Intel One Mono is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Intel One Mono won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Award "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement OFL-1.1
development language
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations Intel
region Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2023-05-15

Software Introduction

Intel One Mono is a expressive constant width font family, which was built with clarity, readability and developer needs in mind.

With an open source font license, it is easier to read and free to provide.

The Intel brand team has identified a low vision developer audience that has not been adequately served in terms of fonts, and has designed Intel One Mono fonts with VMLY&R and Free Jones Type, To maximize readability , solve the problem of developer fatigue and vision fatigue, and reduce coding errors. A team of developers with low vision and blindness provided feedback at every stage of the design.

Intel One Mono also covers more than 200 languages using Latin characters. Intel One Mono fonts provide four thicknesses -- Light, Regular, Medium, and Bold -- with matching italics.

Font format

  • It is recommended that the desktop use. otf or. ttf format.
  • The. ttf file is also ideal for mobile applications.
  • The. woff and. woff2 fonts are optimized for network use.

Screen rendering and size range

It is recommended to use 7 point or larger fonts when printing, and 9 pixel or larger fonts on the screen. The. ttf,. woff and. woff2 fonts provided in the official version have been manually optimized for screen display, improving clarity and readability, especially on the Windows platform.

Available OpenType Features

In addition to the default characters, there are some additional functions that can be accessed in some applications or through CSS: Raised Colon There is one raised colon   Option, which can be applied between numbers according to the context or normally activated. Context options can be obtained through ss11 (Stylistic Set # 11), or use ss12 (Stylistic Set # 12) or salt (Stylistic Alternatives) as global switches.   Language support: The ccmp, mark, and lock functions ensure correct display in multiple languages. These are usually activated by default. The official recommendation is to set the language tag/setting in the software to the desired language for best results. Superior/superscript and inferior/subscript figures It is included through their Unicode code points, or you can use sups( Superscript )、subs( Subscript )And si( Scientific Inferior )The function generates them from default numbers.   Fraction numerals You can also use numr( Numerator )And dnom( Denominator )Function acquisition. The font also provides a set of prefabricated scores.

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Published information
2023/08/22 12:20

Intel One Mono 1.3.0 was released as an open source font created by Intel for developers

Intel One Mono is an open source equal width font created by Intel for developers, which integrates clarity, readability and developer vision protection. Intel One Mono font covers more than 200 languages using Latin characters, and provides four thicknesses - Light, Regular, Medium, and Bold, with default italics. This series of fonts was jointly developed by Free Jones Type, Intel brand team and VMLY&R, and the clarity, readability, and visual fatigue and eye fatigue of developers were fully taken into account when building. Intel One Mono v1.3 major changes: through the

Published information
2023/06/08 08:41

Intel open source new constant width font, claimed to protect developers' eyesight

Intel has opened a new constant width font "Intel One Mono" for developers, which is an expressive constant width font family, integrating clarity, readability and developer vision protection. Intel One Mono font covers more than 200 languages using Latin characters, and provides four thicknesses - Light, Regular, Medium, and Bold, with default italics. This series of fonts was jointly developed by Free Jones Type, Intel brand team and VMLY&R, and the clarity, readability, and visual fatigue and eye fatigue of developers were fully taken into account when building. Except

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