Electron egg is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
The electric egg is in the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Electron egg won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Apache-2.0
development language JavaScript View source code »
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region domestic
deliverer Doraemon
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Recording time 2020-11-04

Software Introduction

A simple and cross platform desktop software development framework version 2.0

  • Why? Desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so to improve work efficiency
  • Simple: Just understand JavaScript
  • Vision: All developers can learn desktop software development


  1. Cross platform: a set of code, which can be packaged to run in Windows, Mac and Linux
  2. Simple and efficient: just learn the js language, and support front-end technologies such as vue, react, and html
  3. Independent front end: theoretically support any front end technology, and write beautiful UI effects
  4. Engineering: you can use the development thinking of the server to write desktop software
  5. High performance: Event driven, non blocking IO
  6. Rich functions: technical scenarios on the server
  7. Function demo: common functions of desktop software, which will be gradually integrated or provided later
  8. See the documentation for more functions

Use Scenarios

1. Conventional desktop software

    • Windows platform


  • MacOS platform

  • Linux platform

2. Convert vue, react, angular and web to desktop software

  • Vue ant design (local)

  • ZenTao Project management (web project address)

3. Games (h5 related technology development)

  • Ninja Level 100

Getting Started

  1. download

     # gitee
     git clone  https://gitee.com/wallace5303/electron-egg.git
     # github
     git clone  https://github.com/wallace5303/electron-egg.git
  2. Installation, node recommended v14.16.0

     #Increase installation speed and use domestic images;
     npm config set registry  https://registry.npmmirror.com
     #Enter the directory/ electron-egg/
     npm install
  3. Common commands

     #Developer Mode
     #1: [Enter the front directory], start vue
     cd frontend && npm install && npm run serve
     #2: [Root Directory], start the backend service
     cd ../ && npm run dev
     #Pre release mode (environment variable: prod)
     npm run start
     #Package windows version
     Npm run build-w (32-bit)
     Npm run build-w-64 (64 bit)
     #Package mac version
     npm run build-m
     Npm run build-m-arm64 (Apple M1 chip architecture)
     #Package linux version
     npm run build-l



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Published information
03/11 11:04

A desktop software framework that can be used by both the front end and the back end, electron-egg v3.11.0

Who can use the project has five groups, 2000+developers, covering front-end, java, go, python, php and other developers. If you need desktop software, try it. It's very easy to get started. The Trustworthy Framework has been widely used in accounting, government affairs, enterprises, medical care, schools, stock trading, ERP, entertainment, video and other fields. Please feel free to use it! Open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 4400+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 1400+This update # # # 3.11.0 1 [Add] ee core, ee bi

02/02 08:27

Release of cross platform desktop software development framework electric egg version 3.10.0

Hello everyone, the release of electric egg 3.10.0. In this version, we have optimized cross language support. To put it simply, you can write business in java, go and other languages, and then call it through electric egg; It supports windows, macOS and Linux. Its principle is to create a sub process through child_process and return an object containing various properties and methods. The cross module also provides some practical apis. At the end of the article, we provided the case effects of electric egg for java and electric egg for go. At present, the framework has been widely used in bookkeeping, government affairs, enterprises, medical care

Published information
01/22 10:26

ElectronEgg v3.10.0 , Enable the back-end to develop desktop software

The Trustworthy Framework has been widely used in accounting, government affairs, enterprises, medical care, schools, stock trading, ERP, entertainment, video and other fields. Please feel free to use it! Open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 4300+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 1400+This Update # # # 3.10.0 * * [Big Update] * * 1 [Optimization] Optimize the ee core module, which supports go, java, etc. 2. [Add] Add an ee core cross module API: run() killAll() kill (pid) killByName (name) getUrl (name) g

Published information
2023/12/05 10:07

Desktop software is so simple, electric egg v3.9.0

The Trustworthy Framework has been widely used in accounting, government affairs, enterprises, medical care, schools, stock trading, ERP, entertainment, video and other fields. Please feel free to use it! Open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 4100+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 1200+This update # # # 3.9.0 * * [Major update] * * 1 [Add] Add the ee go module, which supports go language and many functions. 2. [Add] Add ee bin dev for go. 3. [Add] Add ee bin dev configuration electron.loadingPag

2023/10/24 09:17

ElectronEgg v3.8.0 was released to quickly develop a desktop application

Why use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. Improving work efficiency is a popular trend. QQ, Baidu Translate, Alibaba Online Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3900+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 1200+This update 3.8.0 [Add] adds the ee bin exec command, which supports user-defined commands. [Add] Add ee core jobs configuration, and open/close messageLog. [Optimize

2023/09/20 09:05

ElectronEgg v3.7.0 officially released, cross platform desktop software development

Why use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. Improving work efficiency is a popular trend. QQ, Baidu Translate, Alibaba Online Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3700+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 1000+This update 3.7.0 [Add] adds the config/bin.js configuration file, and uniformly processes the ee bin function configuration items. [Add] Add ee bin

Published information
2023/09/12 08:57

ElectronEgg v3.7.0 officially released, cross platform desktop software development

Why use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. Improving work efficiency is a popular trend. QQ, Baidu Translate, Alibaba Online Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3700+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 1000+This update # # # 3.7.0 1 [Add] Add the config/bin.js configuration file to uniformly process the ee bin function configuration items. 2. Add

Published information
2023/07/19 18:11

ElectronEgg v3.6.0 release, cross platform desktop software development

Why use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. Improving work efficiency is a popular trend. QQ, Baidu Translate, Alibaba Online Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3500+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 1000+This update # # # 3.6.0 1 [Add] Add the ee bin library, install it to the dev dependency, and reduce the size of the installation package. 2. [Add] Demo branch

Published information
2023/07/05 08:56

ElectronEgg v3.5.0 release, cross platform software development framework

Why use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. Improving work efficiency is a popular trend. QQ, Baidu Translate, Alibaba Online Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3500+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 900+This update # # # 3.5.0 [Add] adds the ee core icon command to generate and apply all types of logos with one click. [Optimize] Optimize the logo name to

Published information
2023/06/14 09:15

ElectronEgg v3.4.0 released, a new generation of desktop application development framework

Why use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. Improving work efficiency is a popular trend. QQ, Baidu Translate, Alibaba Online Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3400+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 900+This update # # # 3.4.0 1 [Add] The main process mainserver supports the loading of static resources and the configuration of entry files. 2. [Add] config mode

Published information
2023/05/29 09:19

EE framework 3.3.0 release, cross platform desktop software development

Why use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. Improving work efficiency is a popular trend. QQ, Baidu Translate, Alibaba Online Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3300+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 900+This update # # # 3.3.0 1 [Add] Add a main module, which supports the introduction of ee core into third-party frameworks or projects and uses its 100+API. 2. [Increase...]

Published information
2023/05/17 09:01

Release of electric egg v3.2.0, cross platform software development framework

Why we should trust to use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. To improve work efficiency, the electric technology is a popular trend. Baidu Translate, AliCloud Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Students at the front end and server end can quickly get started. Vision: All developers can learn how to develop desktop software. Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3300+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 800+This update # # # 3.2.0 1 [Optimization] New

2023/04/28 09:15

Electric egg 3.1.0 release, cross platform desktop software development

Why we should trust to use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. To improve work efficiency, the electric technology is a popular trend. Baidu Translate, AliCloud Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Students at the front end and server end can quickly get started. Vision: All developers can learn how to develop desktop software. Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3200+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 800+This update 3.1.0 [Add] Utils module

Published information
2023/04/18 09:13

Electric egg framework 3.1.0 released, cross platform desktop software development

Why we should trust to use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. To improve work efficiency, the electric technology is a popular trend. Baidu Translate, AliCloud Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes Students at the front end and server end can quickly get started. Vision: All developers can learn how to develop desktop software. Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/dromara/electron-egg 3200+ github: https://github.com/dromara/electron-egg 800+This update # # 3.1.0 [Add] Utils

2023/03/14 08:26

The electric egg v3 is released. After 100000+downloads, start again

First of all, I would like to say that I did not expect the development of this project from the initial demo of a trainer to the current performance. So many nights and weekends were not wasted. In the words of Yu Tao, it was worth it 😄 At first, I still remember that when I first learned about the electric technology, I found that the popular frameworks in the market, electric vue and electric react oilerplate, were deeply bound to the front-end technology, which was not friendly to my server development. Although most back-end developers or junior front-end developers can understand something, they still need to learn something to really apply it. Thought So I was thinking

Published information
2023/01/28 10:47

EE Framework 2.5.0 Release, cross platform desktop software development

Why we should trust to use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. To improve work efficiency, the electric technology is a popular trend. Baidu Translate, AliCloud Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes The ee framework uses b (browser) s (main process) s (remote back-end service) to develop ideas. Students at the front end and server end can quickly get started. The vision is that all developers can learn how to develop desktop software. Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/wallace5303/electron-egg 2700+ github: https://githu...

2022/12/26 08:04

[Official announcement] Cross platform, enterprise level desktop software development framework electric egg joins Dromara open source community

The preface is correct. Various next-generation technologies or frameworks have emerged in the current technology community, but few of them can be used in the contemporary era, so electric egg has emerged. It has a big vision: I hope all developers can learn how to develop desktop software. What are the current desktop software technologies? Language technology advantages and disadvantages C # wpf professional desktop software technology, powerful functions, high learning cost Java swing/javaFx cross platform and language popular GUI libraries are few, the interface is not beautiful C++Qt cross platform, rich functions and class libraries, high learning cost Swift is all cross platform, unfriendly documents, few UI libraries, JS electron

Published information
2022/12/20 11:33

EE framework 2.4.0 release, cross platform desktop software development

Why we should trust to use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. To improve work efficiency, the electric technology is a popular trend. Baidu Translate, AliCloud Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes The ee framework uses b (browser) s (main process) s (remote back-end service) to develop ideas. Students at the front end and server end can quickly get started. The vision is that all developers can learn how to develop desktop software. Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/wallace5303/electron-egg 2200+ github: https://githu...

Published information
2022/11/30 09:25

EE desktop software framework 2.3.0 released, supporting domestic operating system uos deep in kirin, etc

Why we should trust to use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. To improve work efficiency, the electric technology is a popular trend. Baidu Translate, AliCloud Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes The ee framework uses b (browser) s (main process) s (remote back-end service) to develop ideas. Students at the front end and server end can quickly get started. The vision is that all developers can learn how to develop desktop software. Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/wallace5303/electron-egg 2200+ github: https://githu...

Published information
2022/11/01 09:27

EE Framework 2.2.1 Release, a simple and easy to learn desktop application development framework

Why we should trust to use desktop software (office direction, personal tools) is still one of the PC end needs in the next decade or so. To improve work efficiency, the electric technology is a popular trend. Baidu Translate, AliCloud Disk, Xunlei, Youdao Cloud Notes The ee framework uses b (browser) s (main process) s (remote back-end service) to develop ideas. Students at the front end and server end can quickly get started. The vision is that all developers can learn how to develop desktop software. Simply understand JavaScript open source gitee: https://gitee.com/wallace5303/electron-egg 2100+ github: https://githu...

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