Pumplabs SCRM is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Pumplabs SCRM in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Pumplabs SCRM won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement AGPL
development language Java JavaScript
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region domestic
deliverer osc_71427158
intended for unknown
Recording time 2022-11-28

Software Introduction

Pumplabs scrm is an open source, enterprise WeChat based, simple, convenient and efficient collaborative crm application, which is mainly aimed at customers at big C and small B terminals, or businesses with a certain sales cycle, such as home decoration, automobile services, insurance, IT, education and training.

Note: This project is cut from our early third-party applications. There are some bugs. The adaptation of self built applications has not been completely completed. After stabilization, we will release a version

Why Pumplabs

  • Multi channel and efficient access to customers   Pumplabs is based on enterprise WeChat. In addition to directly communicating with customers on WeChat, it uses a strong WeChat ecosystem and open api capabilities to reach customers through customer group sending, customer circle of friends, video numbers, applets and other channels, and provides channel codes, fission and automated marketing tools to achieve diversion and transformation.

  • Synchronous collaboration   In terms of customer and business opportunity follow-up, it provides multi person collaboration function. Follow up process visualization, centralized presentation of customer dynamics, business opportunities dynamics, follow-up reminders, task status, associated attachments and other information, and real-time push of updated information to improve customer service quality and improve conversion rate.

  • Simple and convenient   Support PC terminal, chat sidebar and mobile terminal, simple interface design, employees can serve customers and control business opportunities anytime and anywhere through mobile phones.

  • Open source core functions   All core functions of Pumplabs are open source, and individuals are encouraged to download code for learning and exchange. Team or enterprise users are also very welcome to deploy and use them internally, but it is not allowed to modify the source code and release it again. Welcome to the email for friends with cooperation needs pumplabs@163.cn



Deploy online

1. Preparation

  1. Registered enterprise WeChat (ignored if registered)
  2. Official account of enterprise WeChat and the same subject
  3. Prepare a domain name
  4. Download code
  5. Familiar with enterprise WeChat self built application development process

2. Install basic software

  1. Mysql8
  2. Rabbitmq
  3. Redis
  4. Nginx
  5. Maven
  6. Jdk8
  7. Nodejs

3. Configuration

Refer to the configuration description:

  1. Change scrm/scrm server/server/src/main/resources/bootstrap template. yml to bootstrap dev. yml
  2. Modify the configuration according to the actual situation

4. Import database table

Import db/scrm.sql and sql/xxl job

Main technology stack


  1. Java
  2. SpringBoot
  3. MybatisPlus
  4. Knife4j
  5. xxljob

front end

  1. React
  2. Mobx
  3. React-Router
  4. antdesign & antdesign-mobile
  5. echarts

Front end local development

  1. Set host

    Add the following code to the HOSTS file www.xxxx.xxx (trusted domain name configured by enterprise and micro enterprise)

    1.1. Window environment

    Windows environment is generally in the path:


    1.2 mac

     sudo vi /etc/hosts
     sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Problems and suggestions

If there is a bug or other functional suggestions, please send an issue or email to pumplabs@163.com


Because of limited resources, the team will mainly focus on the development and maintenance of the cloud version. The open source version does not provide human support for the time being, and the function update and bug repair of the open source version will be delayed for a certain time than the cloud version. We hope to know. Finally, I hope this project can help people in need.


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