CakePHP is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
CakePHP in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection It is in hot progress. Come and vote for your favorite open source project!
2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
CakePHP won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Award "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement MIT
development language PHP View source code »
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer Unknown
intended for unknown
Recording time 2008-09-14

Software Introduction


CakePHP is a rapid development framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. The main goal of this project is to provide a way for PHP developers at all levels to quickly develop robust Web applications without losing activity. Main characteristics:

Quick start, built-in code generator
No configuration required: just install the database
Built in calibration framework
Permissive friendliness
Built in translation, database access, caching, verification, authentication, etc. in an original PHP MVC framework
Built in guidelines
Built in input verification, CSRF protection, form tamper protection, SQL injection prevention and other tools
The minimum version is 7.2, and 8.1 is supported.

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Published information
2022/12/03 07:17

CakePHP 4.4.8, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses famous design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC (model view controller). It takes the concept of Ruby on Rails as the model and distributes it under MIT license. CakePHP 4.4.8 has been released, which is a maintenance version of branch 4.4. It fixes problems reported by several communities. In terms of how to handle proxy headers, align ServerRequest:: scheme() and Uri:: getScheme() to improve the compatibility of old PaginatorInterface aliases

Published information
2022/10/31 07:05

CakePHP 4.4.7 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses famous design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC (model view controller). It takes the concept of Ruby on Rails as the model and distributes it under MIT license. CakePHP 4.4.7 has been released. This is the maintenance version of branch 4.4. The main changes are as follows: fixed the error when using the invalid __debugInfo() method to export objects; improved the API documentation; fixed the lack of dependency on cakephp/database; fixed FormHelper:: radio

Published information
2022/10/03 08:03

CakePHP 4.4.6 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. CakePHP 4.4.6 has been released, which is the maintenance version of branch 4.4. The main changes are as follows: now you can correctly render chained or nested exceptions in the integrated test case, console and HTML exception rendering. ConsoleInputArgument instance is no longer based on

Published information
2022/08/30 07:33

CakePHP 4.4.5 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. CakePHP 4.4.5 has been released, which is a maintenance version of branch 4.4. The following changes improve the handling of authentication errors in SMTP e-mail transmission. Re enable: Display parameters in the stack frame on the development error page. Improve API documentation

Published information
2022/07/28 07:02

CakePHP 4.4.3 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. CakePHP 4.4.3 has been released, which is a maintenance version of branch 4.4. It fixes the problems reported by several communities and fixes the potential method calls to null in file assertion methods. Improved compatibility with PHP 8.2. If the table is configured with options and then simulated

Published information
2022/06/08 07:14

CakePHP 4.4.0 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. 4.4.0 is a new stable version, which has made a lot of improvements to CakePHP, mainly focusing on the following aspects: there is a new error and exception handling framework, which makes it easier to extend RedisEngine to support the use of deleteAsync(). RedisEngine now supports

Published information
2022/01/16 08:03

CakePHP 4.3.4 is now available

CakePHP is an open source Web framework, written in PHP, based on the concept of Ruby on Rails and distributed under MIT license. CakePHP 4.3.4 is now available, which is a maintenance version of branch 4.3. It fixes problems reported by several communities. Improve exception logging, if the rendering fails during the rendering of the error page of the "safe" fallback, a log message will be logged. An omitted method is added to get the list of tables without views from the connection. Update Schema Collection:: listTables() to omit the view from the table list, which helps solve the problem of view and new

Published information
2021/12/18 08:03

CakePHP 4.3.3 is now available

CakePHP 4.3.3 is now available. This is a maintenance version of 4.3 branch, which fixes some problems reported by the community. Bugfixes improves the error handling method when OAuth signature encounters SSL errors. Fixed the regression in Router:: reverse() and the way it handles incoming parameters. Fixed the problem of inserting breadcrumbs at the end of the list using insertAfter (). Improved API documentation improves error messages when PDO extensions are missing. Update announcement:

Published information
2021/11/30 07:19

CakePHP 4.3.2 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. CakePHP 4.3.2 has been released, which is a maintenance version of Branch 4.3. It has fixed the problem reported by several communities: the array type casting of controller actions has been added, and now the list with and separated values can be decompressed into the array. Make sure you are in control

Published information
2021/11/07 07:39

CakePHP 4.3.1 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. CakePHP 4.3.1 has been released, which is a maintenance version of branch 4.3. It has corrected the problems reported by several communities. The update is as follows: Bugfixes fixes the problem of incomplete cloning when cloning Database Query. Fixed Query:: modifier ()

Published information
2021/10/25 07:37

CakePHP version 4.3.0 was officially released, and PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP has released the official version 4.3.0. CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC (model view controller). It is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. Major update: A new fixture system has been added, which allows the use of existing migrations or SQL dump files to define the schema (including support for cake's migrations and SQL dump files). Join Te

Published information
2021/10/19 07:03

CakePHP 4.3.0-RC4 has been released, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, based on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under the MIT license. CakePHP 4.3 is an API compatible upgrade of 4.0, and 4.3.0-RC4 is the fourth candidate version of CakePHP 4.3, which has been released. Major update of RC4: Add a new CASE expression constructor QueryExpressio in QueryExpression

Published information
2021/07/18 07:41

CakePHP 4.2.8 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. CakePHP 4.2.8 has been released, which is a maintenance version of branch 4.2. It has corrected the problems reported by several communities. The updated content is as follows: Bugfixes When it comes to the passed parameters, Paginator scopes can now correctly generate URLs. Now for

Published information
2021/04/25 07:41

CakePHP 3.9.9 release, PHP rapid development framework

CakePHP 3.9.9 has been released, which is a maintenance version of 3.9 branch and fixes some problems reported by the community. CakePHP is an open source Web framework that uses well-known design patterns such as ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC (model view controller). CakePHP is written in PHP, modeled on the concept of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under MIT license. The main update content assertMailSendFrom() method can now compare array emails. Improved API documentation. Buf fixed

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