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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
SearchStatus won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement MPL
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operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
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Recording time 2008-09-11

Software Introduction

The SEO toolbar plug-in of FireFox can display the Alexa ranking and PageRank of the website currently being visited. The installation address is as follows

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Published information
2012/06/10 00:00

SearchStatus updated to version 1.41

The SEO toolbar plug-in of FireFox can display the Alexa ranking and PageRank of the website currently being visited. The installation address is as follows SearchStatus is updated to version 1.41. The main improvements are: Blekko SEO indexed pages and backlink tools SEOmoz mozRank algorithm updated Deployed code removed Compatible with Firefox 12

Published information
2012/02/28 00:00

SearchStatus 1.40 released, FF SEO toolbar

The SearchStatus 1.40 update was pushed to all Firefox browsers today, and this version includes the following improvements: Blekko SEO index page and backlink tool SEOmoz mozRank algorithm update Delete obsolete code Compatible with Firefox 12 Firefox SEO toolbar plug-in, which can display the Alexa ranking and PageRank of currently visited websites. The installation address is as follows

Published information
2011/02/02 00:00

SearchStatus released version 1.35, supporting Firefox 4.0

The SEO toolbar plug-in of FireFox can display the Alexa ranking and PageRank of the website currently being visited. The installation address is as follows

Published information
2009/12/05 00:00

FireFox SEO Toolbar SearchStatus 1.33

The SEO toolbar plug-in of FireFox can display the Alexa ranking and PageRank of the website currently being visited. Firefox 3.6 and SeaMonkey 2.0 compatibility, better private mode management. Installation address:

Published information
2009/11/06 00:00

SearchStatus 1.31 Release

SearchStatus is a Firefox SEO toolbar plug-in, which can display the Alexa ranking and PageRank of the website currently being visited. Improvements in the new version include: Better bar and tooltip state indication (private, unreadable etc.) Show other domains on this IP (right click 'q') New Domain mozRank (right click mozRank bar) Rankings for https URLs (disabled by default in Privacy Options) Refresh a ranking with left click on bar Show Alexa searc

Published information
2009/05/19 00:00

Firefox's Alexa toolbar -- SearchStatus 1.30 released

SearchStatus is the SEO toolbar plug-in of FireFox browser, which can display the Alexa ranking and PageRank of the website currently being visited. This version mainly adds support for FireFox 3.5, and also includes the following updates: 1 Canonical link detection with 'C' icon in location bar (!), Character counts in Meta Tags, 2. private browsing integration, 3. backward links engines revision, 4. improved nofollow highlighting, 5. bugs fixed. Install now

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