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LLaMA won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
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Recording time 2023-03-31

Software Introduction

The full name of the LLaMA language model is "Large Language Model Meta AI". It is a new large language model (LLM) of Meta. It is a model series, which is divided according to the parameter scale (including 7 billion, 13 billion, 33 billion and 65 billion parameters).

It is worth noting that LaMA-13B (a model with 13 billion parameters), although its model parameters are more than ten times less than OpenAI's GPT-3 (175 billion parameters), can actually surpass GPT-3 in performance. The smaller model also means that developers can run AI assistants like ChatGPT locally on PCs, even smartphones and other devices, without relying on large-scale facilities such as data centers.

At present, a compact version of LLaMA can be used in GitHub Meta has no plan to publish the complete model and weight. Meta provides a Registration page , interested developers can apply for registration to obtain complete code and weight.

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Published information
04/19 14:03

Open source big model Llama3 was released, and Baidu Smart Cloud supports its full range of training reasoning

In the early morning of April 19, Beijing time, Meta officially released the multi-mode open source big model Llama 3, including the big model with 8B and 70B parameters, which is officially known as the most powerful open source big model ever. At noon on April 19, after Meta launched Llama 3, Baidu Intelligent Cloud Qianfan Big Model Platform announced that it was the first in China to launch a training and reasoning scheme for the full series of Llama 3 versions, which is convenient for developers to retrain and build a dedicated big model. Now it is open for invitation testing. It is said that ModelBuilder, a customization tool for various size models in Baidu Intelligent Cloud Qianfan large model platform, has preset the most comprehensive and abundant large models, supporting the

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04/15 14:31

Opera supports local LLM, and self built services can be achieved by downloading large models locally

Opera recently announced that it will add experimental support for 150 local LLM models in the Opera One browser on the developer channel. The supporting models include: Meta's Llama Vicuna Google's Gemma Mistral AI's Mistral uses the local large language model, which means that the user's data is saved on the local device without sending the information to the server. Opera is testing this new set of local LLMs in Opera One's developer channel. Local LLM usually requires 2-10 GB of local storage space for each model, and then local LLM will be used to replace Opera's AI Aria

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04/09 11:42

Meta will release two small models of Llama 3 next week

According to The Information, Meta plans to launch two small Llama 3 models next week to warm up the official version of the Llama 3 model to be released this summer. Meta believes that the release of these two small models will help stimulate people's interest in the Llama 3 model. Meta hopes that Llama 3 can catch up with OpenAI's GPT-4, which can answer questions based on the pictures uploaded to the chat robot by users. The official version of Llama 3 will support multimodality, and it will be able to understand and generate text and images. In contrast, the two minicomputers released next week will not have multimodal functions. Generally speaking, smaller

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02/29 16:37

Meta plans to release Llama 3 in July

According to The Information, Meta plans to release the latest version of the big language model - Llama 3 in July. An employee of Meta said that since researchers have not yet started to fine tune the model, the company has not yet decided whether Llama 3 is multi-modal. Meta employees also said that Llama 3 may have more than 140 billion parameters at most, compared with 70 billion parameters of Llama 2 released last July. The larger the number of parameters, the more accurate the results that the model can provide, but smaller models may have more advantages in processing speed. Llama 3 is being independent by Meta

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01/27 10:53

Google cooperates with Hugging Face to help developers train AI models

According to The Verge, Google Cloud has established a new partnership with the AI model hosting platform Hugging Face, allowing developers to build, train and deploy AI models without paying Google Cloud subscription fees. Now, external developers using the Hugging Face platform will be able to "cost effectively" access Google's tensor processing unit (TPU) and GPU supercomputers, including thousands of Nvidia's popular and export restricted H100. Hugging Face is a popular AI model hosting platform, which stores a large number of open source basic models, such as Meta's Llama

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01/19 10:39

Zuckerberg: Meta is fully developing open source AGI (general artificial intelligence)

Zuckerberg released a video on Instagram today, saying that Meta is developing open source general artificial intelligence (AGI). In order to achieve this goal, the company is integrating its two AI research teams, FAIR and GenAI, more closely to build a complete general AI and open source as much as possible. via https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2QARHJR1sZ/ Zuckerberg said: "Our long-term vision is to develop general artificial intelligence, and open source in a responsible way, so that everyone can benefit widely." He said in the video: "We clearly understand that the demand for next-generation services is to build

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2023/10/13 15:51

M2 Ultra can run 128 Llama2-7B streams in parallel

Llama.cpp is an open source project for LLaMA model reasoning implemented by developer Georgi Gerganov in pure C/C++code. The so-called reasoning is the model running process of "giving input running model getting output". Recently, Georgi Gerganov ran a series of tests with the Apple M2 Ultra processor, including running 128 Llama 27B streams in parallel. The specific results are as follows: via https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/3228 For the performance of M2 Ultra, someone explained that the speed of M2 Ultra or M1 and M2 series CPU

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2023/09/21 14:59

Sequoia Capital: generative AI enters the second stage

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2023/09/15 18:30

Musk, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg and Huang Renxun get together

Executives and celebrities in the technology industry, such as Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, attended a closed door meeting on Wednesday and debated with more than 60 US senators on various possibilities and risks of AI. It is reported that senators are considering regulating AI technology through legislation. Musk warned that AI could threaten human beings. Gates pointed out that AI may help solve the problem of global hunger. Tristan Harris, head of Center for Humane Technology, a non-profit organization, warned that open source AI systems would be abused, such as Llama

Published information
2023/09/11 15:45

Meta is building a new open source model, with better performance than Llama 2 and GPT-4

According to the report of Silicon angle, Meta is seeking to compete with OpenAI in the field of generative AI, and will release a new large open source model whose performance may be comparable to GPT-4. It is reported that this new model is several times more powerful than Llama 2 and will provide functions such as text, image generation and analysis. At present, the model is under development, and the final function is still uncertain. Meta's ultimate goal is to accelerate the development of the next generation of generative AI models, so that they can generate more human like expressions. For a long time, Meta has been using open source methods to disclose its large model products, which is the most well-known in the industry

Published information
2023/09/11 15:06

Yandex, a Russian technology giant, created a large model YandexGPT, saying its performance is better than ChatGPT

According to the Russian media Russia Today, the local technology giant Yandex said in an interview that its large model YandexGPT has better performance and broader prospects than ChatGPT. Dmitry Masyuk, director of Yandex's search and advertising technology business department, said that Yandex GPT's performance in generating Russian content has been able to "steadily surpass" ChatGPT version 3.5, and even in many cases provide better answers than ChatGPT 4.0. He also said that it would be "just a matter of time" for YandexGPT to compete with its US counterpart. Llama-2 -

Published information
2023/07/31 11:33

The cost of using AI big model in different languages is different: English is the cheapest, and Chinese is twice the cost of English

A picture released by the Twitter user Dylan Patel (@ dylan522p) shows that the cost of using different languages for big language models varies greatly. This user showed a piece of research results from Oxford University. According to the research on GPT-4 and other common big language models, because of the server cost measurement and billing method adopted by OpenAI and other services, the cost of English input and output is much lower than that of other languages. The cost of simplified Chinese is about twice that of English, Spanish is 1.5 times that of English, and the Shan language in Myanmar is 15 times that of English. According to the research of Oxford University, let an LLM deal with a sentence

Published information
2023/07/26 10:36

OpenBuddy releases a new generation of cross language dialogue model based on Llama 2, which is open source and commercially available

OpenBuddy LLaMA2-13B is a new cross language dialogue model based on Llama 2. Llama 2 is the latest model base released by Meta. Its data is more sufficient than that of the previous generation model, and it supports the commercial use of monthly live products below 700 million yuan. This means that more companies and teams can use this model for commercial development and promote the popularization and innovation of various applications. However, as in the previous version, Llama 2 still has some limitations: the LLaMA model base is mainly based on English training data, and cross language scenario applications are not considered. The model itself performs well in English, but in Chinese and other non English languages

Published information
2023/07/19 10:57

Meta amplification: release the open source big language model Llama 2, which can be commercially used for free

Meta has worked closely with Microsoft to officially launch the next generation open source big language model Llama 2, and announced that it will be provided for research and commercial use for free. Llama 2 paper address: Llama 2: Open Foundation and Fine Tuned Chat Models It is reported that compared with Llama 1, Llama 2 has 40% more training data, and its context length is twice that of Llama 1. It also uses the grouping query attention mechanism. Specifically, the Llama 2 pre training model is trained on 2 trillion tokens, and the fine-tuning Chat model is trained on 1 million human tag data. Meta said that Llama 2 was promising

Published information
2023/07/13 19:26

Meta will release commercial version of LLaMA

According to the Financial Times, Meta plans to release a commercial version of its artificial intelligence model LLaMA, allowing start-ups and enterprises to build customized software based on this technology. This will enable Meta to compete with Microsoft supported OpenAI and Google. Earlier this year, Meta released its own large language model LLaMA for researchers and scholars. Its parameter scale ranges from 7 billion to 65 billion (including 7B, 13B, 33B and 65B parameters). One of the advantages of this model is that it can run on a single video card. Three insiders said that the new commercial version will be more widely available to enterprises

Published information
2023/06/08 08:42

The US senator sent a letter to Zuckerberg on the leak of LLaMA model

Richard Blumenthal, Chairman of the Privacy, Technology and Law Subcommittee of the United States Senate, and Josh Hawley, Vice Chairman, recently sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg, raising questions about the disclosure of Meta's big language model LLaMA. They are worried that the model may be abused for spam, fraud, malware, privacy violations, harassment and other illegal acts, thus causing harm. Therefore, the letter asked Meta how to assess the risks before releasing LLaMA, what measures have been taken to prevent the model from being abused, and how to update the policy according to its unrestricted availability

Published information
2023/04/12 08:28

The leaked big language model LLaMA encourages a series of open source alternatives to ChatGPT

The friction between open source and API based distribution is an extremely urgent contradiction in the generative AI ecosystem. For example, in the field of text to image, the release of Stable Diffusion clearly shows that open source is a feasible distribution mechanism for the basic model. However, this is not the case in the field of large language models (LLM). The biggest breakthrough in this field comes from GPT-4, Claude, Cohere and other models, which can only be obtained through API. And the open source alternatives to these models do not show the same level of performance, especially in their ability to follow human directives. However, an unexpected research breakthrough and leakage of the model

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