AutoHotKey is participating 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection , please vote for it!
AutoHotKey in 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection {{projectVoteCount} has been obtained in, please vote for it!
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2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection>>> Midfield Review
AutoHotKey won the 2021 OSC China Open Source Project Selection "The Best Popularity Project" !
Authorization Agreement GPLv2
development language C/C++ View source code »
operating system Windows
Software type Open source software
Classification Utilities
Open source organizations nothing
region Unknown
deliverer ninety-one
intended for unknown
Recording time 2009-03-19

Software Introduction

AutoHotkey is an open source software on Windows for automatic processing

  • Automate all keyboard operations and mouse clicks. You can edit or record your own script
  • Create shortcuts for the keyboard, handle, and mouse
  • Automatically extend abbreviations. For example, typing "btw" will automatically change to "by the way"
  • Can be created to create interactive UI for automated scripts
  • Change the default functions of keyboard, handle and mouse
  • Respond to external device signals through WinLIRC client script
  • Can run scripts for AutoITv2
  • Convert the automation script into an exe file
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Published information
2023/01/30 16:16

AutoHotkey v2 officially released as a Windows automation tool

AutoHotkey is a Windows scripting language for creating shortcut keys and automation. Recently, AutoHotkey v2 was officially released as the main version. The developer said that the maintenance of v1 will stop. It is recommended that users not continue to use v1 but migrate to v2 step by step. Of course, if you have installed v1, you can still use v1 script normally, and v1 can coexist with v2. Developers said that in the past, the requirement of backward compatibility with older versions limited the improvement and enhancement of the language. V2 does not have this constraint, so many significant improvements have been added for v1. Breaking the connection with v1 syntax and structure makes

Published information
2021/03/03 07:06

AutoHotkey is released as a powerful automated scripting tool

AutoHotkey is an open source software on Windows for automatic processing. AutoHotkey has been released, and the updates and modifications are as follows: Fixed the crash when enumerating empty SafeArrays. Fixed the problem that the height of Button/Checkbox/Radio cannot be automatically expanded. Fixed the problem of WM_DESTROY bypassing the release of objects in global/static vars. Fixed a problem where WinMenuSelectItem tried to match for the second time to properly handle and resolve. Specifically, the items whose actual text (such as "a&&b") is displayed as "a&b" will now be the same as "..."

Published information
2020/07/02 07:41

AutoHotkey 1.1.33 is released as a powerful automated scripting tool

AutoHotkey is an open source software on Windows for automatic processing. At present, the 1.1.33 version of the software has been officially released, and its updates and modifications are as follows: # ErrorStdOut Encoding parameter has been added. Added the/ErrorStdOut=Encoding command line switch. Added # Warn Unreachable (warning mode). Added # Requirements AutoHotkey vVersion (directive). Added detection of SEH exceptions for program termination to display error dialog boxes. Fixed possible error where Input caused undefined behavior. [PR #159 from ...

Published information
2019/11/25 06:50

AutoHotkey 1.1.32 is released as a powerful automated scripting tool

AutoHotkey is an open source software on Windows for automatic processing. At present, the 1.1.32 version of the software has been officially released, and its updates and modifications are as follows: the commands and functions with WinTitle parameters have been changed to treat hidden windows as hidden windows. Added support for reverse PixelSearch in fast mode. [Changyuheng's PR # 156] added InputHook OnKeyUp callback. Fixed GroupDeactivate to troubleshoot desktop issues on Windows 10 (possibly 8). Fixed the problem that Switch always treats strings as true. Repair

Published information
2018/05/28 07:41

AutoHotkey, a powerful automated scripting tool

AutoHotkey has been released. This update includes: new objects Count() and ObjCount (Object) Add ObjGetBase (Object) and ObjSetBase (Object, Base) Add ObjRawGet (Object, Key) Add OnError (Func [, AddRemove]) Removed the limit of the number of custom modifiers that can be used for each key Change Send {Text} to avoid switching CapsLock or waiting for Win+L to fix # Warn ClassOverwrite A_Args without warning, improved the DBGp source command, so as to correct between the file code page and UTF-8

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