VisualVM is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
VisualVM in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
VisualVM won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Award "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement GPLv2
development language Java View source code »
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2008-09-24

Software Introduction

VisualVM is a visualizer integrating multiple JDK command line tools. It can be used as a tool for performance analysis and running monitoring of Java applications. Developers can use it to monitor and analyze thread information and browse memory heap data. System administrators can use it to monitor and control the situation of Java applications across the entire network. Java application users can use it to create bug reports containing all necessary information.

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Published information
2014/01/24 00:00

VisualVM 1.3.7 release, Java performance analysis tool

VisualVM 1.3.7 is released. This version improves the related functions of performance analysis (sampling memory analysis, thread monitoring) and heap viewer; It allows you to build and fix some bugs on NetBeans Platform 7.4. Download: Download, source code: release137. VisualVM is a visualizer integrating multiple JDK command line tools. It can be used as a tool for performance analysis and running monitoring of Java applications. Developers can use it to monitor and analyze thread information and browse memory heap data. System administrators can use it to monitor and control the situation of Java applications across the entire network

Published information
2012/11/15 00:00

VisualVM 1.3.5 release, Java performance analysis tool

VisualVM 1.3.5 released, Improvements include: links to snapshots in Overview/Saved data. npss files opens with timeline UI appearance improvements VisualVM launcher updated Allow filtering tree results Speed up of opening head dumps and calculation of retained sizes UI to copy near GC root trace to clipboard KillApplication plugin can use kill - 9 Build on NetBe ans Platform & profiler 7.2.1 V...

Published information
2011/10/19 00:00

VisualVM 1.3.3 release, Java performance analysis tool

VisualVM is a visualizer integrating multiple JDK command line tools. It can be used as a tool for performance analysis and running monitoring of Java applications. Developers can use it to monitor, analyze, win Thread Dumps, and browse Heap dumps. System administrators can use it to monitor and control the situation of Java applications across the entire network. Java application users can use it to create bug reports containing all necessary information. The main improvements of the new version include: the automatic deadlock monitoring tool can sample and analyze the memory of CPUs in each thread. Eclipse IDE 3.6 or later is supported

Published information
2011/04/09 00:00

VisualVM 1.3.2 release, Java performance analysis

VisualVM 1.3.2 has been released, which is a bug fix based on VisualVM 1.3.1. VisualVM is a visualizer integrating multiple JDK command line tools. It can be used as a tool for performance analysis and running monitoring of Java applications. Developers can use it to monitor, analyze, win Thread Dumps, and browse Heap dumps. System administrators can use it to monitor and control the situation of Java applications across the entire network. Java application users can use it to create bug reports containing all necessary information. Download address:

Published information
2009/10/22 00:00

VisualVM 1.2 Release

VisualVM is a visualizer integrating multiple JDK command line tools. It can be used as a tool for performance analysis and running monitoring of Java applications. Developers can use it to monitor, analyze, win Thread Dumps, and browse Heap dumps. System administrators can use it to monitor and control the situation of Java applications across the entire network. Java application users can use it to create bug reports containing all necessary information. The new version includes the following updates: Sampling CPU and memory profiler Redesigned charts with dynamic tools Enhanced su

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