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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
BoneCP won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement Apache
development language Java
operating system Cross platform
Software type Open source software
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer sweet potato
intended for unknown
Recording time 2009-11-28

Software Introduction

BoneCP is a high-performance open source java database connection pool implementation library. It is designed to improve the performance of the database connection pool. According to some test data, BoneCP is the fastest connection pool. BoneCP is very small, only over 40 K (required for runtime slf4j and guava And the two together are not small) C3P0 It costs more than 600 K.

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Published information
2013/05/01 00:00

BoneCP 0.8.0 RC2 released, Java connection pool

The BoneCP 0.8.0 RC2 snapshot version was released on April 30, and the official did not give any improvement instructions for this version. It seems that the developers of BoneCP did not submit the code to Github, because it has not been updated for three months. Download address: BoneCP is a high-performance open source java database connection pool implementation library. It is designed to improve the performance of the database connection pool. According to some test data, BoneCP is the fastest connection pool. BoneC...

Published information
2012/12/19 00:00

BoneCP 0.8.0 Beta3 released

Bonecp released the beta version 0.8.0 at the beginning of December. Download address: There is no more detailed information about this version at this time. BoneCP is a high-performance open source java database connection pool implementation library. It is designed to improve the performance of the database connection pool. According to some test data, BoneCP is the fastest connection pool. BoneCP is very small, only over 40 K (the runtime requires the support of slf4j and guava, which together are quite large), while C3

Published information
2011/04/05 00:00

BoneCP 0.7.1 official release, Java connection pool

BoneCP is a high-performance open source java database connection pool implementation library. It is designed to improve the performance of the database connection pool. According to some test data, BoneCP is the fastest connection pool. The official version of BoneCP 0.7.1 has just been released. Compared with the 0.7.0 version, the changes include:+the enhancement of many connection pool statistics+the repair of OSGi related problems+Allow datasource getConnection (username, password) + Recognize new postgresql SQLstate to trigger a pool restart + Added config option externalAuth ...

Published information
2010/12/28 00:00

Java connection pool BoneCP 0.7.1 RC1 release

BoneCP is a high-performance open source java database connection pool implementation library. It is designed to improve the performance of the database connection pool. According to some test data, BoneCP is the fastest connection pool. BoneCP is very small, only over 40K (the runtime requires the support of log4j and Google Collections, which together are quite large), compared with C3P0, which is more than 600K. BoneCP 0.7.1 RC1:+Added overloaded methods for BoneCPConfig to be able to specify the tips via a TimeUnit parameters+ Catch...

Published information
2010/10/14 00:00

Java connection pool BoneCP 0.7.0 official release

BoneCP version 0.7.0 contains many improvements and adjustments. In addition, the authorization protocol is changed from LGPL to Apache. Details include: Features:+The new architecture makes the connection pool performance better+The authorization protocol is changed from LGPL to Apache+OSGi support+Add maxConnectionAge to give a maximum time a connection will be kept alive+ Add ability to load default XML config file (with overrides) + Added onBeforeStatementExecute and onAfterStatementExecute hooks. + Added connection/statement...

Published information
2010/09/02 00:00

BoneCP 0.7.0 RC2 was released, significantly improving performance

BoneCP 0.7 released the first RC version on July 29 and the second RC version on August 20. So this is an old news. BoneCP 0.7 is a new branch. It uses a completely different core architecture, and its performance has been significantly improved (true or false, BoneCP has been very fast, and now it has been significantly improved, how fast is it?). The 0.7 RC2 version adds OSGi support to RC1. In addition, since BoneCP version 0.7, the original LGPL has been changed to Apache 2.0. Download BoneCP 0.7:

Published information
2010/07/28 00:00

BoneCP release, Java connection pool

BoneCP is an open source fast JDBC connection pool. BoneCP is very small, only over 40K (the runtime requires the support of log4j and Google Collections, which together are quite large), compared with C3P0, which is more than 600K. This version is a maintenance version, which mainly fixes some minor problems in use, including: 1 Fixes were made for idleMaxAge/idleConnectionTester, multiple nodes in XML configuration, 2. Fixes NPE on getConnection timeout. 3. Batch statements... are logged properly. 4. T...

Published information
2010/06/28 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.6 official release, Java connection pool

After four RC versions, BoneCP 0.6.6 finally released the official version. The main improvements in this version are: Feature: Add driver properties option Feature: Support configuration information in XML format Feature: Log statements too+quote strings Feature: enhance onAcquireFail (+fix small bug) Feature: Support connection timeout configuration Feature: Fully compatible JDK5 Feature: expose internal statements Feature: add onConnectionException hook Feature: support to disable connect

Published information
2010/06/05 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.6 RC1 released

BoneCP is an open source fast JDBC connection pool. In this version, the onConnectionException method is added to catch exceptions caused by connection failures. It no longer relies on the log4j log package; There are also some small improvements in other aspects. See here for details. Download BoneCP 0.6.6 RC1

Published information
2010/04/21 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.5 released, high-performance Java connection pool

BoneCP is an open source fast JDBC connection pool. BoneCP is very small, only over 40K (the runtime requires the support of log4j and Google Collections, which together are quite large), compared with C3P0, which is more than 600K. This version is equivalent to the 0.6.5 RC3 version, because the community did not report more bugs on the basis of RC3 (the reason why the editors think the main users are relatively few). Download BoneCP 0.6.5

Published information
2010/04/11 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.5 RC3 released, Java connection pool

BoneCP is an open source fast JDBC connection pool. Feature: Automatic replay of transaction on brokered connections (allows seamless restart of database without affecting application) Feature: Allow disabling JMX Feature: Add custom name to JMX/created threads Feature: Use weakReferences to safely close off connections that were left unclosed by the application without losing performance Feature...

Published information
2010/03/24 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.5 RC1 release, database connection pool

Improvements in this version include: - Warn when an application forgets to close resources - Display parameter information when logging statements - Improvement: Adds getters/setters for DataSource/Hibernate provider - isClosed() method returns the logical closed state instead of the real state. Download BoneCP 0.6.5 RC1

Published information
2010/03/02 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.4 official release, Java connection pool

Changes: 1. This release adds a lazyInit feature to start connection pools lazily. 2. It adds DynamicDataSourceProxy to allow for seamless switching of a data source at runtime. 3. It performs a test connection early in the startup to fail gracefully. 4. It will issue warnings to an app if the user doesn't release a statement. 5. Several bugfixes (don't lose exceptions when showing errors, and ...

Published information
2010/02/08 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.4 RC1 release, Java connection pool

Improvements: * Inspect defaults when setup via manual way (via BoneCPConfig) * Close resource (memory) leak introduced with statement caching, * add ability to specify classloader to use * no longer fail if JDBC driver is not specified This makes it possible to load the JDBC driver externally for eg in a container server. Download address:

Published information
2010/01/24 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.3 release, high-performance database connection pool

Improvements in this version: 1 Add the acquireRetryDelay configuration item to specify the timeout time for trying to obtain a connection; 2. Modify setPreparedStatementsCacheSize to setStatementsCacheSize 3 Trace statements that are not in the cache for tuning and downloading BoneCP 0.6.3

Published information
2010/01/13 00:00

BoneCP 0.6.3-rc1 released, Java connection pool

I posted a post on BoneCP's forum complaining that BoneCP has bound Log4J. Today, when I went to this forum, the webmaster got a new reply, saying that the log framework has been changed to SLF4J, but it is also bound. The version is 0.6.3 rc1. However, the website does not provide the download of this version, and can only pull code from the version library. The official version will be released later.

Published information
2010/01/08 00:00

Released by BoneCP 0.6.2

BoneCP is an open source fast JDBC connection pool. BoneCP is very small, only over 40 K (the runtime requires the support of log4j and Google Collections, which together are quite large). Download BoneCP 0.6.2, the source code package

Published information
2009/12/28 00:00

Java connection pool BoneCP 0.6.0 released

BoneCP is an open source fast JDBC connection pool. The improvements of version 0.6.0 include: 1 Add the function of obtaining asynchronous connection through getAsyncConnection method 2 Added callback hook for database connection 3 Added the function of sending a specific statement to the first acquired connection 4 The connection object not encapsulated by BoneCP can be directly obtained through the getRawConnection() method 5 Use the Connection. close() method to replace the original releaseConnection() method 6 Move Hibernate's Provider class to the sub package

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Apache Log4j Code Problem Vulnerability
Log4j is a Java based open source logging tool of the Apache Software Foundation. Log4j version 1.2 includes a SocketServer class. Without verification, this SocketServe class can easily accept serialized log events and deserialize them. When used in combination with the deserialization tool, this class can be used to remotely execute arbitrary code.
CVE-2019-17571 MPS-2019-17271
2022-08-08 18:09
Google Guava Access Control Error Vulnerability
Incorrect permission granting for critical resources
Google Guava is a Java core library of Google, which includes graphic library, function type, I/O and string processing. There is an access control error vulnerability in Guava before 30.0. The vulnerability originates from a temporary directory creation vulnerability in Guava, which allows attackers accessing machines to potentially access files from Guava com. google. common. io. Files The data in the temporary directory created by createTempDir(). An attacker can use this vulnerability to access special directories.
CVE-2020-8908 MPS-2020-17429
2022-08-08 18:09
Apache Log4j Trust Management Vulnerability
Improper certificate verification
Apache Log4j is a Java based open source logging tool of the Apache Foundation. There is a trust management vulnerability in Apache Log4j. The vulnerability originates from SmtpAppender's failure to verify whether the host name matches the SSL/TLS certificate of the SMTPS connection. An attacker can use this vulnerability to intercept the SMTPS connection and obtain log messages by implementing man in the middle attack.
CVE-2020-9488 MPS-2020-6684
2022-08-08 18:09
Apache Log4j security vulnerability
When an attacker has write access to the Log4j configuration, the JMSAppender in Log4j 1.2 is vulnerable to deserialization of untrusted data. An attacker can provide TopicBindingName and TopicConnectionFactoryBindingName configurations, causing JMSAppender to execute JNDI requests, thus executing remote code in a manner similar to CVE-2021-44228. Please note that this problem only affects Log4j 1.2 when JMSAppender is specifically configured (not the default setting). The lifecycle of Apache Log4j 1.2 ended in August 2015. Users should upgrade to Log4j 2 because it solves many other problems in previous versions.
CVE-2021-4104 MPS-2021-38359
2022-08-08 18:09
Apache Log4j SQL injection vulnerability
SQL injection
According to the design, the JDBC Appender in Log4j 1.2. x accepts SQL statements as configuration parameters, where the value to be inserted is the converter from PatternLayout. Message converter% m may always be included. This allows attackers to manipulate SQL by entering specially crafted strings into the input fields or headers of the recorded application, allowing unexpected SQL queries to be executed. Please note that this problem will affect Log4j 1. x only when it is specifically configured to use JDBC Appender (not the default setting). Starting from version 2.0-beta8, the JDBC Appender has been reintroduced to properly support parameterized SQL queries and further customize the columns written to the log. The lifecycle of Apache Log4j 1.2 ended in August 2015. Users should upgrade to Log4j 2 because it solves many other problems in previous versions.
CVE-2022-23305 MPS-2022-1444
2022-08-08 18:09
Apache Log4j Code Problem Vulnerability
CVE-2020-9493 found a deserialization problem in Apache Chainsaw. Prior to Chainsaw V2.0, Chainsaw was a component of Apache Log4j 1.2. x. The same problem existed.
CVE-2022-23307 MPS-2022-1445
2022-08-08 18:09
Apache Log4j Code Problem Vulnerability
When an attacker has write access to the Log4j configuration or references the LDAP service that the attacker has access to, all JMSSinks in Log4j 1. x are vulnerable to deserialization of untrusted data. An attacker can provide a TopicConnectionFactoryBindingName configuration to enable JMSSink to execute JNDI requests, thus executing remote code in a manner similar to CVE-2021-4104. Please note that this problem only affects Log4j 1. x when it is specifically configured to use JMSSink (not the default setting). The lifecycle of Apache Log4j 1.2 ended in August 2015. Users should upgrade to Log4j 2 because it solves many other problems in previous versions.
CVE-2022-23302 MPS-2022-1446
2022-08-08 18:09
Google Guava Code Problem Vulnerability
Unrestricted or regulated resource allocation
Google Guava is a Java core library of Google, which includes graphic library, function type, I/O and string processing. There is a code problem vulnerability in Google Guava 11.0 to 24.1.1 (excluding 24.1.1). The vulnerability originates from the improper design or implementation of the network system or product code development process.
CVE-2018-10237 MPS-2018-5515
2022-08-08 18:09
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