Is the big model really going to replace the programmer? The most dangerous position is

Now, as the big model shows more and more powerful capabilities in programming, code generation, automated testing and other fields, a thought-provoking question emerges: will the big model eventually replace the work of programmers? Some people believe that there is no absolute job in the world

Yingxin · 05/15 20:02

Birth of Apache IoTDB: What is the difference between academic databases?

Last week, the discussion on "Domestic Database Circle, Why Are There So Many Counterfeit Goods?" was very hot. Today, we summarized the views of live broadcast guest Qiao Jialin, and let's take a look at the differences in the industrial situation? Sharing guests: Qiao Jialin, co-founder of Tianmou Technology&CTO, Apach

Yingxin · 04/02 19:21

Is the domestic database a "departure and entrepreneurship coffee shop" for researchers?

Last week, the discussion on "Domestic Database Circle, Why Are There So Many Counterfeit Goods?" was very hot. Today, we summarized the views of Li Linghui, the live broadcast guest, and we can praise those we agree with. Share with the guests: Li Linghui, the founder of ClapDB, the former CTO of Multiplicative Cloud, the United States

Yingxin · 04/01 19:49

Why are there so many parallel products in the domestic database circle?

Nowadays, under the trend of "localization", the entrepreneurial wave in the field of domestic database is rising one after another. By the end of 2023, there are nearly 300 database products and about 100 database manufacturers in the Chinese market. Well known investment institutions such as Sequoia, Hillhouse, Tencent and so on have stepped down

Yingxin · 03/29 19:56

How many steps can programmers take to counter attack CEOs?

2024 is a year full of unknown and challenges. The development of AI is changing with each passing day. Some people have used it to write code. It's hard to say when it will replace programmers. On the other hand, the IT Internet industry with programmers has entered a platform period or even a downward period, reducing costs and increasing efficiency

Yingxin · 03/11 20:19

DBAs will be eliminated by the cloud? What should new people do?

DBA (Database Administrator), the database administrator, is specially responsible for managing and maintaining the company's database. However, with the growing trend of cloud, many enterprises have moved their databases to the cloud platform. Cloud service providers usually provide automation tools and standards

Yingxin · 02/04 19:06

99 yuan cloud virtual machine × 99 yuan cloud native architecture √

When considering the cost of cloud computing resources, the price of cloud virtual machines is often difficult for many small enterprises. At this time, some people think that choosing cloud native architecture may be a more cost-effective choice. Cloud native architecture can improve resource utilization through container technology and stateless server design

Yingxin · 01/12 14:37

Go to the cloud? Xiayun? Reduce cost and increase laughter? Cutting leeks?

This month, the Didi Collapse was a spectacular event, with various heretics emerging from one layer, and it was the cloud that caused the chaos. Embarrassed, this is not the first cloud crash. It is less than a month since the last Alibaba Cloud incident. For a while

Yingxin · 2023/12/25 18:24

Why is the commercialization of a good open source project always on the streets?

How to commercialize digital products? Why are some open source projects so excellent, but commercialization is always on the streets? In the fourth issue of Open Source Talk, we invited Wang Yejing (the first brother) and Li Qipeng (寈寈寈寈) to talk about how to commercialize open source projects and how to do it

Yingxin · 2023/10/30 17:31

Is eBPF an artifact or chicken rib in the observable field? The truth is——

At present, eBPF is undoubtedly one of the hottest technologies. It provides a new idea for network, security and observability solutions in the cloud native environment. As a revolutionary technology that does not need to invade application code and directly adds code to the operating system kernel security, eBPF enables

Yingxin · 2023/09/06 11:48

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