SylixOS is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
SylixOS in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
SylixOS won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement BSD
development language
operating system Embedded
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region domestic
deliverer jiaojinxing
intended for unknown
Recording time 2014-01-22

Software Introduction

SylixOS is an embedded hard real-time operating system. With its similar operating system, VxWorks (mainly used in aerospace, military and industrial automation fields), RTEMS (originated from the missile and rocket control real-time system of the US Department of Defense), ThreadX (mainly used in aerospace and digital communication), etc. are more well-known in the world. From a global perspective, as the latecomer of real-time operating systems, SylixOS draws on the design ideas of many real-time operating systems, including RTEMS, VxWorks, ThreadX, etc., making the specific performance parameters reach or exceed the level of many real-time operating systems, and becoming one of the most outstanding representatives of domestic real-time operating systems.

The main features are:

Excellent real-time performance (task scheduling and handover, interrupt response algorithms are all O (1) time complexity algorithms)
Support unlimited tasks
Preemptive scheduling supports 256 priorities
Support co routing (called fiber in windows)
Support for virtual processes
Support priority inheritance and prevent priority inversion
Extremely stable kernel. Many products developed based on SylixOS need 7x24 hours of uninterrupted operation
Low CPU usage of the kernel
The core code is written in C, with good portability
Support tight coupled architecture multiprocessor (SMP), such as ARM Cortex-A9 SMPCore
Unique hard real-time multi-core scheduling algorithm in the world
Support standard I/O interface
Support multiple emerging asynchronous event synchronization interfaces, such as signalfd, timerfd, eventfd, etc
Support IEEE POSIX operating system interface specification
Support many standard file systems: FAT, YAFFS, ROOTFS, PROCFS, NFS, ROMFS, etc
Support file record lock and database
Support unified block device CACHE model
Support for memory management unit (MMU)
Support third-party GUI graphics library, such as Microwindows, µ C/GUI, ftk, etc
Support dynamic loading of applications, dynamic link libraries, and modules
Support symbol interface of extension system
Support standard TCP/IPv4/IPv6 dual network protocol stack and provide standard socket operation interface
Support AF_UNIX, AF_INET, and AF_INET6 protocol domains
Internal integration of many network tools, such as FTP, TFTP, NAT, PING, TELNET, NFS, etc
Internal integrated shell interface, support for environment variables (basically compatible with Linux operating habits)
Internal integration can be reentered into ISO/ANSI C library (supporting more than 80% of standard functions)
It supports many standard device abstractions, such as TTY, BLOCK, DMA, ATA, GRAPH, RTC, PIPE, etc. At the same time, it supports multiple industrial equipment or bus models, such as CAN, I2C, SPI, SDIO, etc
Provide high-speed timer device interface, which can provide timing service higher than the main clock frequency
Support for hot swap devices
Support device power consumption management
The device model supports multiplexed I/O interfaces and asynchronous I/O interfaces
Kernel, driver and application support GDB debugging
Provide kernel behavior tracker to facilitate application performance and fault analysis

Please read the introduction.pdf file under the SylixOS source package

Third party library support

How to compile and run SylixOS

Please inquire for details

Note that SylixOS only opens a small amount of BSP code due to authorization problems. Please contact the author if necessary.

development environment

The graphical interface can be developed using QtCreator


Development Workspace

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Device model Device manufacturer More information
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