MariaDB is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
MariaDB won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement GPLv2
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operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
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Recording time 2009-02-14

Software Introduction

MariaDB Server is one of the most popular open source relational databases. It is made by the original developer of MySQL and is guaranteed to remain open source. It is part of most cloud products and the default configuration for most Linux distributions. MariaDB is designed as a direct replacement for MySQL, with more functions, a new storage engine, fewer errors and better performance.

It is based on the value of performance, stability and openness. The MariaDB Foundation ensures that it will accept contributions based on the technical advantages. Recent new functions include advanced cluster with Galera Cluster 4, compatibility with Oracle database and Temporary Data Tables, allowing people to query data at any time in the past.

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Published information
04/03 11:37

MariaDB 11.4 will be released as LTS version

The MariaDB Server 11.4 plan will be released as a long-term support version beyond the plan to encourage wider user adoption. At the beginning of February, we announced that we would adjust the release mode of the MariaDB Server. As part of this, we have announced that we will adopt the annual LTS cycle. In order to make our current functions widely used earlier, we decided to release an LTS version now to meet the needs of users of MariaDB 11, who expect to get bug fixes for five years in a locked feature set version. Some new features in MariaDB 11.4 include: SSL/TL

Published information
02/28 12:11

Kaiyuan Daily | The demise of MariaDB; I have three rules for writing code; God V suggested that Musk use Linux

Welcome to read the Open Source Daily produced by OSCHINA editorial department, which is updated once a day# 2024.2.27 Key points Today, the Open Source Daily OSI releases a report to study the "delayed open source release" such as BSL. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) recently released a report, Delayed Open Source Publication: A Survey of Historical and Current Practices. Delayed Open Source Publication, Referred to as DOSP, it means delaying the release of open source. Conclusion: DOSP started from the early stage of the open source movement to

Published information
02/27 11:57

OSI releases a report to study the "delayed open source release" of BSL

The Open Source Initiative (OSI) recently released a report, Delayed Open Source Publication: A Survey of Historical and Current Practices, written by Seth Schoen, James Vasile and Karl Fogel. Delayed Open Source Publication, Referred to as DOSP, it means delaying the release of open source. This report studies its history and status quo. Key points of the report: delayed open source release (DOSP) Definition: DOSP means that the software is initially released under a proprietary license, and then planned to

Published information
02/21 10:35

MariaDB may be privatized for 37 million dollars

The Board of Directors of MariaDB confirmed that it had received a temporary takeover offer from California K1 Investment Management Company on February 15, 2024. K1 publicly announced this offer on February 16, 2024. The board of directors of MariaDB is reviewing possible offers and listening to suggestions. This is a non binding exploratory proposal, which may change according to the negotiation progress in the coming weeks. The proposal includes purchasing all the shares of MariaDB at a price of 0.55 US dollars per share, which is about 37 million US dollars based on the closing valuation of the company on February 5. The proposed transaction will be conducted through the Irish legal arrangement plan

Published information
2023/12/15 15:26

MariaDB split SkySQL and established as an independent company

MariaDB announced that it has split its SkySQL business into an independent cloud database company to build and support SkySQL products. "We believe that this spin off will facilitate the smooth transition of customers who rely on SkySQL. We are very happy that SkySQL products will continue to develop under the leadership of a new company, and at the same time enable us to focus on developing the core MariaDB enterprise server products." In the future, the new company SkySQL Inc. will undertake the development of SkySQL database as a service (DBaaS) Sales and support work. MariaDB will hold shares of SkySQL to emphasize the long-term relationship between the two companies

Published information
2023/06/12 07:30

Released by MariaDB 11.1.1&11.0.2

Mariadb-11-1-1-11-0-2-released MariaDB Foundation announced that MariaDB 11.1.1 (the first candidate version of MariaDB 11.1 series) and MariaDB 11.0.2 (the first stable version of MariaDB 11.0 series) have been released. These two versions are both short-term versions A (stable version) will be maintained for one year after release. The specific update content includes: v11.1.1 The Notable Items transaction_isolation option is now a system variable, and the tx_isolation system variable has been deprecated (MDEV-21921). InnoDB server uses st_join_table:: choose_be

Published information
2023/03/28 07:57

MariaDB 11.1.0 Preview Now Available

MariaDB 11.1.0 preview is now available. It is worth noting that the preview version is intended to deliver functions to users faster and not be used in production. The features in the preview version may not be all released to the GA version, and only those that pass the test will be incorporated into the MariaDB Server 11.1.1. 11.1 Functions under consideration include: Index usage of YEAR and DATE When MDEV-8320 is used, some queries using DATE or YEAR functions will be much faster, because the optimizer can now use indexes in some cases. Use the following method (from creating a table containing 1000 dates

Published information
2023/02/18 08:00

MariaDB released 10.11.2, the first GA version of 10.11 series

MariaDB 10.11.2 is now officially launched. This is the first GA version of MariaDB 10.11 series, a long-term supported version. The specific updates include: Notable Items Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, and SUSE's Yum/DNF/Zypper repository are changed in this version to use a new GPG key with the SHA2 digest algorithm for signing instead of SHA1. For more details, see this blog post and the GPG page. InnoDB innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON Recovery and Backup Repair (MDEV-29999, MDE

Published information
2022/12/29 07:05

MariaDB 11.0 Alpha Release

More than ten years after the release of MariaDB 10.0.0 (November 12, 2012), MariaDB 11.0 Alpha has been officially launched. MariaDB 11.0 will have a five-year maintenance period. It is the evolution of MariaDB 10.11 and has several new features. "We are glad that MariaDB Server has reached a new milestone. Most of the changes in this version are the direct result of you (our users) reporting performance problems to us in the form of error query plans. Our community has deeply participated in the development guidance of this version." The flag feature in MariaDB 11.0 is a new optimizer

Published information
2022/12/22 15:54

MariaDB is officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange

In February this year, MariaDB, an open source database, completed the round D financing of 104 million dollars and said it planned to become a listed company with the help of Angel Pond. On December 19, MariDB announced that it had officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: MRDB) by merging with SPAC Angel Pond Holdings. The company's official name was changed to "MariaDB plc", becoming a new generation cloud database company. The listing mode of MariaDB is special. They will enter the public market through the SPAC company named Angel Pond instead of the traditional IPO mode. Essentially

Published information
2022/11/23 08:32

MariaDB 10.11 will be provided as LTS version

The MariaDB Foundation announced that the MariaDB 10.11 will be provided as the LTS version, which means that the 10.11 series will have a much longer one-year term than the short-term support of the MariaDB 10.10 series. MariaDB 10.6 is the latest LTS previously announced, and its support time is 2021-07-06 to 2026-07-06. This LTS announcement means that the official has updated the maintenance policy of MariaDB 10.11 accordingly, and will enter a specific date after the GA. The announcement points out that there are many reasons for deciding to use MariaDB 10.11 as LTS. Specifically, first, LTS aims to make users

Published information
2022/11/09 07:42

Released by MariaDB 10.9.4, 10.8.6, 10.7.7, 10.6.11, 10.5.18, 10.4.27 and 10.3.37

The MariaDB Foundation announced the availability of MariaDB 10.9.4, MariaDB 10.8.6 and MariaDB 10.7.7, which are the latest widely available versions of their short-term support series (maintained for one year from the first GA release date). And MariaDB 10.6.11, MariaDB 10.5.18, MariaDB 10.4.27 and MariaDB 10.3.37, which are the latest stable versions in their long-term support series (maintenance period of five years). The specific updates include: Backup's assertion of info. page_size in xb_delta_open_matching_space failed (MDEV-18589) Mar

Published information
2022/09/28 07:42

MariaDB 10.11.0 Preview Release

MariaDB 10.11.0 preview is now available. Officially, the preview version is designed to allow users to experience the new features of the version in advance, but is not recommended for production; Not all features in the preview version will appear in the GA version. The functions under consideration in v10.11 include: Authentication GRANT... TO PUBLIC (MDEV-5215) Separating SUPER and READ ONLY ADMIN permissions (MDEV-29596) Optimizer Semi join optimization of single table update/delete statements (MDEV-7487) allows queries involving UNION in external selection to be pushed down to the external engine (MDEV-25080

Published information
2022/09/21 07:02

MariaDB 10.9.3, 10.8.5, 10.7.6 and 10.6.10 are now available

The MariaDB Foundation announced the availability of MariaDB 10.9.3, MariaDB 10.8.5 and MariaDB 10.7.6, which are the latest widely available versions of their short-term support series (maintained for one year from the first GA release date). And the latest stable version of MariaDB 10.6.10 in the 10.6 long-term support series (five years of maintenance), which will be maintained until July 2026. These versions fix serious regression problems found in previous versions. The specific updates include: fixing the... of mysql_mutex_assert_owner (&log_sys. flush_order_mutex) in mtr_t:: commit()

Published information
2022/08/24 07:03

MariaDB 10.10.1 RC and 10.9.2 GA have been released

MariaDB 10.10.1 RC and 10.9.2 GA are now available. The MariaDB Foundation announced the availability of MariaDB 10.10.1, which is the first candidate version in the MariaDB 10.10 series, while MariaDB 10.9.2 is the first widely available version in the MariaDB 10.9 series. These are short-term support series, which will be maintained for one year after GA. Some highlights and updates include: InnoDB corruption due to lack of file lock (MDEV-28495) FULLTEXT search with apostrophes and mandatory words (MDEV-20797) ALTER TABLE IMPORT TABLESPA

Published information
2022/08/20 08:42

Different from PostgreSQL and Oracle, MariaDB plans to provide unique geospatial functions

The open source database MariaDB team announced that after acquiring CubeWerx, a geospatial solution provider, it has joined the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Through OGC, MariaDB will work with the geospatial community to promote open geospatial standards and make information searchable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. Through the acquisition of CubeWerx, MariaDB has added the cloud native and extensible geospatial functions that the company plans to provide through its fully hosted cloud service, MariaDB SkySQL. The announcement said, "The application of using geospatial data is true..."

Published information
2022/08/16 15:01

MariaDB 10.8.4, 10.7.5, 10.6.9, 10.5.17, 10.4.26 And 10.3.36

The MariaDB Foundation has released a maintenance update for the entire series, including details of the MariaDB 10.8.4 Release Notes: Changelog: Downloads: About MariaDB 10.8: - MariaDB 10.7.5 Release Notes: Changelog:

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