extension version 2.0 (XI2) Resize, Rotate and Reflect Extension (RANDR) 1.3

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