Welcome modern Java Orm Easy Query to join the Dromara open source community

Source: contribution
2024-05-27 10:37:00

Author Introduction

  • Name: xuejm
  • Member of dromara open source organization, author of dromara/easy query
  • A novice with more than 10 years' experience in java/. net related development
  • I love open source technology, and I am willing to research and share it. I have many open source projects~
  • Personal space: https://github.com/xuejmnet and https://gitee.com/xuejm


ORM is also called object relationship mapping. A good ORM not only supports OM, but also R Make rational use of it easy-query It is a modern ORM that supports object relationships and SQL expressions

Introduction to EasyQuery

EasyQuery is a modern ORM under Java, with strong type, lightweight and high-performance characteristics. It is dedicated to solving jdbc queries, supporting object model relational filtering, implicit queries, and pure SQL expression queries.

The framework supports java8 and above versions, which are completely independent and clean. It supports a series of functions, such as sub database and sub table, field encryption, hierarchical filtering, logical deletion, multi tenant, dynamic table name, non entity CRUD, calculation attribute, optimistic lock, batch processing, data tracking difference update, and gives users great expansion and dialect customization.


Do you have the following pain points when using the existing orm?

1. The use of orm is a string that is not easy to maintain, and the ide cannot give intelligent prompts

2. The orm does not support join or the multi table join function is weak and cannot satisfy the group+join sub query or from sub query

3. The relationship between the objects of the orm model's cascade filtering is too weak. Only one-to-one one-to-one pull is supported, and filtering is not supported

4. There is no unified function to support mapping and translation to all databases

5. The weak function of the orm needs to add various external components to support the business

6. orm cannot be perfectly integrated and compatible with the existing pojo system

7. It does not support sub database and sub table. It needs to introduce sharding to support it

If you have the above pain points, then easy-query Getting can help you.

What can easy query bring to developers?

1. Easy to use and efficient api, the convenience and maintainability of streaming writing, and the rejection of magic value

2. Strong typing can only prompt that even if you are a beginner, Xiaobai can easily write the desired code under the hint of idea

3. Complex multi table joins, sub queries, and exists no longer need to worry about the need to introduce additional components in the face of various complex business scenarios

4. The model relation query will R It is not only simple to query the results, but also perfect to filter the object model, just like stream queries the database any , none And other methods to assert data related to me

5. Structured DTO can be pulled arbitrarily. After users create various model relationships, they can quickly pull out objects of any structure and turn them into json. There is no need to worry about one-to-one, many to one, one to many, and many to many retrieval in paging

6. Perfect elimination of performance problems caused by n+1

7. All functions are completely free and permanently open source, and the author writes his own idea plug-in to help everyone improve efficiency Happy code

Actual business case

The user architecture of the system is generally user roles (many to many), user enterprises many to one, and role menus many to many

User Filtering

Simple filtering

 //Filter user names containing Xiaoming List<SysUser> users = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) . where (user ->user. name(). like ("Xiao Ming")) .toList() //Filter user names containing Xiaoming List<SysUser> users = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) //Ifnull (name, 'Xiao Wang') like 'Xiao Ming' . where (user ->user. name(). nullOrDefault ("Xiao Wang"). like ("Xiao Ming")) .toList() //Filter users whose name contains Xiao Ming and whose age is less than 18 List<SysUser> users = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user->{ //name like ?  and age < ? User. name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); user.age().lt(18) }) .toList() //Return paging results EasyPageResult<SysUser> users = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user->{ //name like ?  and age < ? User. name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); user.age().lt(18) }) . orderBy (user ->user. createTime(). desc())//Reverse creation time by user .toPageResult(1,20) //Filter users whose names include Xiao Ming or those younger than 18 List<SysUser> users = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user->{ user.or(()->{ //name like ?  or age < ? User. name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); user.age().lt(18) }) }) .toList() //If the filtered user name contains Xiao Ming or is younger than 18 years old, only the user ID and name will be returned List<SysUser> users = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user->{ user.or(()->{ //name like ?  or age < ? User. name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); user.age().lt(18) }) }) //Only return id and name .select(user-> user.FETCHER.id().name().fetchProxy()) .toList()

Implicit filtering

One-to-one implicit join

Because the relationship between users and enterprises is many to one, you can use the object relationship to filter users based on enterprises, so that you can join automatically

 //Filter the users whose names include Xiao Ming and who work in JAVA enterprises List<SysUser> list = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user -> { User. name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); User. company(). name(). like ("JAVA Enterprise"); }).toList(); //from user left join company on ...  where user.name like ? and company.name like ?

One to many implicit subquery

When we create a good enterprise relationship in the user object, we can use the enterprise as a condition when filtering users. On the contrary, when we create a good enterprise user relationship in the enterprise model, we can also use the user as a condition when filtering enterprises to help us quickly filter

 //Filter the enterprise. The filter condition is that the name of the employee under the enterprise is Xiaoming List<Company> companies = easyEntityQuery.queryable(Company.class) .where(com -> { com.users().any(u -> { u. Name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); }); }).toList(); //from company where exists( from user where .... and user.name like ?) //Filter the user by the menu path where the user contains/admin List<SysUser> userWithMenuContainsAdminPath = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user -> { //The filter condition is the role under the user. Because the role does not need to be filtered, the judgment menu is directly expanded //If any path in the menu is'/admin ' user.roles().flatElement().menus().any(menu -> menu.route().like("/admin")); }).toList();

Multiple table explicit join

 //Query the user join enterprise table if the enterprise name contains the words JAVA enterprise List<Company> companies = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .leftJoin(Company.class, (user, com) -> user.companyId().eq(com.id())) . where ((user, com) ->com. name(). like ("JAVA Enterprise")) .select((user, com) -> com).toList(); //select company.* from user left join company on user.company_id = company.id where company.name like ?

Get the menu owned by the user directly

Users and menus are not directly related. The middle and role tables are many to many. There are also two tables in the middle: user_role and role_menu

 //Query the menu id set owned by Xiaoming user List<String> menuIds = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) . where (user ->user. name(). eq ("Xiao Ming")) .toList(user -> user.roles().flatElement().menus().flatElement().id()); //Query the menu set owned by Xiaoming user List<SysMenu> menus = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) . where (user ->user. name(). eq ("Xiao Ming")) .toList(user -> user.roles().flatElement().menus().flatElement());

Return to user structure with roles

Return Results

 //Return users under 18 years old with roles List<SysUser> userAndRoles = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .includes(user -> user.roles()) .where(user -> user.age().lt(18)) .toList(); //Return users and roles owned by users Page returns one to many EasyPageResult<SysUser> userAndRolePage = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .includes(user -> user.roles()) .where(user -> user.age().lt(18)) .toPageResult(1, 20);

Implicit query to obtain anonymous results

Sometimes we need to obtain the intermediate results above to facilitate the internal calculation of Java. Most forms only support returning map objects at this time, which will lead to the spread of strings and the loss of specific types during use, making it very inconvenient to use

 //The query returns the user ID, the user name and the enterprise name of the user. There is no need to define the intermediate object. It is suitable for temporary context acquisition or group aggregation results List<Draft3<String, String, String>> userInfo = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user -> { User. name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); User. company(). name(). like ("JAVA Enterprise"); }).select(user -> Select.DRAFT.of( user.id(), user.name(), user.company().name() )).toList(); for (Draft3<String, String, String> userAdnCom : userInfo) { String userId = userAdnCom.getValue1(); String userName = userAdnCom.getValue2(); String companyName = userAdnCom.getValue3(); } List<Draft2<String, Integer>> list2 = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user -> { User. name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); User. company(). name(). like ("JAVA Enterprise"); }) .groupBy(user -> GroupKeys.TABLE1.of(user.name())) .select(group -> Select.DRAFT.of( group.key1(),//user.name group.sum(group.groupTable().age())//sum(user.age) )).toList();

Structured DTO

Many times we need to return a user-defined data structure when accessing the response, rather than the entire database structure

So we use the easy query plug-in to quickly build structured DTO responses

  • First, we install it in the idea plug-in market EasyQueryAssistant Plug in latest version

  • Part 2 Right click CreateStructDTO in the package where DTO needs to be created

  • Step 3: Select the structured data to be returned

The following dto will be generated

 /** * this file automatically generated by easy-query struct dto mapping *The current file is a structured dto map automatically generated by easy query * {@link com.easy.query.test.entity.blogtest.SysUser } * * @author easy-query */ @Data public class UserRoleMenuDTO { private String id; private String name; @Navigate(value = RelationTypeEnum.ManyToMany) private List<InternalRoles> roles; /** * {@link com.easy.query.test.entity.blogtest.SysRole } */ @Data public static class InternalRoles { private String id; private String name; @Navigate(value = RelationTypeEnum.ManyToMany) private List<InternalMenus> menus; } /** * {@link com.easy.query.test.entity.blogtest.SysMenu } */ @Data public static class InternalMenus { private String id; private String name; private String route; private String icon; } } //One sentence return of the required structure DTO //It can be mapped to our DTO through selectAutoInclude, and can return any object relationship List<UserRoleMenuDTO> menus = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(u -> { u. Name(). like ("Xiao Ming"); u.createTime().rangeClosed(LocalDateTime.now().plusDays(-100),LocalDateTime.now()); }) .selectAutoInclude(UserRoleMenuDTO.class) .toList();

Function translation

General function

method describe
nullOrDefault If the column is null, return the parameter value
count Statistic quantity returns long
intCount Statistical quantity return int
min minimum value
max Maximum

String function

method describe
subString Cutting string, default start 0
concat Link multiple columns or values
toLower Convert to lower case
toUpper Convert to capital
trim Remove space before and after
trimStart Remove front space
trimEnd Remove space after
replace Replace string
leftPad Supplement value to the left
rightPad Supplement value to the right
join String multi column join combination returns the common phrase group+comma combination
length String length
compareTo Compare string size


Time function

method describe
format Formatting date supports java formatting
plus Increase time
plusMonths Add Month
plusYears Add Year
dayOfYear The current day represents the day number in a year
dayOfWeek The current number of days in a year represents the number of days 0-6 Sunday is 0
year Return Year
month Return Month 1-12
day Return the number of days in the month 1-31
hour Return hours 0-23
minute Return minutes 0-59
second Return seconds 0-59
duration Days/hours/ a. Duration (b, DateTimeDurationEnum. Days) How many days is a greater than b? If a is less than b, a negative number will be returned. How many days are there between a and b
now current time
utcNow Current UTC time
 //Function nesting List<SysUser> users = easyEntityQuery.queryable(SysUser.class) .where(user -> { user.createTime() .nullOrDefault(LocalDateTime.now()) .plus(1, TimeUnit.DAYS) .format("yyyy-MM-dd HH🇲🇲ss") .eq("2024-01-01 00:00:00"); }).toList(); //SQL:FROM user  WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date_add(IFNULL(`create_time`,?), interval (?)  microsecond),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') = ? //Parameters: 2024-05-20T14:40:08.152 (LocalDateTime), 86400000000 (Long), 2024-01-01 00:00:00 (String)

If you are interested in this framework, you are welcome to try it, and your comments and suggestions are also welcome. The framework has too many functions that cannot be shown here, and more functions can be accessed Github warehouse or Gitee warehouse Check


easy-qeury I'm glad to join Dromara, an organization that hopes to thrive under the organization and contribute to the Java open source

Finally, the project address is attached. Welcome to join star and submit pr issue

Github warehouse https://github.com/dromara/easy-query

Gitee warehouse https://gitee.com/dromara/easy-query

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