MATLAB is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
MATLAB won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !

Software Introduction

MATLAB is the abbreviation of Matrix Laboratory. It is a commercial mathematics software produced by MathWorks of the United States. It is an advanced technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis and numerical calculation, mainly including MATLAB and Simulink.

MATLAB Together with Mathematica and Maple, it is called three major mathematical software. It is second to none in numerical calculation among mathematical science and technology application software. MATLAB can perform matrix operations, draw functions and data, implement algorithms, create user interfaces, connect programs of other programming languages, etc. It is mainly used in engineering calculation, control design, signal processing and communication, image processing, signal detection, financial modeling design and analysis and other fields.

The basic data unit of MATLAB is matrix, and its instruction expression is very similar to the form commonly used in mathematics and engineering, so it is much easier to solve problems with MATLAB than to complete the same thing with C, FORTRAN and other languages, and mathwork also absorbs the advantages of software such as Maple, making MATLAB a powerful mathematical software. In the new version, support for C, FORTRAN, C++and JAVA has also been added. It can be called directly. Users can also import the utility programs they have written into the MATLAB function library to facilitate their future calls. In addition, many MATLAB enthusiasts have written some classic programs that users can download directly.

MATLAB consists of a series of tools. These tools are convenient for users to use MATLAB functions and files, many of which use graphical user interfaces. It includes MATLAB desktop and command window, history command window, editor and debugger, path search and browser for users to browse help, workspace and files. With the commercialization of MATLAB and the continuous upgrading of the software itself, the user interface of MATLAB has become more and more sophisticated, more close to the standard interface of Windows, more human-computer interaction, and simpler operation. And the new version of MATLAB provides a complete online query and help system, which greatly facilitates the use of users. The simple programming environment provides a relatively complete debugging system. The program can run directly without compiling, and can report errors and analyze the causes of errors in a timely manner.

Matlab is a high-level matrix/array language, which contains control statements, functions, data structures, input and output, and object-oriented programming features. The user can synchronize the input statement with the execution command in the command window, or write a large and complex application program (M file) before running together. The new version of MATLAB language is based on the most popular C++language, so its syntax features are very similar to C++language, and it is simpler and more consistent with the mathematical expression writing format of scientific and technological personnel. Make it more convenient for non computer professionals to use. Moreover, this language has good portability and extensibility, which is also an important reason why MATLAB can go deep into various fields of scientific research and engineering calculation.

MATLAB is a set of computing algorithms. It has more than 600 mathematical operation functions to be used in the project, which can easily realize various calculation functions required by users. The algorithms used in the function are the latest research results in scientific research and engineering calculation, and have gone through various optimization and fault tolerance processing before. In general, it can be used to replace underlying programming languages, such as C and C++. In the case of the same calculation requirements, the programming workload using MATLAB will be greatly reduced. These function sets of MATLAB include the simplest and most basic functions to complex functions such as matrix, eigenvector and fast Fourier transform. The problems that can be solved by functions generally include matrix operation and solution of linear equations, differential equations and partial differential equations, symbolic operation, Fourier transform and statistical analysis of data, optimization problems in engineering, sparse matrix operation, various operations of complex numbers, trigonometric functions and other elementary mathematical operations Multidimensional array operation, modeling and dynamic simulation, etc.

MATLAB has convenient data visualization function since its birth, which can show vectors and matrices with graphs, and can label and print graphs. High level drawing includes 2D and 3D visualization, image processing, animation and expression drawing. It can be used for scientific calculation and engineering drawing. The new version of MATLAB has greatly improved and perfected the entire graphics processing function, making it more perfect not only in the functions that are possessed by general data visualization software (such as the drawing and processing of two-dimensional curves and three-dimensional surfaces), but also in some functions that are not possessed by other software (such as the lighting processing, chroma processing of graphics, and the performance of four-dimensional data), MATLAB also shows excellent processing power. At the same time, for some special visualization requirements, such as graphic dialogue, MATLAB also has corresponding function functions to ensure the requirements of users at different levels. In addition, the new version of MATLAB also focuses on making a great improvement in the graphical user interface (GUI). Users with special requirements in this area can also be satisfied.

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2020/06/12 08:38

Universities should embrace open source, and domestic universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology are disabled from MATLAB

Harbin Institute of Technology, Beihang University and other domestic colleges and universities were banned from using MATLAB, which quickly fermented and hit the hot search in domestic social media, causing extensive discussion in the academic and technical circles. The deepening technical blockade last month, the US Department of Commerce announced that 33 new Chinese companies and institutions would be included in the "Entity List". In addition to Qihoo 360, Yuncong Technology, Fiberhome Technology and other enterprises, it also includes relevant government institutions such as the Institute of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Public Security of China, as well as Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Engineering University. So far, 13 universities in mainland China have been included in the entity list. In addition to the above two universities, there are: China

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