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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
JSEL won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement LGPL
development language Java
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2009-02-08

Software Introduction

JSEL is a simple expression interpretation engine based on reverse Polish structure and JS operation rules. It is also a JSON parsing engine.

basic feature

  • Based on the simple calculation model of the inverse Polish style, the biggest feature is simplicity.
  • Short circuit optimization is supported (nodes that do not need to be calculated will be skipped as needed during the operation (boolean operation and ternary operation have such requirements).
  • The operation rules are based on JavaScript familiar to front-end developers and can be used for expression implementation of template engines.
  • It is also a superset of JSON interpretation engines, which can be used to interpret JSON data sources.
  • Simple operation interface, which can easily redefine operation rules.
  • Due to the simple implementation of the engine itself, the program size is very small (JAR files are only 22k, and similar tools OGNL 168k); It is suitable for embedding other environments that require strict file size, such as the webstart applet that needs to be downloaded.

Basic Usage

 import org . xidea . el . Expression ;
import org . xidea . el . ExpressionImpl ;
import java . util . HashMap ;
public class Test {
public static void main ( String [] args ){
Expression el = new ExpressionImpl ( "var1 +2 * var2" );
//Expression el = new ExpressionImpl("var1 +2 * var2",new CalculaterImpl());// You can also define your own operation rules
HashMap context = new HashMap ();
. put ( "var1" , one hundred and eleven );
. put ( "var2" , two hundred and twenty-two );
Object result1 = el . evaluate ( context ); //555
. put ( "var2" , three hundred and thirty-three );
Object result2 = el . evaluate ( context ); //777
System . out . println ( "result1:" );
System . out . println ( result1 );
System . out . println ( "result2:" );
System . out . println ( result2 );
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Published information
2011/11/26 00:00

Lite-20111106.jar Published

Lite, abbreviated from List Template, is a simple template engine consisting of a simple control instruction set and an expression parsing engine. The intermediate format parsed by template language consists of three data types: array, string, and integer. Array is the only composite type here, so I use List Template to name this template engine. List and Template take two initial letters respectively to form the word Lite. Lite-20111106.jar has not updated its JSEL expression, and the next version will update changelog 2.0A6 Lite (New): completely refactor the front-end template, function definition

Published information
2010/08/09 00:00

Expression engine JSEL 2.0 Alpha3 publishing

JSEL is a simple expression interpretation engine based on reverse Polish structure and JS operation rules. It is also a JSON parsing engine. Download JSEL 2.0 Alpha3

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