JEPaaS is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
JEPaaS in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
JEPaaS won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement AGPL
development language Java
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region domestic
intended for unknown
Recording time 2019-09-09

Software Introduction

JEPaaS It is a domestic practical low code rapid development platform. With 11 years of technology accumulation and continuous maintenance and upgrading by a development team of more than 100 people, it is a national platform for large and medium-sized enterprises.

Visual development environment, low code drag and drop configuration development, extremely simple operation, can greatly help enterprises reduce labor and time costs. It supports workflow, IM instant messaging, bi chart report, APP development, docking WeChat, nailing, etc. It is an old and reliable development platform in China.


[Applicable scenario and crowd]

one , Software Provider

It can greatly and rapidly reduce time and labor costs, and support SaaS mode

two Construction of daily office tools in small and micro enterprises/stores/schools/departments

Such as OA office, instant messaging, attendance administration, etc

three Construction of various systems for medium-sized enterprises

Such as procurement system, examination system, reimbursement system, equipment management system, etc

four Information system construction of medium and large enterprises or group enterprises

Efficient implementation of informatization solutions and quick implementation

five Phased informatization construction of medium and large enterprises or group enterprises

Including the connection with the original system, multiple expansion interfaces give perfect consideration to personality and complex business

six Strategic informatization construction of medium and large enterprises or group enterprises

Support the strategic informatization deployment of large group companies, especially in the overall informatization layout

[Functional Features]

  • Custom Features
  • Workflow bpm engine
  • Chart Engine
  • Report Engine
  • SaaS development
  • WeChat, nail docking
  • app development
  • IM
  • web Print
  • Data import and export

[Technical selection]

  • back-end

Core framework: Spring Framework

Security framework: Spring security  

View framework: Spring MVC

Server side validation: Hibernate Validator

Workflow engine: JBPM

Task scheduling: Spring Task

Persistence layer framework: independently developed database operation engine

Database connection pool: Alibaba Druid

Cache framework: Ehcache, Redis

Log management: SLF4J, Logback

Project construction: Maven


  • front end

- JS Framework: jQuery, Vue

- UI Framework: ElementUI

-   Rich text editing: UEditor

-   Code editor: monacoEditor

- Socket Communication: Socket IO,WebSocket

-   Time component: Muse UI

-   Chart component: EChart

-   Print component: Lodop

- office Component: pageoffice

- APP JS Frame: MUI, H5+, Vue

- APP UI Framework: MUI, ElementUI

- APP   Time class library: dayjs

[System Function Display]

1. Login interface

Personalized login interface can be configured as required.

2. System homepage

3. Function list

four , Custom function

  • Table function customization

JEPaaS The platform supports mainstream databases such as oracle, sqlserver, mysql, and supports multiple table types including tree tables, single tables, primary and sub tables, and views. It can manage tables, fields, primary and foreign keys, and indexes in a unified way, and use tools to quickly create tables and maintain and update tables.

Data structure engine client operation interface

List Configuration

  • Table Structure Customization

Different users can customize the portal according to their own needs. The portal engine provides a variety of modules, including functions, charts, reports, display boards, news, custom plug-ins, HTML plug-ins, etc. Users can plan, flexibly add, and adjust at any time to achieve personalized layout of the portal.

Form Design Tool Operation Interface

five , Workflow Engine

Visual editing is used to provide process design including serial, parallel, multi branch, nested and other forms, and support process version control, message reminder, approval record, and process flow events to help developers design professional process functions and improve work efficiency.

Web IVR Builder

flow tracing

Mobile end process approval

six , Chart Engine

It can quickly build a data analysis and BI platform for all staff, realize visual analysis of business data, fully understand and use data, assist decision-making and improve business.

Graphic report case

seven , Report Engine

A powerful report engine is the premise of BI. Using JEPaaS, you can easily create common reports, cross reports, fill in reports and other reports.

Scale Out Report Case

Cross report case

eight SaaS development

Rapidly develop your own SaaS products. JEPaaS provides rich platform resources to help you quickly create your own SaaS applications. Then you can also authorize the launch through the platform mall. JEPaaS also provides an operation monitoring mechanism.

SaaS Mall interface

saas Operation monitoring

Mobile terminal of SaaS system

nine , nailing, WeChat docking

JEPaaS Integration of nails and enterprise WeChat, through the synchronous docking of organizational structure. It can realize message reminding, WeChat office and nail office, making your work more efficient and easier.

Nailing and WeChat seamless docking

ten , App rapid development

JEPaaS Online App development tools are provided, and multiple functions of APP can be quickly developed by using the configuration method. Among them, you can quickly plan and authorize menus, support multiple function types such as functions, plug-ins, charts, reports, and links, and use custom HTML for rapid development, form quick configuration, and query quick configuration through lists.

APP Feature Designer

Mobile APP

eleven , Instant Messaging (IM)

JEPaaS It provides stable and efficient instant messaging services, supports various types of information communication and user and community management, easily establishes a real-time communication matrix, and ensures the smoothness and security of information exchange.

IM Interface

IM mobile terminal communication

IM mobile terminal address book

twelve , web printing

JEPaaS It provides a quick planning tool for printing templates, which can print complex document data. Convenient printing tools can realize more efficient office experience.

Form Printing Configuration

thirteen , Data import and export

JEPaaS It supports the data import function of Excel, provides planning template tools, can analyze various complex excel data content layout, and directly import user's excel data into the system. Export mainly provides the export of lists, import of print formats, and export of data by planning templates.

Excel Quick import and export of data

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