Linux Mint is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Linux Mint won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement AGPL
development language
operating system Linux
Software type Open source software
Classification operating system
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2008-11-19

Software Introduction

Linux Mint is an Ubuntu based distribution. He inherited many advantages of Ubuntu, and also added many excellent features of his own on the basis of Ubuntu. Its goal is to provide a more out of the box and immediately available user experience, eliminating the need for users to install a series of software to meet basic use needs after installing the system. It includes browser plug-ins, multimedia codecs, support for DVD playback, Java, and other components. It is fully compatible with the Ubuntu software repository. It is no exaggeration to say that Linux Mint has a better user experience than Ubuntu in some aspects.

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Published information
06/04 17:35

Linux Mint disables unauthenticated Flatpak packages by default

The Linux Mint project announced that unauthenticated Flatpak packages are disabled by default. When enabled, the Software Manager displays a warning message to let users know the security risks of using unverified software packages. If the user allows unverified Flatpak packages, its software manager will clearly mark these packages as Flatpak is a package format developed by Red Hat, similar to Canonical's package format Snap. Its Ubuntu distribution no longer supports Flatpak by default. Flatpak is completely open source and supports multiple software repositories. In contrast, the back end of Snap is private to Canonical and only stores

Published information
2023/10/29 12:19

Linux Mint "Cinnamon" starts supporting Wayland

The Linux Mint team mentioned in the latest monthly report that they have started to develop support for Wayland. The team said that this work was one of the main challenges they had to face for a long time. Although they did not expect Wayland to replace Xorg as the default value soon, whether in 21.3 or 22. x, they still wanted to be ready. According to the plan, Cinnamon 6.0 is planned to be launched in Mint 21.3 this year and will provide experimental Wayland support. Users can use the default Cinnamon session (running on Xorg) and Cinnamon o

Published information
2023/09/28 14:56

LMDE 6 "Faye" officially released

LMDE 6 has been officially released, code "Faye"; The new version is based on Debian 12 Bookworm. LMDE is the abbreviation of "Linux Mint Debian Edition", that is, Linux Mint based on Debian. Its goal is to ensure that the same experience as Linux Mint can be provided without using Ubuntu. The software package warehouse is from Debian. LMDE also aims to develop software compatible with Ubuntu. Download address: The specific update content includes: the known problem LMDE installer needs to start the installer in expert mode

Published information
2023/07/17 10:32

Linux Mint 21.2 officially released: update UI and icons, support touchpad gestures

Linux Mint 21.2 has been officially released, code named 'Victoria'. The bottom layer of the new version is still Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and the kernel is Linux 5.15. Main changes: The "Tap to click" function is enabled by default on the login interface, which improves the keyboard navigation in the password field of the login interface and updates the software manager UI, Including Flatpaks, new two tone folder icon, full support for HEIF and AVIF files, Xreader supports preview of Adobe Illustrator documents, Pix image viewer based on gThumb 3.12.2, adding new wallpaper, Linux Mint 21.2, Cinnamon desktop version, also supports touch

Published information
2023/06/16 17:49

Linux Mint 21.2 will support touch pad gestures

Linux Mint is a popular Linux distribution based on Ubuntu, and its latest version 21.2 will be released soon. According to the official monthly update of Linux Mint, this version will add touch pad gesture support to the Cinnamon desktop environment, allowing users to manage windows, work areas, tiling and media control through sliding, zooming and other actions. This feature will support touchpad, touchscreen and tablet. Linux Mint's touchpad gesture support is based on the open-source software TouchEgg, which allows users to customize a variety of gestures and perform different operations in different applications. Linux Mint developers have made a great deal of comments on Muf

Published information
2023/02/02 07:18

Linux Mint 21.2, code name "Victoria", will be officially released at the end of June

Clem Lefebvre, project leader of Linux Mint, introduced some new features of the next version 21.2. 21.2 Code "Victoria", which continues the tradition of this release, that is, each version in the same series takes a female name starting with the same letter (such as Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa", 21.1 "Vera"). The main changes of Linux Mint 21.2 include: improving the login interface, optimizing the image management tool Pix, improving zoom control, improving support for GIF, RAW and TIFF image formats, adding support for AVIF/HEIF and JXL formats, improving folder icons, improving performance, etc

Published information
2022/12/20 07:34

Linux Mint 21.1 'Vera' officially released

Linux Mint 21.1 has been released. This version is based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, mainly focusing on user interface adjustment, error repair and performance improvement. The appearance of the theme has changed significantly. For example, instead of using a soft green tone, it uses a bright yellow folder icon with a blue diagonal line at the bottom corner. The following figure shows the theme color of the old version of "Mint Green": Linux Mint 21 provides some new functions for the driver manager and software source tools, such as being able to run the driver manager in user mode (no root password is required) and work offline. This version also introduces an ISO verifier

Published information
2022/12/08 07:11

Linux Mint 21.1 first beta release

Linux Mint 21.1 released the first beta version, providing updates for three desktop environments: Cinnamon – BETA Release MATE – BETA Release Xfce – BETA Release Download address: Linux Mint 21.1 is not a major version update. It mainly integrates many iterative improvements since the release of Linux 21. Of course, it also adds many new functions and changes in vision. For example, the appearance of the theme in the new version has changed significantly. The Mint team chose brighter colors and reduced their use range to

Published information
2022/11/07 08:30

Linux Mint introduces Windows style "Show Desktop" button

The Linux Mint team said that they would replace the "show desktop" launcher in the Cinnamon desktop panel with a new "Corner Bar". According to the official introduction, the "Corner Bar" is similar to the "Show Desktop" button that appeared for the first time in Windows 7, and its location is also at the lower right corner edge of the desktop - so that users do not have to consciously consider where to move the mouse cursor, just "flick" the cursor to the lower right. The person in charge of the project said that in order to avoid the red faced quarrel over Windows, he stressed that the Corner Bar was not aimed at Windows

Published information
2022/11/03 08:40

Linux Mint integrates upgraded Flatpak application functions into Update Manager

The Linux Mint project leader Cl é ment Lef è bvre released the latest monthly status report of the release. The notable event of Linux Mint in October was the continuous functional enhancement around the Flatpak sandbox application. In particular, the password prompt is no longer required to delete Flatpaks. The development team has also integrated the upgrade support for Flatpaks in the Update Manager of Linux Mint. ▲ Linux Mint shows that Flatpaks can now be updated through their upgrade manager. Flatpak support in Linux Mint Upgrade Manager

Published information
2022/10/12 07:11

Linux Mint 21.1 code 'Vera', planned to be released before Christmas

The Linux Mint team confirmed that the 21.1 version will be released before Christmas, code named "Vera". This continues the tradition of this release, that is, each version in the same series takes a female name beginning with the same letter (for example, Linux Mint 21 is "Vanessa"). Clem, the project leader, introduced some changes of Linux Mint 21.1: improve the driver manager and add the "Dummy Test Device" mode, which can easily troubleshoot various scenarios. Redesign the offline support interface. If it is offline, the Driver Manager will now display a special interface: if it checks

Published information
2022/08/01 07:20

Linux Mint 21 officially released, built on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Linux Mint 21 has been officially released, code named "Vanessa". As usual, there are flavor versions using different desktop environments: Cinnamon, MATE, and Xfce. Download address: Cinnamon | MATE | Xfce ▲ Linux Mint 21 Vanessa Cinnamon Edition Linux Mint 21 The main change is to migrate its underlying distribution from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. With the migration to the Ubuntu software package that contains two years of updates, Linux Mint 21 also includes a large number of software package upgrades, as well as other functional improvements and enhancements and many new features, so that

Published information
2022/03/23 07:11

LMDE 5 "Elsie" officially released

LMDE 5 has been officially released, code named "Elsie". The new version is based on Debian 11 and uses the Cinnamon desktop environment. LMDE is the abbreviation of "Linux Mint Debian Edition", that is, Linux Mint based on Debian. Its goal is to ensure that the same experience as Linux Mint can be provided without using Ubuntu. The software package warehouse is from Debian. LMDE also aims to develop software compatible with Ubuntu. Download address: The release notes mainly describe the known problems: the

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