Safari is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Safari is 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Safari won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Free, non open source
development language C/C++
operating system Windows
Software type freeware
Classification Utilities browser
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2008-09-08

Software Introduction

Safari is a browser, a platform, and an open invitation to innovation. Whether running on a Mac, PC or iPod touch, Safari can provide an extremely pleasant network experience and constantly rewrite the definition of the browser.

Safari renders web pages at amazing speed. Perfect compatibility with Mac, PC and iPod touch. Make your favorite website clear at a glance. The smart one also checks spelling and grammar.

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Published information
2023/07/05 18:17

Safari continues to rank second in global desktop browser market share

Statcounter, a well-known traffic monitoring agency, announced the market share of the global desktop browser in June. The main data are as follows: Chrome: 61.1% Safari: 14.45% Edge: 10.77% Firefox: 6.04% Opera: 5.31% 360 Safe: 0.6%... Compared with last month, the market share of Chrome dropped by 4 percentage points. Accordingly, the market shares of Safari, Edge, Firefox and Opera have increased. In particular, Safari has gradually opened the gap with Edge since it became the second largest desktop browser in the global market share in May - from a weak advantage to four leading now

Published information
2023/02/16 08:34

Safari supports declarative Shadow DOM

Safari technology preview version 162 announced that it began to support declarative shadow DOM, and it will be enabled by default, so that developers can also use the shadow DOM when JavaScript is disabled or server-side rendering technology is adopted. Shadow DOM is one of the three main technologies in Web Components. The other two technologies are custom elements and HTML templates. The emergence of Web Components is to allow developers to create custom gadgets and components that can be reused on web pages. At present, all technologies of Web Components have been integrated into DOM and HTML

Published information
2021/12/14 08:01

Safari 15.2 introduces new WebKit improvements to support Wasm and wide gamut

The latest update to WebKit has brought many improvements to Safari 15.2, focusing on supporting creative applications and leveraging the power of today's hardware. The Internet has always been about communication and collaboration, starting with asynchronous messages composed of text. As it matures, the Internet becomes connected in real time, adding images and then videos. Now the website has become a means of publishing, broadcasting, managing, gathering communities and creating new technologies. WebAssembly enhancements WebAssembly (Wasm) is a low-level assembly language that allows you to compile multiple programming languages, such as C/C++ C#、Objective-C、Swift、Python、J...

Published information
2020/08/30 08:40

Safari will use the same WebExtensions API as Chrome/Firefox

Apple announced a new plan in the announcement for Apple developers. Developers can use the WebExtensions API to create Web extensions in Safari 14 beta to add custom functions to Safari. WebExtensions API is also an API used by Chrome, Firefox, Edge and other browsers. The new conversion tool provided by Xcode 12 Beta allows developers to migrate existing extensions from other browsers to Safari and provide them in the Mac App Store this fall. The current mainstream browsers all use the WebExtensions API, which has become a fact

Published information
2020/01/29 09:20

Apple "killed" Flash: The latest preview version of Safari removes support for Flash

Ten years ago, Jobs' article "Thinking about Flash" seemed to have doomed Flash to be eliminated. Since then, Apple has gradually implemented the "de flash" action in its own products, such as no longer preloading Flash in Mac products, no support for Flash in iOS, and disabling Flash by default in Safari browser. Since Adobe had previously announced that it would stop developing Flash and providing technical support to it in 2020, Apple also responded in the recent Safari update, with the latest release of the beta version of Safari Technology

Published on Industry trends Special area
2018/10/01 08:18

Google becomes Safari's default search engine, which needs 9 billion dollars this year

Apple, which has the second largest market share in the smartphone market, not only has a great say in setting standards, but it has also proved that when choosing third-party services as the default services for Apple devices, it also has some very "profitable" trading paths. Goldman Sachs analyst Rod Hall predicted that if Google wants to become the default search engine of Safari browser this year, it will pay Apple $9 billion. Next year, the price may rise to 12 billion dollars. In 2017, Google paid only $3 billion. From $1 billion in 2014 to $3 billion last year, Apple has

Published information
2018/09/20 07:14

Safari 12 is released to reduce the ability of advertisers to identify devices and restrict advertisement redirection

Safari 12 has been released. This version includes privacy, security and compatibility improvements. The specific contents are as follows: the new function of viewing website icons in the tab automatically suggests and fills in unique strong passwords when creating accounts or changing passwords in "Preferences" Flag the re-use password in. Support allows or blocks pop-up windows in specific websites. Block embedded content and social media buttons. Cross site tracking and browsing without permission. Limit advertising redirection by reducing the ability of advertisers to identify Mac devices. Automatically turn off extensions that have a negative impact on browsing performance. Only through Apple

Published information
2018/08/09 08:11

Domestic browser market share: the difference between UC, QQ and Safari data is not significant

StatCounter, a website traffic monitoring agency, released the global browser market share data in July. From the data of the whole platform, Chrome ranks first with 59.69% of the market share, followed by Safari with 13.85%, while the domestic browser UC occupies 7.03% of the market share, and IE occupies 3.01%. The trend chart shows that the Chrome index is rising steadily. Specifically, on the desktop side, the data is as follows: mobile side: as you can see, Chrome leads the list of the whole platform, desktop and mobile side, and Safari on the desktop side is inferior to Firefox, giving up the second place, even

Published information
2018/04/14 07:14

Safari 11.1 release, new WebKit features

The recently released Safari 11.1 of MacOS High Sierra and Safari of iOS 11.3 include improvements to WebKit, and increase support for many network platform technologies. These functions improve the performance of user perceived Web content, add a new dynamic method for offline experience, and provide a standard Web payment method for simplifying development. The following is a brief introduction to all the new features and improvements of Safari 11.1. Service Worker API The Service Worker API allows scripts running in the background to process the general processing of web pages. Service Worker API scripts are usually free of charge with other

Published information
2017/12/21 11:49

Safari Technical Preview 46 Release: Enable Service Workers by default

Safari technology preview 46 was released yesterday, and the most important update is to enable Service Workers by default, which means that Apple has also begun to embrace PWA. Then we associate it with the news previously reported - "Chrome Web App has been killed by Google, and will mainly promote PWA in the future". I believe we will enter the era of PWA. In fact, in July this year, the WebKit team was considering whether to support Service Worker. Later, it became "In development" in August, and now it is officially released. Let's briefly introduce Safari technology preview

Published information
2017/04/07 07:30

Web Metal! Apple shares the latest achievements of WebGPU standard

Earlier this year, Apple proposed to the W3C to establish a new community group and discuss the 3D graphics card function in the future web pages. Dean Jackson of Apple said that the company plans to develop standard APIs to realize modern GPU functions. Compared with WebGL, the WebGPU standard proposed by Apple is a "more object-oriented standard". Some people in the developer community even compare the standard proposed by Apple to the web version of Metal graphics rendering engine. The WebGPU standard pointed out by Apple allows developers to create and store all objects representing state, and also supports object processing with more instructions. In this way, you need to execute

Published information
2017/02/13 07:53

Bugs reappear, and Apple cannot synchronously delete Safari records from iCloud

Apple is a company that values security and privacy. However, a bug about user privacy was found recently. When the Safari history is cleared, iPhone and iPad users will think that all records have been permanently deleted, which seems reasonable after all. But ElcomSoft, a software company, recently found that they are still kept on iCloud. Worse, the data is easy to recover. "Our latest research involves synchronizing Safari history. When we studied this synchronization, we found that deleting the browsing history can make this record disappear from the synchronized device, but

Published information
2017/02/10 07:21

Safari's latest technology preview can improve the endurance of MacBook Pro

Yesterday, Apple released the latest Safari technology preview to developers. The latest technical preview version, version 23, contains some very interesting changes. Most notably, Safari Technology Preview can extend the endurance of MacBook Pro when displaying WebGL content by reducing the dependence on independent graphics cards. The Safari rendering engine WebKit will integrate more advanced logic algorithms to determine whether the independent graphics card in MacBook Pro needs to be enabled. In the current version, if there is 3D content rendered by WebGL in the web page, it needs to rely on an independent graphics card, which is obviously not necessary

Published information
2016/09/21 00:00

OS X El Capitan and Yosemite receive Safari 10 updates

Today, Apple released the official version of macOS Sierra, and also pushed Safari 10 updates for OS X El Capitan and Yosemite systems. The new version of Safari provides a list of new features and 21 security fixes. One of the most important new features is support for Safari extensions downloaded from the Mac App Store. Safari 10 can also give priority to supporting videos in HTML 5 format. It also includes some interface changes. The specific upgrade tips are as follows: (1) Added support for Safari extensions from the Mac App Store. (2) When available, HTML 5 video is displayed, making loading faster, battery life longer, and safe

Published information
2016/06/15 00:00

New features of Safari 10.0 that you can't miss

As a front-end, you can ignore the update of WWDC last night, but you must not miss this article. Safari 10.0 was released with many new features, bringing good news to developers. The editor refers to the official documents and arranges and translates them for everyone to read. Web APIs support IndexedDB Safari 10.0, which fully supports W3C standards for the HTML5 local storage mode of IndexedDB. Through this API, developers can realize offline storage on the client side of the Web application, or cache a considerable amount of structured data. Programmatically implement cutting and copying functions through Javascript operations (such as

Published information
2016/03/22 00:00

Safari 9.1 release, benefits for web developers

Apple released the latest Safari 9.1. This version supports setting multiple picture sources with HTML<picture>tags, and Safari can choose to load appropriate pictures according to the screen size< picture>     <source media="(min-width: 1000px)" srcset="picture_large.jpg">     <source media="(min-width: 500px)" srcset="picture_small.jpg">     <img src="picture_default.jpg"> </picture>At the same time, Safari 9.1 also provides a better development environment for Web developers. Timesheet label has more

Published information
2016/01/09 00:00

Apple's Safari browser is 13 years old

According to foreign media reports, Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, released Safari in 2003, which is known as "the fastest browser ever created for Mac". Four years later, Safari browser was introduced to the iPhone, bringing a new mobile browsing experience to the device. Today, Safari is 13 years old. In the development history of HTML, Safari appears a little late. But at that time, Jobs insisted, "This new browser, which we have spent many years developing, has given browser innovation again." When the Web standard was reopened, Apple not only launched Safari browser

Published information
2015/05/07 00:00

Safari 8.0.6, 7.1.6 and 6.2.6 were released to improve security

Today, Apple released Safari 8.0.6 for OS X Yosemite, which improves the security of the system. In addition, Apple also released Safari 7.1.6 and Safari 6.2.6 security update patches for Mavericks users and Mountain Lion users. According to Apple's security support documents, the upgrade fixes WebKit security vulnerabilities that can lead to arbitrary code lines or personal information disclosure. Apple recommends that all OS X Yosemite users upgrade to Safari 8.0.6. Users can complete the update through the Mac App Store. Safari 8.0.6 is one month away from Safari 8.0.5

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