Kitty Minder is attending 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Kitty Minder 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Kitty Minder won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement MIT
development language JavaScript HTML/CSS
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations Baidu
region domestic
deliverer sweet potato
intended for unknown
Recording time 2014-03-03

Software Introduction

KityMinder is another masterpiece of the f-cube team (the former UEditor team) of Baidu FEX team. As an online brain map editing tool, it has many interactive experiences of native editing tools. KM and UE have the same purpose, which is to focus on the use experience of end users. At the same time, it gives full play to the advantages of Web cloud storage, and can directly synchronize the brain map in editing to the cloud. In addition, with the original "Cloud Disk Sharing" function, users can directly generate online links from the currently edited brain maps with one click and share them with other users to achieve seamless communication.

KM is implemented based on SVG technology, using JavaScript+html. Support most mainstream browsers.
The support list is as follows

1. chrome
2. firefox
3. safari
4. ie9-11

Online use link

github :

Due to some administrative problems, the project address has been modified. Sorry

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Published information
2014/07/10 00:00

KityMinder 1.2.0 released, Brain Map tool

KityMinder, a brain mapping tool, has released a new version! Function increase and experience improvement:) Since KityMinder1. x was officially launched, it has received enthusiastic attention from students. The students put forward various good suggestions for KityMinder. Our whole group was greatly encouraged. In order to live up to your expectations, we officially launched version 1.2.0 on the basis of many suggestions. I hope KityMinder can help you in your daily work. KityMinder's goal: to truly replace your native tool 1 Brand new interface This time, the interface has been redesigned, making our

one hundred and twenty
Published information
2014/05/12 00:00

Kityminder 1.1.3 release, online brain map editor

#KityMinder Update Log # # 1.1.3 # # # Function Update 1 The file name can be customized when saving 2 Add/delete hyperlinks. Importing third-party formats supports hyperlinks 3 When selecting nodes, press F2 to select all node contents 4 "Expand all nodes (Ctrl+/)" "Collapse all nodes (Ctrl+.)" function 5 The currently selected highlighted node can be directly used for text editing 6 Right click a node to display the Edit Node menu 7 Percentage of zoom in and zoom out can be specified # # Problem fix 1 Fixed a problem where the cursor did not follow when scrolling the mouse wheel 2 Optimized the operation experience of dragging nodes 3 Repair fallback operation

Published information
2014/04/18 00:00

KityMinder 1.1.2 released, online brain map editor

KityMinder update log v1.1.2 function update supports local format file import supports file dragging and online disk file import format supports xmind/freemind/mindmanager. Other formats temporarily do not support adding nodes to the view. Add the current file name to the Title and share the link directly to the pasteboard (for supported browsers) Share to social network user logout function Add read-only mode, configuration item readOnly, add dynamic call interface setEnabled, setDisabled optimization When the drop-down menu is not executable, the drop-down menu button will automatically turn gray and add a new logo icon problem repair

Published information
2014/03/25 00:00

Kityminder 1.1.1 release, online brain map editor

Welcome to directly use the v1.1.1 function to update the shortcut keys for adding files Support: New Brain Map (Ctrl+N) Save Brain Map to the Cloud (Ctrl+S) Share Brain Map (Ctrl+Shift+S) Draft function is upgraded to the Draft Box. Help menu is added. Problem repair. When switching files, reply to problems whose history is not cleared. When adding markers, There will be an error in js

Published information
2014/03/19 00:00

Kitty Minder 1.1.0 Release Update

KityMinder mind map, the official online address has been opened. KityMinder Change Log v1.1.0 function update adds support for clipboard operation, adds the function of local automatic draft saving, optimizes the effect of text selection, improves the text input experience, adds the help menu function, adjusts the field of vision, and extracts the camera command, And creating a new file and opening a file will locate the field of vision to the root node. Fixed the problem of the location of the bottom theme. Fixed the problem of the expansion/contraction flag still exists on the canvas after all child nodes were deleted. Fixed the problem of the bottom

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