DB Engines was acquired by Redgate, a British database software developer

An email signed by Dr. Paul Andlinger, CEO of SolidIT, shows that DB Engines has been acquired by Redgate on May 21, 2024, and all agreements with SolidIT will be supervised by Redgate. The email also said that Redgate temporarily

game · 48 minutes ago

The first anniversary of open source, the new version of Qinghua was released

It is also the first anniversary of the release of the first open source version of Qingdao. On this commemorative day, we have brought the new version of Qingdao v1_20240601. New version download: https://qingyuyan.cn/download.html Major Updates

Ning Jinnong · Yesterday at 18:07

Open Source Daily | Out of the box ChatTTS installation package; Scaling Law is an empirical formula; Two baby dads AI revive old toys; Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering talk about AI; The story of autonomous kernel MCU is hard to tell? TikTok "American Special Edition" recommended algorithm

Welcome to read the Open Source Daily produced by OSCHINA editorial department, which is updated once a day# 2024.5.31 Today's key points Canonical released the real-time kernel version Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Canonical engineers said: by ensuring that the high priority is implemented first

game · 19:49 the day before yesterday

Maximizing the Effective Throughput of LLM Serving

This paper shows that the existing serving system with optimized throughput is not the optimal choice under the delay standard. The author advocates using good throughput, that is, the number of completed requests per second that meet the service level objective (SLO), as a measure of LLM

Boiled water without sugar · 17:19 the day before yesterday

State fine-tuning, PointRWKV, Chinese documents online... The latest news of RWKV community in May is coming!

Hello, here is our new program: the latest news of RWKV community. This program will broadcast the latest news of RWKV community from time to time to help RWKV followers, fans and developers better understand the development of RWKV. Latest News of RWKV Community

RWKV Yuanshi Intelligent · 16:23 the day before yesterday
Popular column
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Java AI has a bright future

Paul Krill, special editor of InfoWorld, recently interviewed Scott Sellers, CEO of Azul, and talked about Java's position in the booming AI field and in today's software world. Azul Systems is a professional provider of Java technology

Boiled water without sugar · 16:20 the day before yesterday
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 Monkeys think of apes
Monkeys think of apes 2024-05-31 18:31
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Databases that do not need data

One of the many advantages of databases is that they usually try to separate the internal representation of data (such as on disk) from the way data is used. It has become normal not even to store the data on the same hardware running the query. The database has done a very good job in this regard to

Seanuts of Pineapple · 16:17 the day before yesterday

This PHP application server looks a bit trendy! FrankenPHP

It also knows that Chinese must be included in the three languages supported by the official website! FrankenPHP features include: Early Hints, worker mode, real-time function, automatic HTTPS, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 support, etc. It can also be used as an independent Go library

Seanuts of Pineapple · 16:04 the day before yesterday
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Malware is rampant in pirated Microsoft Office

The AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC) reported that cyber criminals are spreading malware through the cracked version of Microsoft Office promoted on the seed website. Malware spread to users includes remote access trojan (RAT), cryptocurrency miners, malware

Seanuts of Pineapple · 13:58 the day before yesterday

Fedora Traditional Artistic Energy - Anaconda, the default web UI installer, skipped the ticket again

Last year, Red Hat engineers disclosed that Anaconda WebUI, a web-based operating system installation interface, will be used by default in Fedora Workstation 39, aiming to provide a more modern, flexible and integrated installation experience. But the plan did not go as expected

game · 11:42 the day before yesterday

PDM -- Modern Python Package Manager

PDM is a modern Python package manager, which supports the latest standard of PEP.

game · 11:16 the day before yesterday

TikTok plans to replicate a set of core algorithms of the application in the United States

Reuters reported that according to a person with direct knowledge, TikTok is developing a clone recommendation algorithm for its 170 million US users. This version may be operated independently of its Chinese parent company and more easily accepted by US lawmakers who want to ban the application. TikTok's Chinese mother

game · 10:26 the day before yesterday

Quickly launch the self researched large model of Wensheng map "can be mapped", with a parameter scale of one billion

The interface news has learned from many insiders that the big model "Pictorial" of the quick hand self researched student graphics has been officially opened to the public recently. At present, the "diagrammable" model supports two types of functions: cultural map and graphic map, which can be used for AI image creation and AI image customization. Users can use "Pictureable" WeChat

Seanuts of Pineapple · 10:24 the day before yesterday

Canonical Releases Ubuntu 24.04 LTS for Real time Kernel

Canonical today announced that it will provide a new real-time kernel (Real time) for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Like the existing Ubuntu RT kernel, this feature is only available to Ubuntu Pro subscribers. Canonical engineer introduced that: by ensuring that high priority is implemented first

game · 10:19 the day before yesterday

Bytebase 2.18.0 release, supports the creation of user groups

Support the creation of user groups

Boiled water without sugar · 10:15 the day before yesterday

OpenKylin University Station of Guangzhou City Institute of Technology was officially inaugurated

On the afternoon of May 28, the opening ceremony of the openKylin University Station of Guangzhou City Institute of Technology was successfully held. Wei Demin, Vice President of Guangzhou City Institute of Technology, Xi Jianqing, President of the School of Computer Engineering, Cai Yi, Vice President, Li Bin, General Manager of Kirin Software South China Business Unit, Zhu Yi, Vice General Manager

openKylin · 09:41 the day before yesterday

Saifeng Rust web framework 0.68 released

Salvo is a simple, easy-to-use and powerful Web back-end framework implemented by Rust. Whether you are just starting Rust or using Rust for formal project development, Salvo is very suitable. Continuous maintenance and improvement in the past five years, with guaranteed quality. At the same time, Rust can

Chrislearn · 05/30 20:20

Kaiyuan Daily | Musk works for Nvidia; Zuckerberg became popular again because of AI open source; Compare the long context of each LLM horizontally; Will NET to Nintendo NES; "Tencent Yuanbao"

Welcome to read the Open Source Daily produced by OSCHINA editorial department, which is updated once a day# 2024.5.30 Today, the most important open source programming model changed its owner overnight - Mistral AI released Codestral Mistral released a new programming model Codestral, and opened

game · 05/30 19:34

Spring AI 1.0.0 M1 released

Spring AI 1.0.0 Milestone 1 has been released, with the following new functions and improvements: ChatClient Fluent API Fluent API provides a method for constructing Prompt, and then passes it to the AI model as input. Users can use ChatClien


Microsoft engineers will NET to Nintendo NES

Jonathan Peppers is Microsoft NET for Android/. NET MAUI team's chief software engineer recently shared an interesting theme at the Microsoft Build 2024 developer conference - running on Nintendo NES game console NET, Demonstrated C #

game · 05/30 16:16

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