Mediasoup is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Mediasoup in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Mediasoup won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement ISC
development language Perl View source code »
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Alias_Travis
intended for unknown
Recording time 2021-08-19

Software Introduction

Mediasoup is a WebRTC video conferencing tool.

Design objectives:

  • Become an SFU;
  • Support the input and output of WebRTC and ordinary RTP at the same time;
  • On the server side, it is a Node.js module/Rust crite;
  • On the client side is a very small JavaScript and C++library;
  • Minimalism: only deal with the media layer;
  • No signaling protocol is required;
  • It is an ultra-low level API;
  • Support all existing WebRTC endpoints;
  • Be able to integrate with well-known multimedia libraries/tools;


  • ECMAScript 6/Idiomatic Rust low-level API;
  • Multi stream: multiple audio/video streams transmitted through one ICE+DTLS;
  • IPv6;
  • ICE/DTLS/RTP/RTCP through UDP and TCP;
  • Support synchronous broadcast and SVC;
  • Bandwidth estimation and space/time layer allocation algorithm for sender and receiver;
  • Data information exchange
  • Extremely powerful
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Nodejs resource management error vulnerability
Denial of Service
Nodejs is a JavaScript running environment based on the Chrome V8 engine. By encapsulating the Chrome 8 engine and using event driven and non blocking IO applications, it is possible for Javascript to develop high-performance background applications. There is a security vulnerability in nodejs global parent, which originates from the denial of service of regular expression.
CVE-2020-28469 MPS-2021-7827
2022-08-08 19:04
Qt security vulnerability
Qt is a cross platform C++application development framework of Qt Company in Norway. It is widely used to develop GUI programs, and in this case, it is also called part toolbox. It can also be used to develop non GUI programs, such as console tools and servers. Qt on Linux and UNIX platforms from 5.9. x to 5.15.8 and before 6.2.4 has a security vulnerability. The vulnerability is due to QProcess's ability to execute binary files from the current working directory when it cannot be found in the path..
CVE-2022-25255 MPS-2022-4316
2022-08-08 19:04
Qt path traversal vulnerability
path traversal
Qt is a cross platform C++application development framework of Qt Company in Norway. It is widely used to develop GUI programs, and in this case, it is also called part toolbox. It can also be used to develop non GUI programs, such as console tools and servers. Qt before 5.15.8 and 6. X to 6.2.3 has a security vulnerability. The vulnerability is due to the lack of directory restrictions on the software, which can load system library files from an unexpected working directory. At present, no detailed vulnerability details are provided.
CVE-2022-25634 MPS-2022-4762
2022-08-08 19:04
Async security vulnerability
Prototype contamination
Async is a practical module developed by Caolan McMahon in the UK. Used to use asynchronous JavaScript. Async 3.2.1 and earlier has a security vulnerability, which originates from the mapValues() method. An attacker can gain privileges through the mapValues() method.
CVE-2021-43138 MPS-2021-34434
2022-08-08 19:04
Trim newlines security vulnerability
Denial of Service
Trim newlines is an npm package that modifies line breaks. There is a security vulnerability in trim newlines, which is due to the related problem with the. end() method applied to Node.js in 3.0.1, 4.0.1 and earlier versions.
CVE-2021-33623 MPS-2021-7398
2022-08-08 19:04
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