Every cell in Linus's body is rejecting GPLv3

Author: Lola Planner: Lola "The authors of GPLv3 are a group of hypocrites." "How many people who regard GPLv3 as the best thing in history have really achieved something? I asked 25-30 top kernel developers, none of whom likes GP

Open source and freedom | Commercial freedom: from edge to core contribution

Author: Xiao Ying; Planning: h4cd When we talk about open source, we seldom talk about freedom, although open source and freedom go hand in hand. Since the rise of open source in 1998, we have been unable to separate open source from freedom. Because it is pregnant with free software movement, free use, copy, modify

Open collaboration: giving developers freedom

Author: Xiao Ying; Planning: h4cd When we talk about open source, we seldom talk about freedom, although open source and freedom go hand in hand. Since the rise of open source in 1998, we have been unable to separate open source from freedom. Because it is pregnant with free software movement, free use, copy, modify

Xiao Ying · 2021/11/09 22:22

Open source, betray freedom or retreat?

Author: Xiao Ying; Planning: h4cd When we talk about open source, we seldom talk about freedom, although open source and freedom go hand in hand. Since the term "open source" rose in 1998, we have been unable to separate open source from freedom. Because it is conceived in the free software movement, free use, copy, repair

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