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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Sphinx won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement BSD
development language Python View source code »
operating system Windows
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
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Recording time 2008-12-05

Software Introduction

Sphinx is a tool written by George Brandl, which can easily create intelligent and beautiful documents for Python projects (or other documents composed of multiple reStructuredText sources). It was originally created for new Python documents. It has excellent functions for Python project documents, but it also supports C/C++, and plans more languages.

Sphinx uses reStructuredText as a markup language. Its many advantages come from the powerful functions and directness of reStructuredText and its parsing and translation suite Docutils.

Its functions include:

  • Output format: HTML (including derived formats, such as HTML help, Epub and Qt help), plain text, man pages and LaTeX or direct PDF output using rst2pdf
  • Extensive cross referencing: semantic marking and automatic linking of functions, classes, lexical terms and similar information
  • Hierarchy: easily define the document tree and automatically link to siblings, parents and children
  • Automatic index: general index and module index
  • Code processing: use Pygments highlighter to highlight automatically
  • Flexible HTML output using Jinja 2 template engine
  • Provide various extensions, for example, to automatically test code fragments and document strings containing the appropriate format
  • Setuptools integration
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Published information
2016/09/10 00:00

Sphinx 2.3.2-beta release

A year and a half after the release of sphinx 2.3.1 beta, sphinx finally released sphinx 2.3.1 beta before sphinx 2.3.2 beta and made significant improvements, such as thread pool, which can make full use of multi-core CPUs. The new feature worth noting in the 2.3.2-beta is that the startup speed is extremely fast, and it is no longer necessary to wait for all indexes to be loaded from the slow hard disk to the memory gradually before the startup is completed. Major features Searchd now uses mmap() Daemon is available immediately and spawns a separate thread that loads the indexes. Bui...

Published information
2013/05/04 00:00

Sphinx 2.0.8 release, full-text search engine

Sphinx 2.0.8 was released. Sphinx is a SQL based full-text search engine, which can combine MySQL and PostgreSQL for full-text search. It can provide more professional search functions than the database itself, making it easier for applications to achieve professional full-text search. Sphinx specially designs search API interfaces for some scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc., and also designs a storage engine plug-in for MySQL. The Sphinx single index can contain up to 100 million records, and the query speed in the case of 10 million records is 0. x seconds (milliseconds). Sphinx creates indexes at the speed of 1 million entries

Published information
2013/04/25 00:00

Sphinx 2.0.7 release, full-text search engine

Sphinx 2.0.7 was released. Sphinx is a SQL based full-text search engine that can combine MySQL and PostgreSQL for full-text search. It can provide more professional search functions than the database itself, making it easier for applications to achieve professional full-text search. Sphinx specially designs search API interfaces for some scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc., and also designs a storage engine plug-in for MySQL. This version mainly deals with the following problems: Issue # 1382: A Diligent and developed Sphinx user informed us that trying the search "

Published information
2012/03/19 00:00

Sphinx 2.0.4 release, SQL based full-text search engine

Sphinx 2.0.4 has been released. This version is mainly for bug repair. Users who use real-time indexes are recommended to upgrade as soon as possible. For a detailed list of bugs to be fixed, see here. Sphinx is a SQL based full-text search engine, which can combine MySQL and PostgreSQL for full-text search. It can provide more professional search functions than the database itself, making it easier for applications to achieve professional full-text search. Sphinx specially designs search API interfaces for some scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc., and also designs a storage engine plug-in for MySQL. Sphinx single index can contain up to 100 million records

Published information
2011/12/29 00:00

Sphinx 2.0.3 release, full-text search engine

The full-text search engine Sphinx has released the latest version 2.0.3, which can be downloaded from here. This is the first stable release since version 0.9.9. It includes a stable real-time indexing technology that has passed a lot of tests, 64 bit MVA support, expression based rank, keyword dictionary, and many other new features. For a complete list, see changelog Sphinx is a SQL based full-text search engine, which can combine MySQL and PostgreSQL for full-text search. It can provide more professional search functions than the database itself, making it easier for applications to achieve professional full-text search. Sphinx is especially for some scripts

Published information
2011/11/17 00:00

Sphinx 2.0.2 beta release, full-text search engine

Sphinx is a SQL based full-text search engine, which can combine MySQL and PostgreSQL for full-text search. It can provide more professional search functions than the database itself, making it easier for applications to achieve professional full-text search. Sphinx specially designs search API interfaces for some scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc., and also designs a storage engine plug-in for MySQL. Sphinx 2.0.2-beta version contains more than 30 new features, and the option parameters are significantly changed along with others. The most important feature is the MVA64 attribute type, dict=keywords and MVA supp...

Published information
2010/07/20 00:00

Sphinx 1.10 beta release, full-text search engine

Sphinx is a SQL based full-text search engine, which can combine MySQL and PostgreSQL for full-text search. It can provide more professional search functions than the database itself, making it easier for applications to achieve professional full-text search. Sphinx specially designs search API interfaces for some scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc., and also designs a storage engine plug-in for MySQL. The most noteworthy feature of this version is that it supports real-time indexing. In addition, this version also includes perfoked and thread modes, string attributes, full support for SphinxQL, non disruptive and mixed indexing

Published information
2009/12/03 00:00

Full text search engine Sphinx 0.9.9 release

Sphinx is a SQL based full-text search engine, which can combine MySQL and PostgreSQL for full-text search. It can provide more professional search functions than the database itself, making it easier for applications to achieve professional full-text search. Sphinx specially designs search API interfaces for some scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc., and also designs a storage engine plug-in for MySQL. The Sphinx single index can contain up to 100 million records, and the query speed in the case of 10 million records is 0. x seconds (milliseconds). Sphinx creates indexes at the speed of 3 to 4 minutes to create an index of 1 million records

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