Let AI take the 2024 Guangdong College Entrance Examination essay

2024-06-07 16:35:00

The 2024 national college entrance examination will begin today. This year, the Guangdong college entrance examination will use the new curriculum I, and the composition of the college entrance examination is related to "Internet and Artificial Intelligence".

Read the following materials and write according to the requirements. (60 points)

With the popularization of the Internet and the application of artificial intelligence, more and more questions can be answered quickly. So, will our problems become less and less?

What kind of association and thinking did the above materials lead to? Please write an article.

Requirements: select the right angle, determine the purpose, clarify the style, and prepare the title by yourself; Do not imitate or plagiarize; Do not disclose personal information; Not less than 800 words.

The following are the answers given by some large models at home and abroad:


Title: Problems and Thoughts in the Age of Intelligence

With the popularization of the Internet and the application of artificial intelligence, we seem to have entered an era of information explosion, and more and more problems can be solved in a short time. However, does this mean that we will face fewer and fewer problems? Perhaps the essence of the problem is not the increase or decrease of quantity, but the change of its type and complexity.

With the promotion of information technology, our life has been greatly facilitated. From search engines to intelligent assistants, we can easily obtain all kinds of information and solve all kinds of problems, which undoubtedly improves our productivity and quality of life. However, this has also caused some new problems.

First, information overload has become a common challenge. Although we can easily obtain massive amounts of information, how to filter out the really useful content has become a difficult task. People often fall into the dilemma of information overload, which makes it difficult to deal with and use the information effectively, which increases the complexity of the problem.

Secondly, although the application of artificial intelligence can solve many problems, it also brings some new challenges. For example, in the automatic driving technology, although it can greatly reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, it has also triggered disputes on morality, law and other aspects. Are AI decisions ethical? How to ensure the safety and reliability of AI system? These problems still need to be considered and solved for us.

In addition, with the development of technology, some new problems are emerging quietly. For example, privacy protection has become a hot topic. In the Internet era, our personal information may be collected and used on a large scale, which may bring potential risks and threats. How to balance the relationship between convenience and privacy protection? How to establish an effective data security mechanism? These are the challenges we need to face.

Therefore, although the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence has brought us many conveniences, the nature of the problem has not changed. On the contrary, with the continuous progress of technology, we may face more complex and diversified problems. Therefore, we need to remain vigilant and think, and actively explore new ways and methods to solve problems.

When facing problems, we need to pay more attention to innovation and cooperation. Only by constantly updating ideas and taking positive actions can we better meet challenges and achieve personal and social development. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the supervision and management of technological development to ensure that it can truly benefit mankind, rather than become a burden on us.

In short, the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence has provided us with great opportunities, but also brought some new problems and challenges. We need to face these problems with a more open and inclusive attitude, constantly seek solutions, and jointly promote the progress and development of human society.


Question and answer: thinking in the era of Internet and artificial intelligence

With the popularization of the Internet and the application of artificial intelligence, people have more convenient access to information, and the answers to questions are easier to find. Expand_more can't help thinking that in such an era of information explosion, will our problems become fewer and fewer?

The answer is no. Problems are an important way for human beings to explore the world and know themselves. Although the Internet and artificial intelligence provide a lot of information and answers, they cannot replace the ability of human independent thinking and critical thinking. Expand_more In fact, with the improvement of people's knowledge level and thinking ability, the questions they ask tend to be more profound and complex, requiring more in-depth thinking and more comprehensive answers.

The Internet and artificial intelligence can help us find answers faster, but they cannot take the place of our thinking. The Internet and AI can provide a lot of information and resources, but they cannot tell us how to understand and use these information. Expand_more The Internet and AI can help us solve some simple problems, but they cannot help us solve complex problems that require creativity and imagination.

Therefore, in the era of Internet and artificial intelligence, we still need to keep learning and thinking, and constantly put forward new questions. Only in this way can we better understand the world and better understand ourselves.

Here are some thoughts on questions and answers:

  • Problems are the source of human progress. The reason why human beings can make continuous progress is that they constantly ask questions and seek answers.
  • Problems can deepen thinking. When we encounter a problem, we need to think about how to solve it. In this process, our thinking will be tempered and deepened.
  • Questions can help us find new things. When we raise a new question, it means that we have a new understanding of the world. This may help us find new things and new rules.

In the era of Internet and artificial intelligence, we should pay more attention to the ability to ask questions. This is not only conducive to our personal growth, but also conducive to social progress.

Here are some ways to improve your problem-solving skills:

  • Read more and think more. Reading can help us expand our knowledge, and thinking can help us deepen our understanding of problems.
  • Observe more and think more. Observation can help us find problems, and thinking can help us analyze problems.
  • Ask more questions and communicate more. Asking questions can help us get new ideas, and communication can help us broaden our horizons.

The problem is the spark of human intelligence. Let's work together to improve our ability to solve problems and light up the light of wisdom!


The Age of Artificial Intelligence: Changes and Reflections on Problems

With the popularization of the Internet and the wide application of artificial intelligence, our life has become more convenient. From finding routes to solving mathematical problems, from shopping consultation to medical diagnosis, AI has become a powerful assistant in our daily life. However, does this convenience mean that we will face fewer and fewer problems?

The nature of the problem

First, let's examine the nature of the problem. The problem is not simply whether it exists or not, but involves the complex process of human thinking, judgment and decision-making. Although AI can provide answers quickly, the diversity and complexity of the problems determine that we still need to face various challenges. For example, AI can tell us the weather forecast of a city, but it cannot answer the philosophical question "What is the meaning of human existence?".

Change of problems

With the progress of science and technology, the problems we face are changing. In the past, people were mainly concerned with basic survival needs, such as food, housing and health. Now, we pay more attention to mental health, interpersonal relationships, career development and other issues. The application of artificial intelligence enables us to find answers more quickly and conveniently, but this does not mean that there are fewer problems. On the contrary, new technologies bring more possibilities and challenges, and stimulate more thinking and problems.

Thinking ability and creativity

The emergence of artificial intelligence puts forward higher requirements for people's thinking ability and creativity. We need to learn to screen out valuable content in the ocean of information, conduct in-depth thinking and analysis, and put forward more valuable questions. Put forward good questions to become the core competitiveness in the future. Although AI can help us solve problems quickly, real creativity still needs human innovative thinking and wisdom.

Human machine integration and inspiration of wisdom

We should rationally embrace the wave of AI and follow the trend to better adapt and lead the future. In addition to technology, we also need to cultivate unique learning ability, thinking ability, empathy ability, aesthetic ability, communication ability and other abilities that more reflect human values. Man machine integration, symbiosis with intelligence, how to inspire the common wisdom of humans and machines is a problem worth thinking about in our age.


The development of artificial intelligence has provided us with more convenience, but the nature and complexity of the problem will not disappear. We need to maintain the flexibility of thinking and constantly improve our ability to meet future challenges.

Qwen2-72B-instruct Chat

Title: Moving forward through questions and answers

"This is the best era." In this era of rapidly changing technology, the popularity of the Internet and the application of artificial intelligence make our life more convenient. It seems that we have entered an era of "everything can be intelligent". Just a little bit, massive information will come to us, and the answers to various questions seem to be readily available. However, in this context, can we really rest easy and no longer need to think and explore? Obviously not.

Indeed, the Internet and artificial intelligence have provided unprecedented convenience for mankind. They not only greatly enrich our knowledge base, but also provide us with the ability to quickly solve problems. These technologies play an irreplaceable role in academic research, work study and daily life. They help us save a lot of time and energy, so that we can complete tasks more efficiently. But at the same time, we cannot ignore the question: when the answer becomes so easy to obtain, will we still actively think, question, and explore the unknown?

Although the application of the Internet and artificial intelligence provides us with rich information resources, it also brings a phenomenon of "information overload". Faced with the vast amount of data, we often fall into a choice difficulty, and do not know how to screen out the really valuable information. In this case, we often choose to believe in the authority and the "best answer" given by the search engine, while ignoring the importance of independent thinking and critical thinking. This may lead us to lack the ability of in-depth analysis and judgment when facing complex problems, and may even be misled by wrong or biased information.

In addition, relying too much on technology to get answers may also weaken our ability to innovate and solve problems. When we are used to finding ready-made answers on the Internet instead of solving problems through our own thinking and practice, we may lose the opportunity to cultivate our ability to think independently and solve problems. In the long run, we may gradually lose the courage and motivation to explore unknown areas, thus limiting our own growth and development.

Therefore, although the Internet and artificial intelligence provide us with convenience, we still need to maintain our desire for knowledge and curiosity about the unknown. We should learn how to select valuable content from massive information, and cultivate our own critical thinking and independent thinking ability. At the same time, we should also encourage innovation and exploration, constantly challenge ourselves, and have the courage to face and solve complex problems.

In short, in this era full of opportunities and challenges, we need to make full use of the convenience brought by the Internet and artificial intelligence, but at the same time, we cannot give up the pursuit of knowledge and love of thinking. Only in this way can we move forward in this rapidly changing world and embrace a better future.

In this era, our problems will not be less and less, but more and more. Because the development of science and technology has stimulated our curiosity about unknown fields and raised more problems to be solved. Our task is to constantly learn, think and innovate in this process, explore the unknown with wisdom and courage, and promote the progress of human society.


Title: Seeking answers to questions in the flood of information

With the popularization of the Internet and the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, we are in an unprecedented information age. In this era, access to information has become extremely convenient, and almost any question can be answered in an instant. However, this convenience does not reduce our problems, but increases the number and complexity of problems to some extent.

First of all, the popularity of the Internet and artificial intelligence has made it easier than ever to obtain information. People can quickly get the information they need through search engines, social media, online forums and other ways. This rapid way of obtaining information has greatly improved people's work efficiency and quality of life. However, this also brings a problem: people increasingly rely on external information, while ignoring their own thinking and judgment ability. In the flood of information, it is easy for people to lose their direction and the ability to think independently.

Secondly, with the rapid answer of questions, people's depth and breadth of questions are also increasing. With the help of the Internet, people can access more fields and knowledge, which makes the scope of the problem more extensive. At the same time, the application of artificial intelligence also makes the answers to questions more in-depth and accurate. However, this also brings a problem: people's exploration and solution of problems become more superficial and lack in-depth thinking and understanding.

In addition, the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence has also brought some new problems. For example, information security and privacy protection, artificial intelligence ethics, digital divide, etc. The emergence of these problems has further increased the number of problems that people need to face and solve.

So, how should we find the answer to the question in this information age?

First, we need to develop the ability to think independently. In the information flood, we should not blindly accept all the information, but learn to screen and judge, and form our own views and opinions.

Secondly, we need to explore the nature of the problem in depth. While obtaining answers quickly, we cannot ignore the in-depth understanding and thinking of the problem itself. Only by deeply understanding the problem can we find a truly effective solution.

Finally, we need to pay attention to and solve emerging problems. In the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence, we need to pay attention to and solve emerging problems to ensure that the development of technology can truly benefit mankind.

In short, the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence has provided us with the convenience of quickly obtaining information and answering questions, but it has also brought new problems and challenges. In this information age, we need to cultivate the ability of independent thinking, deeply explore the essence of problems, and pay attention to and solve emerging problems to find real and effective answers.

A word of Wenxin

The exploration of the unknown is endless

With the popularization of the Internet and the rapid development of artificial intelligence, we seem to be in an era of "knowledge is available immediately". In this era, just a little bit, the answers to countless questions will come like a tidal current, which makes people dizzy. However, when we are intoxicated with the convenience and efficiency, have we ever pondered: Are our problems really getting less and less?

On the surface, the popularity of the Internet has indeed greatly enriched our knowledge base, enabling many problems that once troubled us to be solved quickly. However, this "ask and answer" mode also shapes our attitude towards problems invisibly. We are more and more used to finding answers directly rather than exploring the essence of the problem; We are more and more satisfied with a little taste, rather than a thorough investigation. In the long run, our problem awareness may gradually fade, or even disappear.

The reduction of problems does not mean that we become smarter or more mature. On the contrary, it may mean that we have lost our curiosity and spirit of exploration for the unknown. Curiosity is one of the important driving forces for human progress. From ancient philosophers exploring the essence of the universe to modern scientists studying the mysteries of the micro world, all of them originated from curiosity and questioning of the unknown. If we lose this curiosity, no matter how much knowledge we have, we cannot achieve real innovation and breakthrough.

Moreover, the reduction of problems may also lead us into thinking inertia. When we are used to looking for answers directly, our thinking may become rigid, lacking flexibility and innovation. This kind of thinking inertia will not only affect our study and work, but also affect our attitude to life and values. A person who lacks problem awareness often lacks the ability of independent thinking and independent judgment, and is easily influenced by the views of others, and is difficult to form his own opinions and opinions.

Therefore, we should not be satisfied with the reduction of problems, but should actively explore the unknown and find new problems. This does not mean that we should reject the Internet, artificial intelligence and other modern scientific and technological means, but we should correctly use them to assist our learning and thinking. We should learn to ask questions, learn to question, learn to think independently, constantly challenge our cognitive boundaries, and expand our knowledge horizons.

There is no end to exploring the unknown. We should keep a curious heart and constantly find new questions and new answers. Only in this way can we truly grow and progress, and remain invincible in this era full of challenges and opportunities. At the same time, we should also encourage people around us to ask questions, explore and innovate, so as to jointly create a dynamic and creative social environment.

In this era, let's go hand in hand, take exploring the unknown as our own responsibility, and take innovation as the driving force to jointly write a new chapter of human civilization.

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This wonderful review
The writing is really not very good, no specific examples or cases, no new ideas, no poetry quotes. Junior high school students' compositions may be better than this
2024-06-12 09:32
one fabulous
five comment
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