The most complete in history! 22 global open source business revenue models

Author: Guo Wei (Great Xia Guo) In recent years, open source has become a more and more popular topic in the world, and more and more open source projects have received a lot of investment or are finally listed. Open source is a way to open code on the Internet according to some open source protocols and have open source communities and users

T-io: open source business road guided by god

[Editor's Note] In addition to typical open source business models such as SaaS and open core, what other ways can enterprises rely on open source projects to survive and survive well? Many years ago, t-io created the first domestic open source project in the early stage of code open source and document charging

[Live review] Is the end of open source business?

Today, open source and commercial behavior are not binary opposites, or even co-exist. Commercial factors are deeply influencing open source. According to incomplete statistics, in 2021, the total amount of investment and financing of China's original open-source commercial companies will exceed 5.2 billion yuan, an increase of about 86% year on year, and the commercialization of open source will be booming

Open source, transaction cost and commercialization

Author: Shen Yang's commercialization seems to be a popular word, which seems to run counter to the idea of open source. However, if there is no commercialization at all, I am afraid that the open source model cannot continue. Commercialization, from a simple perspective, is to protect the

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