Chromium is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
Chromium in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
Chromium won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement BSD
development language C/C++ View source code »
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Classification Utilities browser
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2008-12-04

Software Introduction

Chromium is Google's Chrome The purpose of the engine behind the browser is to create a safe, stable and fast general browser.

Chromium is a web browser led and developed by Google. It is distributed with multiple free copyrights such as BSD license and open source code. Chromium may have been developed since 2006 [1]. The design idea is based on the concepts of simplicity, speed, stability and security. In terms of architecture, it uses the WebKit typesetting engine developed by Apple Some of Safari's source code and Firefox's achievements, and the V8 engine developed exclusively by Google are used to improve the efficiency of interpreting JavaScript, and "sandbox", "blacklist", "traceless browsing" and other functions are designed to achieve a stable and secure web browsing environment.

The main differences between Chromium and Chrome are as follows:

Program icon: The two icons are only different in color. Chrome is sky blue, while Chrome is Google's representative color:.
Title bar: Chrome's title bar has no words, while Chrome's title bar has a white "Google" on the right.

Automatic update: Chromium does not provide automatic update function, so it cannot automatically update, while Chrome can automatically connect to Google's server for update, but the new version is slow to launch.

Function difference: As mentioned earlier, new functions will be first introduced on Chromium, while Chrome will lag behind.

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Published information
06/03 10:01

Microsoft Edge Market Share Hits a Record High

The well-known traffic monitoring agency Statcounter announced the global desktop browser market share in May 2024: the main data is as follows: Chrome: 64.88% Edge: 13.13% Safari: 8.8% Firefox: 6.64% Opera: 3.23% 360 Safe: 1.09%... Last month, Microsoft Edge's global desktop browser market share rose to 13.13%, a record high. In the mobile desktop browser market, Chrome and Safari still dominate. Last month, the market share of Chrome browser was 65.94%, while that of Apple Safari browser was 23.47%. Micro

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04/30 18:20

Open Source Daily | Microsoft runs on Chrome; The middle-aged mascot toy with impotence; Mysterious AI ability is too strong, suspected GPT-4.5; Tongyi Qianwen 3 months open source 8 models

Welcome to read the Open Source Daily produced by OSCHINA editorial department, which is updated once a day# 2024.4.30 Today's key points: The performance of the mysterious big model surpasses many open source models and GPT-4. Just last night, the entire AI community was shocked by a mysterious big model: it is called gpt2 chatbot, and its performance directly surpasses many open source models and GPT-4! Netizens speculated that it was GPT-4.5, GPT-5, or GPT-4+Q *, or GPT-2+Q *. Altman also made a note: "I really like gpt-2gpt2." Ubuntu 24.10 is code named "Oracle Oracle" Ubuntu 2

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2023/07/26 15:16

Arc browser officially released 1.0, claiming to be a replacement for Chrome

Arc browser has finally released the official version 1.0. Currently, it only supports macOS and iOS, and the Windows version is still under development. Download address: Arc official website | The advertisement on App Store Arc's official website directly quotes the media comment: Arc is the Chrome replacement I've been waiting for Arc is a free web browser developed by The Browser Company, a startup founded by Josh Miller and Hursh Agrawal. It will be released on April 19, 2022 after the closed test. Arc is based on Chromium and written in Swift language. It supports Chrome browsing

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2023/05/25 08:51

Edge updates: integration with Microsoft 365 Copilot, design updates

At the Build 2023 conference, Microsoft introduced in detail the new features in the Edge browser, including the redesigned interface and new productivity features. "We have raised the standard of what browsers can and should do in today's digital world to help you, your business, and the websites and web applications you create stay ahead." Some updates include: powerful AI progress has changed the nature of web browsing. Microsoft 365 Copilot, which is currently in the stage of personal preview, will be natively integrated into Microsoft Edge. The project team has also added

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2023/01/13 08:52

Google Announces Support for Chromium Development with Rust

The Google Chrome security team announced that Chromium will support the use of third-party Rust libraries from C++in the project. At present, they are actively seeking to add the Rust tool chain that can be used in the production environment to the Chromium building system, so as to introduce Rust code into Chrome binary files next year. Google only supports the use of third-party Rust libraries temporarily according to the project volume and its own needs of Chromium. Because third-party libraries are written as independent components, they do not need to consider the potential needs of Chromium implementation. This means that they have simpler and more focused

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2022/11/23 08:44

Red Hat engineers implement Wayland based screen sharing for Chrome/Chromium

Red Hat engineer Jan Grulich recently wrote a year-end summary, which introduces the work done for Chrome/Chromium to implement Wayland based screen sharing. Although this function is not enabled by default at present, Jan said that according to the progress made so far, if everything goes well, it will be enabled by default in the browser soon. It is reported that currently, Wayland based screen sharing is well supported in WebRTC and has been introduced to Chrome or Firefox and other browsers, but it is not enabled by default in Chrome. For many users, they haven't even found that

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2022/05/31 08:00

Microsoft wants Chrome to use its own modern "Fluent" scroll bar

Microsoft recently submitted a commitment to Chromium, requesting to merge the modern "Fluent" scroll bar produced by Microsoft into Chromium. At present, the commit has realized basic functions and passed unit tests. According to Microsoft's introduction, Fluent scroll bar is inspired by its system design language, Fluent. This means that the scroll bar on the right side of the browser will be a very thin line. When you hover over the scroll bar, it pops up, providing a neat or "modern" experience. ▲ Hidden mode ▲ The following figure of complete mode is an intuitive comparison between the two schemes: Microsoft has previously

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2022/04/15 14:39

Chromium or will use Qt to build UI

The two commits recently updated by the Chromium code repository show that its development team seems to be trying to use Qt to build UI for Chrome/Chromium. [DO NOT LAND] QT platform (this commitment is intended to add Qt support for Chromium) Add QT to sysroots At present, these two commitments are attached with the "Work in Progress" status tag, which represents that the relevant work is in progress, and perhaps the team is evaluating Qt's support for Chromium. This also shows that Chromium's plan to use Qt is still in its early stage. To some extent, it may be more like

Published information
2022/04/01 08:30

Three months countdown to IE retirement, Microsoft improves IE mode in Edge

Microsoft announced last May that Internet Explorer 11 desktop applications will be retired on June 15, 2022; At the same time, Internet Explorer 11 will be phased out from some Windows 10 versions and replaced with Microsoft Edge based on Chromium. Edge includes an IE mode to be compatible with websites and applications that rely on IE11. Now, it is less than 3 months before the retirement of IE browser, Microsoft has released a blog outlining some key improvements it has made for IE mode in Edge: including restoring IE COM object calls and implementing two-way

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Joyent Node.js is my json valid denial of service vulnerability
Denial of Service
Joyent Node.js is a set of network application platform built on Google V8 JavaScript engine by American Joyent Company. Is my json valid is one of the JSONSchema (describing JSON data format) validation packages. Joyent Node.js is my json valid before 2.12.4 has a security vulnerability due to the program incorrectly outputting regular expressions (using utc millisec format). A remote attacker can use a specially crafted string to cause a denial of service (limiting the event cycle).
CVE-2016-2537 MPS-2016-1001
2023-12-20 19:30
Hawk Denial of Service Vulnerability
Resource management error
Hawk is a set of HTTP authentication scheme that uses message authentication code (MAC) algorithm to provide encryption and verification of local HTTP requests. There is a security vulnerability in Hawk before 3.1.3 and 4. x before 4.1.1. Remote attackers can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption or partial interruption) via a long header or URI.
CVE-2016-2515 MPS-2016-1657
2023-12-20 19:30
Android Mediaserver security vulnerability
Integer overflow or wrapping
Android is an open source operating system based on Linux jointly developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). Mediaserver is one of the multimedia service components. The Mediaserver in Google Android has a remote code execution vulnerability. An attacker can use a specially crafted file to cause memory corruption. The following versions are affected: Google Android 6.0.1, 5.1.1, 5.0.2, 7.1.1, 7.0 and 6.0.
CVE-2017-0381 MPS-2017-0291
2023-12-20 19:30
Joyent Node.js tar post link vulnerability
Improper link resolution before file access (link following)
Joyent Node.js is a set of network application platform built on Google V8 JavaScript engine by American Joyent Company. Tar is a tar archive module in npm (Node. JS package management and distribution tool). There is a security vulnerability in tar 1.8.4 and earlier versions of Joyent Node.js. Remote attackers can use this vulnerability to write arbitrary files.
CVE-2015-8860 MPS-2017-0617
2023-12-20 19:30
Joyent Node.js handlebar Cross site Scripting Vulnerability
Joyent Node.js is a set of network application platform built on Google V8 JavaScript engine by American Joyent Company. Handlebars is one of the JavaScript semantic template libraries, which can quickly build Web templates by separating views and data. There is a cross site scripting vulnerability in handlebars 3.0.3 and earlier in Joyent Node.js. A remote attacker can use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary web script or HTML via a template without referenced attributes.
CVE-2015-8861 MPS-2017-0618
2023-12-20 19:30
Google protobuf buffer error vulnerability
Write out of bounds
Google protobuf is a data exchange format of Google in the United States. There is a buffer error vulnerability in Google protobuf. Remote attackers can use this vulnerability to execute code.
CVE-2015-5237 MPS-2017-10841
2023-12-20 19:30
Joyent Node.js toy cookie module security vulnerability
Denial of Service
Joyent Node.js is a set of network application platform built on Google V8 JavaScript engine by American Joyent Company. The tooth cookie module is one of the cookie modules. There is a denial of service vulnerability in Joyent Node.js toy cookie module before 2.3.3. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (consume a large amount of CPU) by sending HTTP requests with malicious cookies.
CVE-2017-15010 MPS-2017-11145
2023-12-20 19:30
Ecstatic npm package security vulnerability
Denial of Service
The ecstatic npm package is a static file server middleware. There is a denial of service vulnerability in the lib/ecstatic.js file in the ecstatic npm package before 2.0.0. Remote attackers can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (overload and crash) by passing maliciously crafted strings.
CVE-2016-10703 MPS-2017-14080
2023-12-20 19:30
Web framework qs module input verification vulnerability
Improper input validation
Web framework is a framework used to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications and web services. The qs module is a string query and parsing module used by developers when building Web frameworks. The qs module in the web framework has a denial of service vulnerability. Because the web framework qs does not filter the user's input perfectly, an attacker can use _proto_ to overwrite the existing prototype properties of the object, such as toString(), hasOwnProperty(), etc., thereby causing the web framework of the qs module to crash, leading to a denial of service
CVE-2017-1000048 MPS-2017-7711
2023-12-20 19:30
Adm zip npm library path traversal vulnerability
path traversal
Adm zip npm library is a JavaScript implementation based on Node.js that allows users to create and extract zip files in memory or disk. Directory traversal vulnerability exists in adm zip npm library before 0.4.9. An attacker can use this vulnerability to write arbitrary files via a specially crafted zip archive file with a directory traversal name.
CVE-2018-1002204 MPS-2018-10409
2023-12-20 19:30
Url parse security vulnerability
Url parse is a small URL parser that spans Node.js and browser environments. There is a security vulnerability in url parse before 1.4.3. The vulnerability is due to the program's failure to parse correctly, resulting in the return of incorrect host names. Remote attackers can use this vulnerability to implement server request forgery attacks, open redirection attacks, or bypass authentication protocols.
CVE-2018-3774 MPS-2018-11050
2023-12-20 19:30
Brace expansion security vulnerability
Denial of Service
Brace expansion is a tool that can generate arbitrary strings. The index.js file in Brace expansion before 1.1.7 has a denial of service vulnerability. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service.
CVE-2017-18077 MPS-2018-1167
2023-12-20 19:30
Webpack dev server information disclosure vulnerability
Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
Webpack dev server is a development server mainly used for testing. The lib/Server.js file in webpack dev server before 3.1.6 has a security vulnerability, which is due to the program's failure to detect the Origin field in the request header. An attacker can use this vulnerability to receive HMR messages sent by the WebSocket server by connecting ws:// any source.
CVE-2018-14732 MPS-2018-12609
2023-12-20 19:30
Merge package denial of service vulnerability
Denial of Service
The merge package is a software package used to merge multiple objects into one. The merge.recuritive function in the merge package before 1.2 has a security vulnerability. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service.
CVE-2018-16469 MPS-2018-14306
2023-12-20 19:30
LibSass denial of service vulnerability
Null pointer dereference
LibSass is the C/C++port of the Sass engine. There is a null pointer dereference vulnerability in the Sass:: Selector_List:: populate_extends function in SharedPtr.hpp in LibSass 3.5.5. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a specially crafted sass input file.
CVE-2018-19797 MPS-2018-15348
2023-12-20 19:30
LibSass denial of service vulnerability
LibSass is an open source Sass (CSS Extended Language) parser written in C language. The SharedPtr class in the SharedPtr.cpp file (or SharedPtr.hpp file) in LibSass 3.5.5 has a reuse after release vulnerability. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (application crash).
CVE-2018-19827 MPS-2018-15372
2023-12-20 19:30
LibSass resource management error vulnerability
Denial of Service
LibSass is an open source Sass (CSS Extended Language) parser written in C language. The Sass:: Eval:: operator() function in eval.cpp file in LibSass before 3.5.5 has a security vulnerability, which is due to the program's failure to properly parse the % character. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (stack corruption) via a specially crafted sass file.
CVE-2018-19837 MPS-2018-15395
2023-12-20 19:30
LibSass resource management error vulnerability
Denial of Service
LibSass is an open source Sass (CSS Extended Language) parser written in C language. Multiple functions in the ast.cpp file in LibSass before 3.5.5 contain security vulnerabilities. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (stack corruption) via a specially crafted sass file.
CVE-2018-19838 MPS-2018-15396
2023-12-20 19:30
LibSass denial of service vulnerability
Read out of bounds
LibSass is an open source Sass (CSS Extended Language) parser written in C language. The handle_error function in the sass_context.cpp file in LibSass before 3.5.5 has a security vulnerability. An attacker can use a specially crafted sass file to cause a denial of service.
CVE-2018-19839 MPS-2018-15397
2023-12-20 19:30
LibSass denial of service vulnerability
Null pointer dereference
LLibSass is the C/C++implementation of Sass compiler. There is a null pointer dereference vulnerability in the Sass:: Eval:: operator() function in eval.cpp in LibSass 3.5.5. An attacker can use this vulnerability to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a specially crafted sass input file.
CVE-2018-20190 MPS-2018-15962
2023-12-20 19:30
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