Apache CouchDB is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Apache CouchDB 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Apache CouchDB won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Award "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Apache
development language ErLang
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations Apache
region Unknown
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Recording time 2008-11-09

Software Introduction

Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation.

The data structures implemented by CouchDB to the lowest level are two types of B+Tree.

Unlike today's popular relational database servers, CouchDB is organized around a series of semantically self contained documents. The documents in CouchDB have no schema free, that is, they are not required to have a specific structure. This feature of CouchDB makes it applicable to traditional relational databases. Generally speaking, applications built around documents are more suitable for using CouchDB as their background storage. CouchDB emphasizes that the documents stored in it are semantically self contained. This document oriented design idea is closer to the real situation of the problem domain of many applications. For such applications, it will be more natural and simple to use CouchDB documents for modeling. At the same time, CouchDB also provides a view based on MapReduce programming model to query documents, which can provide the ability similar to SQL statements in relational databases. CouchDB provides a better choice than relational databases for many applications.

JDBC driver for CouchDB—— jcouchdb

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Published information
2020/09/20 07:37

Apache CouchDB 3.1.1 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 3.1.1 has been released. CouchDB is a document oriented database management system, which provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. This is a maintenance version. The main update highlights include: {"unknown": "normal"} error buffer responses can no longer be enabled. You can choose to delay the start of the response until the end of the calculation. Download address: https://couchdb.apache.org/#download...

Published information
2020/02/27 07:34

Apache CouchDB 3.0.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 3.0.0 has been released. CouchDB is a document oriented database management system, which provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. Highlights of this version update include that the default installation is now secure and locked. User defined partitioned database, which can speed up query speed, split fragments in real time, and realize incremental horizontal expansion and update to modern JavaScript engine SpiderMonkey 60, which officially supports ARM and PPC 32-bit and 64 bit systems, and improves many performance more intelligently

Published information
2019/03/17 07:16

Apache CouchDB 2.3.1 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 2.3.1 was released. CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. This is a bugfix version. Update highlights include: # 1811: Add/{db}/_sync_shards endpoint. (admin-only). # 1870: mochiweb was updated to 2.19.0# 1875: Reject the build using the known wrong version of Erlang# 1880: compression: add snooze_perio

Published information
2018/12/07 07:24

Apache CouchDB 2.3.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 2.3.0 has been released. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. Update highlights: (Multiple) Clustered purge is now available A new config setting is available, allowing an administrator to configure an initial list of nodes that should be contacted when a n...

Published information
2017/08/09 06:45

Apache CouchDB 2.1.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 2.1.0 has been released. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. This version uses a new scheduled replicator. The core of the new replicator is a scheduler, which allows you to run a large number of replication jobs by switching between them, stopping some and starting other replication jobs on a regular basis. In addition, version 2.1.0 also includes a lot of improvements and bug fixes

Published information
2016/09/22 00:00

Apache CouchDB 2.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 2.0 has been released. Main update content: Support cluster update query language to improve management interface, and 99% of the API of CouchDB 2.0 is compatible with 1. x series, and most applications should continue to work. Please click here for a detailed update. Download address: Source Windows (x86) Mac OS X (10.6+)

Published information
2014/06/11 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.6.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 1.6.0 was released. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. This version contains many improvements, mainly including: * COUCHDB-2200: support Erlang/OTP 17.0 # 35e16032 * Fauxton: many improvements in the UI, including changing the code editor from CodeMirror to Ace to better support different browsers * Add the max_count op

Published information
2014/04/10 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.5.1 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 1.5.1 has been released. This version is now available for download, providing pre build packages for Windows and OS X. This version is a security update. The updated contents are as follows: * Add the max_count option to allow rate limiting the amount of UUIDs that can be requested from the /_uuids handler in a single request. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface that uses JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can be accessed through

Published information
2013/11/06 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.5.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 1.5.0 has been released. The improvements include: Fixed an issue where admin users would be restricted by the public_fields feature Fixed an issue with the JavaScript CLI test runner. The new plug-in features experience a better retry mechanism for Node.js based query servers, which is used to transfer attachments during replication. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides

Published information
2013/09/04 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.4.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 1.3.1 was released. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. The data structures implemented by CouchDB to the lowest level are two types of B+Tree. Released on September 3, 2013 1.4.0 The last version was 1.3.1 of June 25, 2013, which was completely improved: Upgrade Notes We now support Erlang/OTP R16B and R16B01; the minimum required vers...

Published information
2013/06/28 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.3.1 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 1.3.1 was released. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. The data structures implemented by CouchDB to the lowest level are two types of B+Tree. Improvements in this version include Replicator * Tolerate missing source and target fields in _replicator docs (COUCHDB-1788) Log System * Don't log about m...

Published information
2013/04/10 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.3.0 release, document database

Apache CouchDB 1.3.0 was released. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. The major improvements in this version include the following aspects: the HTTP interface will no longer rewrite the X-CouchDB Requested Path URL. The maximum recursion depth is 100. You can configure and repair the _session of IE7, add the Server Content event protocol to the db change API (details

Published information
2013/04/01 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.2.2 Release

Apache CouchDB today released the updated version 1.2.2 of 1.2, which fixes two bugs, including: HTTP Interface Reset rewrite counter on new request, Avoiding unnecessary request failures due to boxes request limit reports. Build System Fixed issue in couchdb script where stopped status returns before process exits. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and it can view the data in the following way:

Published information
2013/01/11 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.2.1/1.1.2/1.0.4 released

Apache CouchDB today released updated versions of three branches. These three versions are mainly bug fixes, including: Apache CouchDB 1.2.1 (CHANGES) Apache CouchDB 1.1.2 (CHANGES) Apache CouchDB 1.0.4 (CHANGES) Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. CouchDB implements two types of B+Tree data structures at the bottom

Published information
2012/10/26 00:00

Open source cloud database Cloudant gets investment from CIA

Cloudant, which provides cloud databases, announced earlier that it had received funds from venture capital firm In-Q-Tel, but the amount was not disclosed. It is not unusual for open source enterprises to obtain investment, but it is noteworthy that In Q Tel is an agency under the CIA of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. Cloudant's product BigCouch is a NoSQL database designed based on the open source Apache CouchDB. One of Cloudant's businesses is to help customers maintain BigCouch. Cloudant was founded by MIT physicists Alan Hoffman, Adam Kocoloski and Michael Miller, who used to be responsible for colliding particle accelerators

Published information
2012/05/21 00:00

Survival or destruction CouchDB encounters Waterloo

Once upon a time, many companies or institutions were keen on migrating from relational databases to NoSQL databases. But now there are many opposite situations, and the Sauce laboratory is a typical example. CouchDB is a document oriented NoSQL database that is suitable for mainstream Unix/Linux distributions. It has a simple PHP interface and is very suitable for Web site development. Once, Sauce Lab moved its applications to the CouchDB database with passion, but now it has migrated from the CouchDB database to the traditional MySQL database. They even published such an article on their official blog: Farewell, CouchDB! What is it

Published information
2012/04/07 00:00

Apache CouchDB 1.2.0 Release

Apache CouchDB 1.2.0 has been released. This version contains a lot of improvements, including performance, security, construction and API. Please refer to the release notes for details. Apache CouchDB is a document oriented database management system. It provides a REST interface with JSON as the data format to operate on it, and can manipulate the organization and presentation of documents through views. CouchDB is the top open source project of the Apache Foundation. The data structures implemented by CouchDB to the lowest level are two types of B+Tree

Published information
2012/02/13 00:00

Top Ten Problems of CouchDB

The following ten items are from Mathias Meyer, the blogger of paperplanes, who is also a NoSQL practitioner. CouchDB is one of his favorite databases. As the saying goes, when using CouchDB, he found many problems, which are the top ten problems listed in this article. The view is updated when reading. We know that CouchDB does not support dynamic queries. That is to say, you need to create a corresponding view for each query in advance. Creating a view is fast, even if your dataset is large. This is because CouchDB does not create a view index when creating a view, but reads

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