Apple calls Swift the best successor to C++

2024-06-12 14:16:38

Swift, a programming language designed to replace Objective-C, was launched by Apple in 2014. But Ted Kremenek, director of Apple's language and runtime, was in the keynote speech of WWDC24 express Swift will also replace C++.

"Swift's security, speed and ease of use, together with built-in C and C++interoperability, mean that Swift is the best choice for succeeding in C++."

C++and C have been criticized by major U.S. government agencies some time ago. The Office of the National Director of Network (ONCD) of the White House also released a presentation , urging developers to move to memory safe programming languages. For a long time, the software on Apple devices has been written in C, C++and Objective-C. But now, the company has been working on rewriting its C++code with Swift.

At this conference, Apple also introduced the new version of Swift 6 that will be released this year. The new data security guarantee function during coding can diagnose the concurrent memory access of developer projects during coding. This optimization can find and repair errors with minimal changes to the entire code base, enhancing the security and maintainability of future code.

Swift 6 also plans to expand its support for Linux, including Debian and Fedora Linux distributions, and improve its support for Windows. In addition, Swift 6 will also improve generics and plan to provide a new subset for restricted environments such as OS kernel and microcontroller. Apple is also investing in Swift support for Microsoft's Visual Studio code editor and other editors that use the language server protocol.

WWDC24 also marks the 10th anniversary of Swift. In the next development, Apple announced plans to migrate Swift to a dedicated New GitHub organization Can host a series of projects that are critical to the Swift ecosystem, including the Swift compiler, Foundation, and other key databases.

In addition, the new Swift testing framework provides developers with a concise API, making writing tests easier.

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