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OpenID won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Award "The Best Popularity Project" !
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Recording time 2008-10-06

Software Introduction

OpenID is an authentication system developed by LiveJournal and SixtApart. Compared with the current popular website account system (Passport), OpenID is open and decentralized. It is not based on the registration procedure of an application website, and is not limited to the login use of a single website. The OpenID account can be used in any OpenID application website, thus avoiding the tedious process of multiple registration and filling in identity information. In short, OpenID is a user centered distributed authentication system. Users only need to register to obtain OpenID, and then they can use this OpenID account to log in freely among multiple websites, without having to register an account for every website they visit.

At present, there are two ways of account management on the Internet: 1. Single account system. The user account management mode adopted by some websites that only provide a single service. After registering, users can use this account to realize all functional operations on their network. 2. Pass. For example, Google, 163, Microsoft and other websites that provide multiple services use account management programs. After registering once, users can use this account freely in the groups of these websites. The images of these two modes are the appearance of tickets and pass tickets in the Forbidden City: tickets can only enter one scene; Passes can enter all scenes of the Forbidden City.

This is not the case with OpenID. It is more extensive than the ordinary pass. With OpenID, you can not only play freely in all scenes of the Forbidden City, but also play in the Summer Palace. That is to say, OpenID is not limited to a certain website or website group. It can freely shuttle through any OpenID application website.

Brief Introduction to OpenID Technology Principle

Suppose you already have an OpenID account registered with website A, website B supports the use of OpenID account login, and you have never logged in. At this time, when you enter your OpenID account in the corresponding login interface of website B for login, the browser will automatically turn to a page of website A for authentication. At this time, you just need to enter the password you provided when you registered at website A to log in to website A, and then conduct verification management on website B (permanently allowed, only allowed once or not allowed), and the page will automatically go to website B. If you choose to allow, you will log in to the B website. (If you choose not to allow...) At this time, you can use your OpenID account to implement all the functions of Website B.

This is a simple B-A-B process, and the actual operation will be simpler and clearer. The following figure shows the relationship between multiple OpenID application websites and your OpenID account.
How openid works
In process A, you can verify your identity and select corresponding personal data. That is to say, you use an OpenID account provided by website A to log in to websites B, C, D, E and F.

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Published information
2018/07/21 08:01

OpenID lost its most important advocate StackOverflow

Recently, OpenID lost one of its most important advocates, Stack Exchange, which operates question and answer websites such as StackOverflow. Stack Exchange will completely stop supporting OpenID from July 25, 2018. At present, all major websites have gradually excluded the use of OpenID in their products, which has been a trend for a long time. Joe Friend is currently the product manager of Stack Exchange. He explained the reasons for this decision. The primary reason is the cost. Compared with the expenses incurred by maintaining OpenID related functions, the actual cost is

Published information
2016/02/10 00:00

Board leader of the new OpenID Foundation

Thank you to the representatives who supported the OpenID Foundation Board of Directors. George Fletcher from AOL will begin a new two-year term as a community member representative. He continues to lead the OpenID Executive Committee through his deep expertise to ensure continuity of work in connection certification and collaboration with the new working group. Each year, the OpenID Foundation elects new board members from among enterprise members. All enterprise members are eligible for nomination. This year I am pleased to announce the election of Dale Olds to the board of directors of the OpenID Foundation. This is Dale's first time as a member of the Board of Directors. He will bring a new perspective, technology and industry

Published information
2015/01/04 00:00

Google will close OpenID 2.0 service on April 20

Google account can be called through OpenID 2.0 before. But Google is about to shut down the service. Since there is no notification channel, Google explained it on the protocol page of OpenID 2.0. If you want to continue using the service until April 20, you can add the parameter&openid_shutdown_ack=2015-04-20 in the request. The following is the shutdown schedule of OpenID 2.0 services: November 18, 2014: warning messages for shutdown are displayed on various pages December 1, 2014: disabling some Auto approval January 12, 2015: disabling more and more users

Published information
2014/11/10 00:00

Errata of OpenID Connect specification voted

The following errata of OpenID related specifications were voted by members of the OpenID Foundation: OpenID Connect Core 1.0 – defining the core functions of OpenID Connect, Build OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 based on OAuth 2.0 – define OpenID dependencies to dynamically discover information providers OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 – define OpenID dependencies to dynamically register information providers, and determine the final specification publication after correcting the version of errata contained in the specification. The voting results are as follows: Approve – 46 votes Disapprove –

Published information
2013/08/16 00:00

Vulnerability warning: some OpenID 2.0 implementations contain security risks

The official OpenID organization issued a vulnerability warning: At present, some OpenID 2.0 authentication implementations do not comply with the OpenID Authentication 2.0 specification, resulting in security vulnerabilities. Essence of the vulnerability: In the section of the OpenID 2.0 specification, it is described that "the signature verification of the OP must be performed on the private association, and must not be performed on the shared association." Some OpenID implementations do not distinguish between private associations and shared associations, and directly perform signature verification on the shared association. The impact of the vulnerability: through the carefully crafted signature established on the sharing association, you can make any

Published information
2011/10/20 00:00

PayPal Access supports OpenID 2.0

Currently, PayPal Access has added a new login method. Users can directly log in to the website using the OpenID 2.0 protocol. PayPal Access accesses more than 100 million PayPal user information for your website. Once a user logs into your website using PayPal Access, you can use SREG, AX, and PAPE specifications to obtain user information. See here for more details. View a video replay of a recent PayPal Access presentation...

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2010/07/17 00:00

OAuth and OpenID discover serious security vulnerabilities

According to the research of Nate Lawson and Taylor Nelson laboratories, OpenID and OAuth protocols used for authentication of third-party network applications and desktop applications have a serious security threat risk. In fact, this security vulnerability affects the open source authentication services of other hosts. This matter will be raised in the upcoming safety meeting. This vulnerability is very controversial. According to the time of the attack, if the attacker checks the first few characters of his attempt to be correct or not to sign, it is necessary to analyze and estimate the time of signature. If this process is repeated, it may lead to theoretical success

Published information
2009/11/26 00:00

Google Profiles can now be used as OpenID

Brad Fitzpatrick of Google just announced that Google Profiles can now be used as OpenID. This means that you can use your Google account to visit websites that support OpenID (as shown above). Google Profiles can simply display your personal information in Google products and share the information you are willing to display with others. This may be a good platform for job seekers and employers to publish and collect information. Google Profiles contains personal basic information, including: nicknames, occupations, geographical locations, photos, short descriptions, and link lists (such as blogs

Published information
2009/05/11 00:00

The experimental Firefox plug-in makes OpenID embedded in the browser

Last year, Mozilla Labs launched a pilot plug-in Weave, which allows users to save browser settings on Mozilla servers (such as favorites, browsing records, passwords, etc.), so that users can load them anywhere. Now Weave has added a new function: save and remember the identity information including OpenID. When visiting the website, it can automatically complete the login process. In most cases, users only need to click once. The new Weave component is called Weave Identity, or it can help more websites accept OpenID.

Published information
2009/03/05 00:00

OpenID: Facebook will become the most open social networking site next year

Guide: David Recordon, vice chairman of OpenID Foundation and senior executive of Six Apart, an independent blog website, wrote today that by 2010, Facebook will no longer be a garden with walls. The following is the full text: In the past two years, many of my work has been based on the assumption that users of social networking sites cannot communicate with other platforms, share friends or content, for example, Facebook users cannot send information to MySpace users. Today, this assumption has changed fundamentally. This increasingly open mode change has destroyed AOL, CompuServe and Prodigy's

Published information
2009/02/27 00:00

The bad news about OpenID: Users still use the same password everywhere

A Gartner Research survey report on online security behavior has brought us some bad news: 2/3 of American users only use the same or two passwords in all websites they visit, and they like this way. Although people often say that they care about security, they still use insecure password management technology without looking for new methods, such as new hardware, new software or new authentication frameworks, such as OpenID. Always use the same password? You are not alone in the battle Gartner conducted a survey of 4000 American adults in December 2008, again proving that compared with safety

Published information
2009/02/06 00:00

Facebook Announces Joining OpenID Foundation

The OpenID Foundation announced on Thursday that Facebook has officially joined the OpenID Foundation and donated $50000 As a representative, Luke Shepard, a core member of the Facebook platform and Connect team, will join the OpenID board of directors. Although Facebook has always advocated OpenID, this is Facebook's first official action in this field How this will change Facebook's service is still unknown. At present, Facebook's Connect service is increasingly popular. It allows users to use Facebook ID to log in to more than 4000 websites that support OpenID, but Connect is still a closed and exclusive system Faceb...

Published information
2009/01/29 00:00

PayPal will provide a higher level of security for OpenID

PayPal, a foreign online payment platform, recently joined the OpenID Foundation, which aims to develop tools for logging into different websites with the same user name and password This does not mean that you can log in to PayPal with OpenID in the future. However, in the future, when OpenID conducts cross site security authentication, its security factor will be greatly enhanced, allowing you to use PayPal's encryption authentication technology After joining the foundation, PayPal will donate 50000 dollars to the foundation every year. The board of directors of the company believes that this is a sustainable investment initiative PayPal's representative in the foundation is Andrew Nash, senior director of information risk management department Other Board Members of the Foundation

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