"Debian regulations are toxic"

Author: lola Planning: h4cd In 1996, Bruce Perens took over the baton of the founder of Debian, Ian Murdock, and became the second family member in the history of Debian community. It was also in this year that Joey Hess, who was under 20 years old, packed games to satisfy himself

lola_chen · 2021/11/30 18:10

Open source elder Debian is so tough!

Author: Lola Planner: h4cd At 5:31:03 on August 16, 1993, a student of Purdue University with the same name as news tycoon Ian Murdock sent a message in the Linux newsgroup, explaining his ideas on Linux. One of the oldest Linux distributions, De

Debian left: fundamental reform may come

Author: lola planning: h4cd open source community is a unique existence. Although its structure is loose, it is practical and effective. It provides convenient and useful products for the society, but not for the purpose of interests. It brings together people with the same interests, but completely preserves the uniqueness of each individual

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