Firebug Lite is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Firebug Lite in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Firebug Lite won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement BSD
development language
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer sweet potato
intended for unknown
Recording time 2010-02-07

Software Introduction

Firebug Lite is a subset of Firebug. It is worth noting that Firebug Lite supports three mainstream browsers, IE, Opera and Safari.

Firebug It is a necessary network tool for webmasters and bloggers. It can analyze the code of HTML pages, and provide real-time preview of web page style elements. In addition, it can also test and evaluate the performance of the website and provide analysis such as load time.

You can go to the Firebug page of the Chrome Extension Center to download Install the extended Firebug Lite for Chrome

At present, some functions of Firebug Lite are not complete, and real-time analysis of CSS styles is good, but the Yslow function of Firefox is not available NET control panel, external code support and JavaScript Debugger are still under development.

For example, in some web pages, you can only manually edit the code and view the running status in the calculation tab for the @ import attribute used in CSS samples, so you cannot preview the output results in real time at present.

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Published information
2011/09/23 00:00

Firebug Lite 1.4 official release released Firebug Lite 1.4! This version is also uploaded to the Chrome Web Store and the Firebug Lite Beta for Google Chrome channel Firebug Lite 1.4 fixes 10 reported problems, as well as a large number of internal fixes. In this version, two new features are added at the same time: the number of rows of CSS rules is displayed in the style panel; Improved storage of settings.

Published information
2011/08/19 00:00

Firebug Lite 1.4b1 released

Firebug Lite 1.4b1 has been released, which mainly fixes some minor problems. Firebug Lite is a subset of Firebug. It is worth noting that Firebug Lite supports three mainstream browsers, IE, Opera and Safari. Firebug is a necessary network tool for webmasters and bloggers. It can analyze the code of HTML pages, and provide real-time preview of web page style elements. In addition, it can also test and evaluate the performance of the website and provide analysis such as load time.

Published information
2011/04/26 00:00

Chrome extensions for 25 web developers

Firebug Lite Firebug Lite is a subset of Firebug. It is worth noting that Firebug Lite supports three mainstream browsers, IE, Opera and Safari. PlainClothes This extension will render the style of the page soft. Imagine: the text is black, the background is white, the links that have not been clicked are blue, the links that have been visited are purple, and all the links are underlined. Or you can change it to the color you want. All text is displayed in the default font you choose (this is done through Options>Advanced Options>Change Font and Language Settings

Published information
2011/03/24 00:00

Firebug Lite 1.3.2 release, cross browser Firebug

The final version of Firebug Lite 1.3.2 has been released, and some important bugs and improvements have been fixed. You can obtain installation information from the Firebug Lite page. If you are a user of Google Chrome, please view this page Firebug Lite for Google Chrome page This version fixes 6 problems, including 4 bugs and 2 improvements. It also includes the cool infoTips module. Bugs fixed: Issue 3422: Firebug Lite breaks Google Instant Search Issue 3504: Firebug lite: jQuery.ajax call fails in IE Issue 3524: Firebug...

Published information
2010/09/10 00:00

Firebug Lite 1.3.1 Release

Firebug Lite is a subset of Firebug. It is worth noting that Firebug Lite supports three mainstream browsers, IE, Opera and Safari. Compared with version 1.3.0, the new version is more stable, faster and provides more functions. Please refer to the official release notes for details. Installation address:

Published information
2010/03/17 00:00

Firebug Lite 1.2 released, supporting multiple browsers

The Firebug development team released Firebug Lite 1.2 today. As its name implies, Firebug Lite is a subset of Firebug. It is worth noting that Firebug Lite supports three mainstream browsers, IE, Opera and Safari. The latest version 1.2 also adds the functions of analyzing DOM elements, tracking XHR, and navigating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For more detailed information about Firebug Lite, you can view the website page of Firebug Lite. The following is the screenshot of Firebut Lite in IE

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